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Studies On The Effect Of FDI Spillover Effects And Echnological Innovation On The Technology Progress

Posted on:2013-11-17Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Y FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:1229330395959084Subject:Technical Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the context of the know ledge econom y and global econo mic integration, m arketcompetition is becoming more intense. Scientific and technological p rogress in the countryor regional competitive advantage increasingly is becoming more significant, it can not onlypromote economic growth, but also em body with a country’ s comprehensive internationalcompetitive power. Competing for science an d technolog y high ground have becom e inmany countries to an important component to develop nati onal strategies. Science andtechnology is the prim ary decisive f actor and the main driving force in modern econom icdevelopment. Scientific and technological progress is important way to improve the level ofproductivity and transform economic growth mode.At present, China’s socialist market economic system is not perfect, economic and socialdevelopment needs to transition. In the Unreas onable industrial structure and the relativeshortage of resources case, how can we improve the elem ents Productivity related toproductivity and econom ic growth, and prom ote China’s fast econom ic development hasbecome the m ain problem facing China’ s economic development. Technological progresswill increasingly become the primary means to solve this dilemma, and to improve the corecompetitiveness of the country’ s economic development. Raising the level of techn ologicalprogress is m ainly dependent on the overflo w of international ec onomic cooperation andtrade activities and capability of independent technical innovation. Numerous studies haveshown that independent techni cal innovation has always been the main way of a country’ stechnological progress. International technology spillovers had a significant im pact on at acertain stage the technological progress of the technological innovation capability is weak indeveloping countries and regions, but this is not to say that the foreign advanced technologywill naturally promote local economic development, but must rely on domestic R&D effortson advanced foreign technology absorption and innovation to adapt to the endemic political,social, economic, education, a nd a num ber of conditions, so as to promote technologicalprogress. Based on this, this pa per research m ainly from the technological progress of themechanism, independent technology innovation of technological progress, internationaltechnology spillovers of t echnological progress and tec hnological progress systeminput-output efficiency to find the m ain f actors im pact on the technology progress, andadjust further policy to achieve the purpose of accelerating technological progress.The main research work and conclusions can be summarized as follows:(1)Through the study of i mplementation m echanism and the Measurement of technological progress, this paper study the process of technological progress from thesystem point, and constructed the system and its subsystems model of technological progress.And from t he point of realization conditions, the realization m echanisms, and ways,thispaper analyzed the m echanism of action of each subsystem on the technological progress,and analyzed the role o f other factors such as policies and systems, market env ironment,level of education and regional culture in the process of technological progress.Comprehensive comparative analysis of the pros and cons of the Measuring Methods, selec tthe production function m ethod to measure the rate of technological pr ogress, and measurethe level of technological progress, The results showed that the rate of technological progresspresents the fluctuating, but level of technological progress is in a steady growth trend. Thispaper visually analysis the trend of the economic growth rate of output, capital stock growthrate, labor to growth rates and the rate of technological progre ss. T he study found thatnational m acroeconomic policies and internati onal econom ic situation, direct or indirectimpact on our capital stock and labor inpu t, thereby af fecting the ra te of te chnologicalprogress and the level of technological progress of China’s.(2) Through the study of overflow of the international technology af fect technologicalprogress. This paper applied of econom etric methods study and considered the internationaldirect investm ent overflow stock of R&D has a m ore im portant role in p romotingtechnological progress than im ports overflo w of R&D stock in prom oting technologicalprogress. B ased on the each variable on the elas ticity of technical p rogress, th is paperestimated R&D stock of i mport trade and inte rnational direct investm ent overflow oftechnological progress contribution rate combined with the growth rate of each variable, andphased comprehensiv e analyzed of the reason s causing changes in the contribution ratecombined with the contribution rate changes trend, the results show that China’s science andtechnology policy, directly or indirectly affect raising the level of technological progress. theresults show that China’ s foreign econom ic policy and internationa l econom ic situation,directly or indirectly affect raising the level of technological progress.(3) Through the study of techni cal innovation af fect the t echnological progress. Thispaper applied econometric m ethods and cons idered dom estic R&D funding role inpromoting technological progres s is greater than the stoc k of R&D personnel and R&Dtechnical stock in promoting t echnological progress, which the elasticity of the stock ofR&D technology of technological progress is smaller than the other two factors. Based onthe each variable on the elas ticity of technical progress, this paper estimated dom estic R&Dexpenditures, R&D personnel and R&D technol ogy stock of the cont ribution rate oftechnological progress com bined with the growth rate of each variab le, and phasedcomprehensive analyzed of the reas ons causing changes in the con tribution rate combinedwith the contribution rate ch anges trend, the results show that China’ s science andtechnology policy, directly or indirectly affect raising the level of technological progress. (4) Through the study of th e m easure and analysis the ef ficiency of the system oftechnological progress. This paper considered that technological progress system is acomplex economic process involving multiple input indicators under the combined effects ofoutput. It applied C2R m odel and BCC m odel calculated the system’s co mbination oftechnical ef ficiency an d pur e technical ef ficiency and scale ef ficiency. Assessm entdecision-making unit in the overall input-output from the combination of technical efficiencyis in a low level, there is a large degree of waste of resources,required to gradually increasethe level of or ganization and management, rational allocation of limited resources of R&Dactivities. P ure techn ical ef ficiency assessm ent decis ion-making unit genera lly lower,indicating that lower the ef fective utilization of R&D resources, n eed to optim ize theconfiguration of the R&D resources. The scale efficiency showed most decision-making unitis in the sta ge of diminishing economies of scale, indicati ng that the curren t China R&Dinvestment in phase relative exces s for R&D m anpower, need to adjust the s cale ofinvestment in the existing R&D resources to adapt to th e needs of Ch ina’s technologicalinnovation and technological progress.
Keywords/Search Tags:FDI spillo vers effect, technolog ical innovation, technological progress, thecontribution rate, efficiency
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