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The Research About Female Ci In The Republic Of China

Posted on:2013-04-06Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1265330395487450Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As an important link in the history of Chinese female poetry and transitionperiod of Chinese literature, the female poetry of the Republic of China itself has theresearch value can not be ignored. During the research of that, we can largely to fillgaps in the history of female poetry chain, make the history of female poetry lastedthousands of years from the Tang and Song Dynasties to now with a more completefeature show in front of the world, revert the development path of the history offemale poetry.At the sametime, it also can help us to peek the complex culturalmentality of the women with the new knowledge sticking to the camp of thetraditional literature.On the basis of the female poets and their works of the Republic of China,thisthesis tries to explore the new look of the development about the female poetry, andthe artistic value and status in the history of entire female portry from the macrolevel under the context historical background with old and new cultures mixed.Combination of the complex life experiences and diversity of life choices of manyfemale poets, to perspective their special mind state in a special context and theirideological level and emotional world which going beyond of the previousgeneration of female poets. By specifically analyzing the female poetry of theRepublic of China, we can understand and grasp the variety of styles and theachievement of female poetry in the Republic of China from the micro.The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part is the overall discourse offemale poetry in the Republic of China, divided into three chapters. The first chapteris about the survival background of the female poetry in the Republic of China.Whether the women’s liberation thought continued from the Reform Movement tothe May Fourth Movement, or disappointment and pain caused to the people by thewar, or the intervention of newspapers and magazines in the literature, they all affect the face of the female poetry in the Republic of China directly and potentially. As thebackground of the Republic of China to the research starting point, this chapterexplores the reasons that how could female poetry be able to survive violently underthe tenacious impact of the new literature, even grow new branches in the case ofinnovation space about the poetry increasingly narrow.The second chapter is about the identity changes of the female poets in theRepublic of China. In the context of old and new cultural and ideological collideintertwined during the three decades in the Republic of China,the living condition offemale poets in this period had undergone enormous changes over previousgenerations. Under the thrust of the times, they changed or got rid of the traditionalfamily identity, effort to be independent in the world with new social identity,forensiced the metamorphosis of Chinese women from classical to modern by theirpoetry. The attention of this chapter focuse on the life experiences of female poetstenacious survived under the complex background of the Republic. Perspect thedouble changes of their family status and social identity, explor their independentand free life attitudes and literary spirit quite different from of the previousgeneration.The third chapter is the overview and features of the Republic of female poets.Although the Republic is only a short time in thirty years, but because oftime-varying stimulation in the Sino-Japanese War in1937, caused the intensechanges in the female poetry in the Republic of. The content and style of manyfemale poetry had occurred distinct changes before and after the war. Divided femalepoetry of the Republic into two parts with1937, we can see more clearly thestimulation of national crisis to the hearts of mankind, see the impact of time-varyingon the literature. Then we can have a clearer grasp of the general developmentoverview of the female poetry in the Republic. Because of the special background,female poetry in the Republic clear demonstrat the new features different from thetraditional female poetry. By analyzing the characteristics of the Republic of femalepoetry, we can more accurately locate the status and influence of the Republic offemale poetry in the history of the entire female poetry.The next part is on specific writers of the Republic of female poetry. The first chapter is about the representative of the heroine and poetess-Lv Bicheng. In the lateQing and early Republic of China, a large number of illuminati of women’sliberation were also expert in poetry. They opened the prelude of the female poetryof the Republic with the identity of heroine. This chapter mainly focuses on LvBicheng with the most prominent achievement of them. According to Lv Bicheng’sworks and her unusual experiences,this chapter discusses her self-fashioning aboutdiverse angles in the different period and different cultural environment, analyzes herpoetry origins and content, then generally holds her inimitabal value in literature,history and society by defining her multiple identity.Then we can specific knowledgeof their life choices and poetry world beyond the ordinary women as the heroine andpoet in the early Republic of China.The secong chapter is about the representative of the artist and poetess-ChenXiaocui.In the Republic of China, many female poets also were artists. Because ofthe artistic circle and unique romantic talent and temperament with the identity of thepainter, their poetry works relative to the other woman poets were often manifestedin a unique charm. They became a special group of the Republic of female poetswith unique style. Chen Xiaocui just was the representative good at painting andpoetry in the Republic of China. Her works are full of artists’ unique spirituality andthe quest and sentimen for beauty. Although Chen Xiaocui hadn’t stand on the frontof the era and politics,but she still couldn’t escape from the nuisance of the troubledtimes. Especially the bankrupt of home country in her middle age caused a strongimpact on her mind. So her works naturally integrated into the sense of the rise andfall. While in the performance of personal emotional world,she also recited thesituation of the times with the voice of change levy.She made the graceful andenergetic blend together.The third chapter is about the representative of the academic and poetess-ShenZufen. There were a number of highly educated, eye-catching modern scholar-poetsin the field of the Republic of female poetry. Their works tend to have more deepercultural heritage and more theoretical conscious,reflact their broad feelings and highlevel of social responsibility as intellectual. Shen Zufen is the typical representativewith the most prominent creative achievements among them.”She Jiang Ci” which written in blood and tears full of sadness, penetrate endless hate of the country andhomeland thinking through beautiful words.It’s her true record about exile for manyyears and experience of time-varying, and a true portrayal of the Chinese nation inthe war of humiliation difficult forward. It expands the creative content of the poetry,improves the depth and breadth to reflect the social life, and preserve the truth ofhistory from multiple sides for us.The forth chapter is about the representative of the marginal poetess-Ding Ning.In addition to the above three types of poetess, In the Republic of China there wasstill a considerable part of women, although they had no compelling social identity,but had left imprint by virtue of Ci in the history. They are one of thousands ofordinary women, their experiences and feelings were more universal, and morerepresentative of the female survival status quo of that era.Ding Ning is a typicalrepresentative experiencing the painful transition from the old women to the newwomen. According to her life experiences, content and aesthetics of poetry, we make acomprehensive analysis and grasp about Ding Ning and her works. In order to trulyunderstand the living condition and the emotional state of thousands of ordinarywomen tortuous survival in Chinese society from the traditional to modern times.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Republic of female poetry, Survival background, Identitychanges, Development overview, Individual studies
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