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A Research On Unemployment Issue And Employment System Of College Graduates In China

Posted on:2014-01-12Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:1229330395993931Subject:Institutional Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Currently, college graduates’ employment issue has become the concerns of boththe society and government. There are various reasons that have led to the problem,including factors like the national economic development and labor market, and otherfactors, such as higher education and college students’ concept on employment, theirabilities and comprehensive quality. As a higher level of human resources, talentedpeople with higher degree are important subjects in the research on employment;therefore, it is significant to study and analyze if this group of people can find jobssuccessfully.The theoretical significance of this study is to enrich and develop Marxist theoryof unemployment. Marxism-Unemployment theories give a thorough and systematicillustration on the capitalist society unemployment. These theories not only analyze theroot causes of unemployment, as well as specific manifestations, but also make it clearthat the way how capitalist create unemployment and its social consequences. Butwhen it comes to the issue arise in China, We will encounter some confusion: First,Marxist unemployment theories set forth in the unemployment problem of thecapitalist system, while China’s unemployment problem falls under the preliminarystage of socialism. The two systems are very different. Second, no matter what theorywe use to interpret the problem of Chinese unemployment, the most important factor isif the underlying theory can provide basis for the issue. If it cannot be tested bypractice, the theory cannot be the guiding principle. The study is based on a globalview of the national economy and social development and focuses on analyzing system.By referring to the statistics in recent years, it analyzes from multiple perspectives thefactors influencing college graduates’ employment. It not only can improve and expand Marxist unemployment theories, but also can be a good interpretation ofcollege graduates’ unemployment issue in contemporary China.The analysis of the mechanism that causes the unemployment among collegegraduates is of significance since it proposes countermeasures and promotes successfulemployment from the aspects of educational reform, the change of concept andindustrial restructuring. Through its analysis, the research can help to raise the overallquality of education, optimize the educational structure, adjust the development of thediscipline and subject, meet the requirements of the education and development ofmarket economy, and promote comprehensive and coordinated development ofeducation, economic and society. Meanwhile, the promotion of the basic system basedon the framework of the employment of college graduates, the implementation of aseries of socio-economic policies, the gradual elimination of institutional factors leadto the irrational labor market segmentation. In order to gradually eliminate the cause ofthe irrational labor market segmentation system, a more in-depth reform of the politicaland economic system is considered to be the prerequisite. On the basis of usingscientific way to deal with economic restructuring and the optimization and upgradingof industrial structure, a positive interaction between full employment among collegegraduates and optimization and upgrading of industrial structure. In addition, thisresearch also helps to alleviate the pressure on employment of high educated, thus theunemployment rate for college graduates remained at a reasonable level. Finally, theresearch can provide policy consultation and specific recommendations on how tofundamentally eliminate China’s college graduates unemployment issue.A specific structure of this dissertation is as follows:Chapter1, Introduction. Description of the basic architecture of the papers fromfour aspects, namely the description of the background and significance, researchstatus, research methodology, and the induction of the structure of the paper, as well asthe possible innovation and research. Pave the way for the later research on logics, atthe same time give clear definitions.Chapter2, The basic theories of unemployment and employment system. Classical economics, Marx, Keynes, monetary theory, domestic theorists on the mainpoints of the Employment and Unemployment are briefly described and analyzed. Also,the economic theory of labor, the labor market in the composition of the subject and itsrelationship are studied.Chapter3, Institutional economics analysis on college graduates employment.This chapter gives a brief introduction to institution and the theories on institutionalchange. Based on China’s economic reform process, it analyzes the evolution of thecollege graduates employment system. The college graduates employment system inthe construction of their own systems, as well as the social security system, the conceptof organization status quo are evaluated. Finally, the positive and negative effects ofcollege graduates unemployment are analyzed.Chapter4, The characteristics and genetic analysis of college studentsunemployment issue. First the chapter describes in detail the Chinese college studentscomposition, and schools of higher education basic composition and distribution ofintroduction. This is followed by the introduction of college graduates unemployment,employment trends and prominent problems. Finally, college graduates unemploymentcharacteristics and origin of a comprehensive exposition are analyzed.Chapter5, Comparative study on foreign college graduates unemployment issueand employment system. Analysis on the United States, Britain, France, Germany,Japan and other developed countries, and as the representative of India, Brazil andsome developing countries in promoting their high educated personnel employmentsystem construction and reasonable measures to be introduced and analyzed. On thisbasis, the author in this chapter reviews useful references, and introduces the effectivemeasures used in recent years in promote college graduates employment.Chapter6, Target selection and Countermeasures of China’s college graduatesemployment system. Distinguish between short, medium and long-term three stages,goals and suggestions to solve the unemployment problem of the "high educated".Build and constantly improve the basic framework to promote the employment ofcollege graduates to start a series of comprehensive policy for the protection of political and economic reform as a precondition to the economic transformation ofscientific treatment, industrial structure optimization and upgrading, thus achievingfull employment among China’s college graduates.
Keywords/Search Tags:College graduates, Unemployment, Employment, System, Research
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