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Research On Militaty Fortresses Settlements Of Xuanfu-town Along The Greatwall In Ming Dynasty

Posted on:2014-11-06Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:S M YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1262330422968055Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The composition and distribution of the Military settlement defense system alongthe Great Wall in Ming dynastay is the topology of the space, to sort out their spatialrelationships help further understanding of the whole north side of military nstitutionsoperating outside the system real mechanism. Previous studies focused on history andgeography, military system, more concerned about the upper organizational systemsresearch, the lack of the close integration of spatial entities, lack of multidisciplinaryresearch perspectives and quantitative analysis means. Nine various military townindependent study is not balanced, depth comparative study of the various militarytown, found the military town of geographical differences and common system. ForXuanfu town, comprehensive study of the level of military settlement system isparticularly lacking.In this study, Xuanfu-town in Ming dynasty as the research object, to sort out thehistorical background of the military town, build history, physical geography andother factors; study used a combination of literature review and fieldwork, researchintegration of related disciplines, modern geographic information the use oftechnology and other research methods. The first chapter reviews the results ofprevious studies, pointed out that there are still problems in the current study. Thesecond chapter, for the Ming Great Wall Xuanfu-Town, town building backgroundreview, proposed the government declared the town is an integral part of the Ninemilitary settlement of the Ming Great Wall. Chapter III, the government declared thetown of military settlements in the military and political management system anddefense functions. The fourth chapter of military SETTLEMENT SYSTEM materialcomposition and spatial distribution characteristics and influencing factors analysis ofits configuration. Chapter V, the Ming Xuanfu town military settlement from theregion to the development of the individual and the evolution of analysis and research.Chapter, based on research and textual information for Ming the town of Xuanfumilitary defense settlement history and geography repository system constructionwere discussed.Through the research, this paper to deduce the government declared the town ofGreat Wall military settlement from the the Rd defense to the historical development of the eight defensive; clarify the Great Wall of Ming Xuanfu town militarysettlements composite cross-level management system; analysis of its militarystrategic thinking, natural the combined effects of geographical environment and themilitary and political management system of settlements distribution factors; NineMilitary Town Post Road Station-Station-Shop-Museum hierarchy; assessment ofthe process of economic and social factors in the development of military settlementsbecome the modern town the important role;, built Ming Great Wall Xuanfu townhistorical and geographic information database, and to map out a series of militarysettlements Ming Xuanfu town historical maps.
Keywords/Search Tags:GreatWall of Ming dynasty, Xuanfu-Town, Militrary fortress, defense system, Evolution
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