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Six Poems Hermit

Posted on:2014-09-03Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1265330401450146Subject:Chinese classical literature
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There is a peak of Chinese reclusive culture in the Six Dynasties, which is agolden age of recluse poems creation too. In this thesis,if we study the recluse poemsin the Six Dynasties, we should start from the source of poetics of culture. Reclusion isthe source, recluse poems is a stream, Reclusion had an impact on Chineseliterature,which mainly lies in the value idea, behavior, etc.Reclusion designed a wayof relieve pain, which expaned the way of life. The waiting idea of Confucian and faraway from the society of Taoist, has great influenced on ideological culture, that can belooked as a reference about how to choice the way of life.The reclusion impacts on recluse poems is various, on the one hand, reclusionprovides a free imagination of recluse poems and generate great fantasy elements,infiltration Taoist elements, combined with the fairy, fairy and reclusion confluencedtogether. on the other hand, reclusion combined with landscape,which leads the way tothe nature, both the external natural landscape and the inner feelings combinetogether,that can experience the life in nature.Recluse poems originated in the Pre-Chin Period, recluse poems in the Pre-qinand Han Dynasty connected political ethics closely. During this period. Some poems ofThe Book of Songs already contained reclusive thought, some important Image inpoems became the culture of the recluse poems symbols. The theme of recluse poemsin Han Dynasty mainly praised ancient hermit. which displayed the values of Confucianculture. In late Han Dynasty,WuYan poems appeared, so recluse poems began toappear widely.Recluse poems in the Six Dynasties is the production of specific historical period,which has the distinct characteristics of era. Dynasty changes, Zhengshi literatureinclude Yuanji, Jikang and others, in cruel sense for political struggle and worry. reclusepoems are looked as a way to transcend reality, they try to awaken the intellectuals ofself-consciousness and dignity. There is a briefly peace in Western Jin, Confucianpositive action became common value pursuit. The luxury life of Noble, greatlyinfluenced the spirit of intellectuals. In Western Jin Confucianism began to rise, at thesame time,metaphysics still have a significant influence; and also in culture ofreclutive, especially Seven Hermits in the Bamboo Grove. The Colorful style andsimple recluse poems existed together, the scholars at the king’s court and the Taoist hermit in Western Jin are reflection of ambivalence. Recluse poems mainly reflected incontradiction and harmony, gentry on the one hand, immersed in fame, riche life isdifficult to give up; On the other hand, the scholars are afraid of the disaster. The formof recluse poems of Luji, Panyue, Zuosi is becoming more and more rich fromZhengshi period toTaikang period.Eastern Jin recluse poems has four characteristics, on the one hand, it combineswith landscape; Secondly it is affected by metaphysics; third it is Combined withpastoral poetry; Finally buddhist recluse poems emerged in the Eestern Jin, The monkrecluse poems became a new trend.Recluse poems research revolves aroundTaoyuanming,this is a key point. Tao yuanming opened up a way artistry life in hispoetry creation. He led to big change about reclusion poetry form, turned into theexpression of rich connotation, this is a significant contribution to Chinese reclusepoems. Tao yuanming’ solitude is a kind of special form.Tao yuanming is not in thetraditional sense of the "hermit", he refused to join the Lushan mountain hermit group,consciously keeped distance with the hermit,compared with the Six Dynasties famoushermit, he did not claim to be hermits, his poems took notes mostly by farmers favoritelanguage. Tao yuanming reclusion poetry less is seclusion, more is to relax, his poetryis a perfect artistic expression of life, reflected his slef-satisfied mood.Between Eastern Jin and Song Dynasty, poetry creation began a major change,this change first is recluse poems subjects, mainly to the landscape change. Reclusepoems also got rid of the limit of reasoning, gradually close to the beauty of thelandscape. Reclusion and with the combination of attention to the aesthetic sense of life.Recluse poems changed in subject matter, marked the people to know a lot more naturalbeauty. Nature has gone from life as a foil environment, become an independentaesthetic value of the object. Seclusion is no longer a suffering life, but is a poeticartistic life.From Qi Dynasty to Liang Dynasty, recluse poems appeared some new situation,literary group has a great influence on recluse poems creation, the Xiao familyreclusive thought has close relate to the reclusive poetry creation, Xiao Ziliang groupincluded JingLing eight friends.Xiao yan, Xiao tong group, Xiao gang wrote quite afew number of recluse poems. Xiao tong first collected "reclusion poetry", the editor ofthe method had a great influence to future generations, these for recluse poemsdevelopment has pioneering significance influence. Qi Dynasty is an important period of the new verse form,"Yong Ming" is onesignificant reform of ancient poetry led by Shenyao, Xietiao,whch has great influenceon recluse poems creation, the recluse poems in Qi Dynasty and Liang Dynasty in bothcontent and form are changing greatly. First in terms of content, recluse poems beforeoften tell the story of the hermit, in this time reclusion poetry less to write hermit stories,wrote about a family love, friendship,Taoist temple, pastoral scenery, and so on, thisgreatly expanded the reclusion of content; Form affected by "Yong Ming", exquisitemelody and duality, more music beauty, form changed, increase the art of poetryaesthetic feeling and expression effect. His recluse poems generations through thedepiction of landscape scenery, express themes, reclusive image is varied, richvocabulary, combined into perfect pictures, tone is harmonious, increased the appeal ofrecluse poems.Recluse poems in Cheng Dynasty mainly has two kinds: one is represented byShenjiong, Zhou Hongzheng; Another type of recluse poems, give priority to the monks.after the more closely the recluse poems creation and Buddhism, amidst hidden poemtheme during this period, more than writing scholars associate with monks, monksreclusive poetry creation, gradually became the main content,this kind of reclusionpoetry is characterized mostly by mountains,temples, plants and trees into the topic, thebeauty of the scenery, quiet environment, in the depiction of natural scenery andbuddhist.North Dynasty recluse poems, represented by Wang Bao and Yu Xin,whichmostly in the migration of the literati, Yu Xin is a representative of recluse poems inNorth Dynasty, he made a great contribution to change the form. He Integrated thefeelings into the scenery, descripted the scenery brilliantly, wrote with exquisitelanguage, showed excellent poetry skills,in a word,he has a unique position in history.
Keywords/Search Tags:Six Dynasties, reclusive ideology, recluse poems, genre, form
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