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New Dekalb Of Buddhist Thought Abe

Posted on:2014-02-26Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1265330398976686Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ambedkar was the famous leader of Dalit liberation movement in modern India, the framers of the Constitution of India. He advocated the revival of Buddhism in India after India’s independence, led the the untouchables collective converted to Buddhism in1956. This thesis discusses Ambedkar’Neo-Buddhism thought and its movement he carried out. Ambedkar was born in the dalits in the caste system, he had access to higher education in Britain and the United States, he had tried social movements, political struggle, a legislative struggle, and finally took the religious way converting to Buddhism to achieve dalits attainable goal of freedom and equality of human rights, it was called the Neo-Buddhism movement. His Neo-Buddhism aimed to the untouchables get a new religious identity, to gain a political identity and social identity, in the end get rid of discrimination and slavery fate. Ambedkar’s ideology with India era mark from the end of the colonial period to the independence, reflecting the traditional Indian culture and Western cultural exchange collision occurred in the field of religion and politic, reflecting the impact of the modernization of traditional Indian society, it is a microcosm of modern India’s political and cultural development, therefore, it is the inevitable result of the development of the times. Meanwhile, his Neo-Buddhism thought is the inevitable result of the development of his own life and thinking logic.His Neo-Buddhism thought was modern remodeling of traditional Buddhist thought. It showed Dalit Buddhist, Pragmatism Buddhism, Marxism Buddhism. It showed that the Neo-Buddhism contains the continuation of the traditional culture and history of India, the absorption of Western culture, and even the critically absorption of Marxism. He creatively develop new multiplication of Buddhism in modern India. His Neo-Buddhism thought and movement practice has had a tremendous impact on India dalit liberation and Buddhist revival, and with a profound sense of the world’s human rights movement and religious modernization.The thesis consists of three parts, which are Foreword, Text and Conclusion. And the Text has six chapters. Chapter One to explore the social background of Ambedkar’s Neo-Buddhism thought and practice. Explore the social and historical roots of the Neo-Buddhism movement, from western colonial influence on India, the origins and modern development of the caste system and untouchability, India’s national independence movement, the general situation of Buddhist revival in modern India.Chapter Two explores the origins of Ambedkar’s Neo-Buddhism thought from the ideological level. Respectively inspects his family and education background, his review on western democracy and equality, his inheritance of traditional Indian religion and philosophy, the impact of modern Buddhist thought to him, then dialyzes the causes of his Neo-Buddhism thought, reveals the complexity of its meaning. Chapter Three discusses the Ambedkar’s ideas and practices of dalit liberation. Elaborates Ambedkar’s building on Dalit liberation theory, compared with Gandhi in the mind differences about dalits emancipate, then summarizes the contribution he made at the theoretical level of the dalit liberation, simultaneously, investigates the process of the Dalit social movements, political parties struggle to legal struggle until the religious revolution under his leadership, reveals the essence of the movement of both the ideological struggle and social practice. Chapter Four explores Ambedkar’s ideological choice process. From the religious point of view, to examine the track of his conversion, and combing his thought line that abandoned Hinduism and choose Buddhist.Then through his choice for comparison of Buddhism and Marxism reveals his Marxist critique absorption. Chapter Five comprehensive expounds Ambedkar’s Neo-Buddhism system. Starting from his religious philosophy, interprets the concept of his Buddhism. Analysises the basic system of his Neo-Buddhism thought on the basis of the book "Buddha and his Dhamma"which represented his thought. Chapter Six discusses the characteristics and historical significance of Ambedkar’s Neo-Buddhism thought. Compare similarities and differences between Neo-Buddhism and traditional Buddhist, summarizes the characteristics of the Neo-Buddhism. Form the two levels of dalit liberation and the Buddhist revival in India to discuss the historical value of the Neo-Buddhism movement, and insights to the future development of the Neo-Buddhism movement, puts forward opinions to the future development of the Neo-Buddhism movement, and the problem such as Ambedkar’s evaluation.The formation of Ambedkar’s Neo-buddhism thought was the result of historical inevitability and logical necessity. He reinterpreted the dharma with modern religious ideas, had created a classic case enlightenment rational criticism of religion in India.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ambedkar, Neo-Buddhism, dalits movement, conversion
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