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A Study On Yen-Fuh’s Economic Thought

Posted on:2013-07-12Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:1229330374497179Subject:History of Economic Thought
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Having been western and also eastrern (Chinese) in origin, Yen-Fuh’s Economic Thought was an inevitable result of the exchange and confluence of western and eastern (Chinese) cultures in the given times. Its theoretical bases consist of Theory of Evolution (also named Philosophy of Tian-yan by Yen-Fuh), Free-trading Economic Theory and Scientific Positivism Methodology.This dissertation has been focusing on the following subjects:Yen-Fuh’s ideas on Economical Ethics, his Financial Thought and Concepts of Monetary System. As to Yen-Fuh’s ideas on Economical Ethics, this dissertation has analysed the following subjects:Conceptions of Righteousness and Benefit, Conceptions of Free-trading, Conceptions of Developemnnt Agriculture or other Industries, Conceptions of Wealth Distribution and Conceptions of Consumption&Accumulation. As to Yen-Fuh’s Financial Thought, this dissertation focuses on Yen-Fuh’s ideas about taxes, national debts and tariff. As to Yen-Fuh’s Concepts of Monetary System, this dissertation focuses on Yen-Fuh’s ideas about monetary system of certain countries basing on rare metal, such as gold or silver.The positive significance of Yen-Fuh’s Economic Thought lies in its containing profound enlightening spirit which had awakened Chinese people to fight against the feudalism, its containing of strong feelings of patriotism which aroused Chinese people to fight against the imperialism. And the Scientific Positivism Methodology that Yen-Fuh had initiated and strongly promoted had also aroused Chinese scholars devoting in economic research to make new thinking and to find new ways, which, to some extent, had changed the old-Chinese research pattern of subjective supposition.
Keywords/Search Tags:Economical Ethics, Financial Thought, Concepts of Monetary System, Enlightening Spirit, Patriotism
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