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On The Dispelling And Transcendence Of Quede

Posted on:2015-02-25Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C WangFull Text:PDF
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Quede was frequently used in everyday speech. This paper is going to observe and analyze the moral vocabulary in the view of academic research. To be clear, Both the Quede in the article and in everyday speech are associated, but also different.This paper consists of five chapters.First of all, the paper analyzes the important significance of selected topic, summarizes the research progress and status at home and abroad and then defines the framework, objectives and methodologies of the research.Secondly, After analyzing the semantics of que and de, a clear definition of the Quede is made. Then, the paper mainly analyzes three types:the distinction between good and evil, the relative and absolute and the individual and society.Thirdly, the paper discusses the evil side of Quede. After analyzing the evil expression and reason, the paper holds, Quede behaviors will cause harm to the social, ethical and human.Fourthly, the paper discusses the good side of Quede. The lag effect of ethics, dynamic role of subject and social development are main reasons. The good side of Quede may contribute to moral development, social and people progress.Finally, the paper discusses the dispelling and transcendence of Quede. The dispelling way is to strengthen the moral punishment, improve the moral cultivation and create a good moral environment so that people are unwilling to make evil behaviors and can’t do them. In terms of transcendence way, it is necessary to create incentive programs, build comfortable social environment and arouse individual morality consciousness to promote people and moral development.In particular, Analysis about good and evil Quede doesn’t try to defense Quede phenomenon and encourage people to be evil. Nor are clouded by the shadow of moral emotionalism. The purpose of the paper is to reflect with philosophical speculations, examine the human moral life With a critical attitude and then to improve the moral development through the practice of morality...
Keywords/Search Tags:Quede, Moral Perfection, Established Morality, Evilness, Kindness
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