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Mongols In Italy

Posted on:2015-03-29Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y K ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:1265330425494352Subject:Art history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
For a long time, the concept of "Renaissance" has always been bounded with theancient Greek and Roman cultures. However, evidences such as slender eyes appearedin14th century painting,"Phags-pa" characters on the clothes and glow of the VirginMary and large numbers of Oriental decoration on the landscape and paintings ofanimals put this generally accepted cognition into question: has the "Renaissance" artonly one unique source? Should we reappraise the reform of art during this period,face up to the "image of Mongol" of Renaissance art?In this paper, the author elaborated the issue of "Mongol image" in14-15centuryItalian art studied by scholars. She combed studies made by several famous scholarssince the early20th century, analysis the different ways they treated the issue of"Oriental influence", trying to present a picture of the development and evolution ofthe studies of the "Mongol image", and furthermore, continue the studies on "Mongolimage" in the contemporary "global" contexts.
Keywords/Search Tags:The image of Mongol, Oriental Influence, Italian Art
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