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External Pressure, Corporate Performance And Corporate Social Responsibility Information Disclosure

Posted on:2013-05-02Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:M LiuFull Text:PDF
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Taking on social responsibility and disclosuring the social responsibilityinformation is inescapable responsibility to the company. In recent years,the socialresponsibility event often happen, such as Petrochemical benzene spill of Jilin, Sanlumilk powder incident, Zijin Mining event, Shuanghui clenbuterol events, drainage oil,the cadmium pollution incidents of Guangxi Liuzhou Longjiang River, a series of socialproblems have become increasingly apparent. Information of the social responsibilitydisclosure is lag and infulence the interests of the stakeholders Seriously. Enterprisesfocus on their own profits, neglect of the interest of environment, the public, government,consumers and other stakeholders. Companies often disclosure information selectivelyand disclosure good news, sometimes underreported. So, it is important to research onthe information of the social responsibility disclosure. Based on the backgrounds, weresearch on that how the external pressure and the corporate Performance affect theSocial Responsibility Information Disclosure,and what causes the differences betweenthe disclosing level of listed companies, how to make the companies to disclose thecorporate social responsibility information, even though make them initiative to disclosesocial responsibility information, What measures the supervision departments and listedcompanies take by to improve the disclosing level.This study use theoretical,empirical, case analysis research method.In thetheoretical part,the study interpret the external pressure has a impact on Corporate SocialInformation Disclosure based on legitimacy and Public pressure theory and interpretcorporate Performance has a impact on social responsibility information disclosure basedon business ethics and sustainable development theory, financing hypothesis. In theempirical part, this study analyzes the relation between the external pressure, corporatePerformance and Corporate Social Information Disclosure empirically using logitregression、liner multi—regression, Two—stage least squares methods. In case analysispart,the study analyzes the relation between the external pressure, corporate performanceand Corporate Social Information Disclosure of Zi Jin Mining and the reasons of withoutdisclosing and delaying the disclosure in Zi Jin Mining event.The study is divided into eight chapters, The specific contents and conclusions are as follows:The first chapter is introduction. This chapter’s main content is introduce thewhole study briefly, including the background, the purpose, value, methods, train ofthought and innovation, as well as the structure and organization of the study.The second chapter is the literature review. This chapter make a review aboutCorporate Social Information Disclosure and perspective them, introduce theMeasurement methods, influencing factors, effect. We get some inspiration and point outsome shortcomings. And propose the research direction of the study.The third chapter is theoretical analysis. This chapter explained the Concept ofCorporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Social Responsibility Information Disclosure,legitimacy,corporate performance. the study analyzes how the external pressure influenceCorporate Social Information Disclosure based on legitimacy and Public pressure theory,in order to relieve pressure, Corporate often disclose the information. Also the studyanalyzes how corporate performance influence Corporate Social Information Disclosurebased on business ethics and sustainable development theory. If the corporate can havegood performance,it can disclose the information,because it have resource and ability. Sothe analysis can pave the road for the following empirical research and case analysis.The forth chapter is empirical analysis design. This chapter introduce the methods,index, sample selection and data sources,bulid model as well as measurement method ofsocial responsibility information disclosure level. This study construct Corporate SocialInformation Disclosure Index and make reliability analysis. It can prepare. for thefollowing empirical research.The fifth chapter empirically analyzes the relationship between the external pressureand Corporate Social Responsibility Information Disclosure level. This study is going toanalysis the relation between the legitimacy pressure, government intervention, systempressure and Corporate Social Responsibility Information Disclosure level through linermulti—regression and the relation between the legitimacy pressure, governmentintervention, system pressure and the corporate social responsibility attitude ofManagement. Studies have shown that: legitimacy pressure and system pressureinfluence the Corporate Social Responsibility Information Disclosure level significantly.But the government intervention have not shown influence significantly. With with the improvement of the legitimacy pressure and system pressure, the disclosure level alsosignificantly improved. But the government intervention have not shown influencesignificantly.The sixth chapter empirically analyzes the relationship between corporateperformance and Corporate Social Responsibility Information Disclosure level. Thisstudy is going to analysis the relation between the financial performance, socialperformance and Corporate Social Responsibility Information Disclosure level throughtwo—stage least squares methods. The results show that the corporate financialperformance and social performance influence the Corporate Social ResponsibilityInformation Disclosure level significantly.The seventh chapter is case analysis.The The chapter analyzes the Corporate SocialResponsibility Information Disclosure of Zi Jin Mining, which Leak the toxic waste intoDing River in July2010. The results of the empirical analysis shown that legitimacypressure,system pressure, corporate financial performance and social performanceinfluence the Corporate Social Responsibility Information Disclosure level significantly.Studies have shown that most corporates can disclosure the information well, CorporateSocial Responsibility Information Disclosure level can improve.But some corporatedon’t disclosure the information in time.The eighth chapter is conclusions and suggestions. This chapter is the last part, in thispart,summarize and elaborate the main conclusions base on theoretical analysis,empirically analysis and case analysis, give some suggestions from the angle ofgovernment, listed companies and law. And this part points out the research direction inthe future.The innovations are mainly embodied in the following aspects:(1) This paperanalyzes the relation between the external pressure, corporate performance and CorporateSocial Information Disclosure level from the angle of how to make corporate disclosureand how to make them disclosure voluntarily. This paper study the problems in disclosure.Previous studies are mostly limited to the Influence factors of Social ResponsibilityInformation Disclosur, it is not considered that how to make the corporate disclosure theinformation and improve the level of disclosure the information. This paper study thathow to improve the level in short term and long term, and disclsure the information from passive to active. according the condition of our country, and enrich the research ofsocial responsibility information disclosure, and make the angle is more complete andhas more realistic significance.(2) During analyzing the relation between the external pressure and CorporateSocial Information Disclosure, the study analyzes the relation not only legitimacypressure burt also government intervention, as well as the system pressure on socialresponsibility information disclosure, so, extend the dimension of analysis and make upthe shortcoming of previous research. During analyzing the relation between corporateperformance and Corporate Social Information Disclosure, the study analyzes the relationbetween not only financial performance bur also social performance and CorporateSocial Information Disclosure level It has no literature in our country, the study make upthe blank in this field.(3) In research methods, the study analyzes the relation between external pressure,corporate performance and Corporate Social Information Disclosure use the methods ofthe T tests of independent samples, liner multi—regression research method, two—stageleast squares methods.This paper overcome the insufficient of single method, make theconclusion more persuasively.
Keywords/Search Tags:Corporate Social Responsibility, Information Disclosure, External Pressure, Corporate Performance
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