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The Research Of Foreign Direct Investment In The Logistics Industry

Posted on:2012-03-25Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1229330371953876Subject:National Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The research of foreign direct investment in the logistics industry is an important research topic in the service areas of foreign direct investment. It is a new trend of direct foreign investment theory that the major study objects shift from manufacturing industry on behalf of the secondary industry to service industry on behalf of the tertiary industry. This paper based on the characteristics of logistics industry, invest in home country and the host country as the external constraints, the "three dominant" theory as a research tool, which analysis and study the main issues that related foreign direct investment in the logistics industry and put forward countermeasures and suggestions to solve the problems. The Main research contents of this paper are:First, study of the logistics industry characteristics. First, based on the analysis of industry defined to determine logistics industry meet the requirements of the general characteristics and meet the general provisions of industry. Then, from the view of industrial point to analyze the boundaries and characteristics of the logistics, and analyze the distinction between logistics industry and manufacturing, services, which as basis that further explore the issue of foreign direct investment in the logistics industry.Second, study the traditional mode of foreign direct investment theory and establish research model. By analyzing the research ideas of traditional foreign direct investment theory and combining features of the logistics industry, then propose the research model of the paper. It is the mode of 2+3+3.In the use of this model to explore the specific laws of foreign direct investment in logistics industry.Third, analyze the motivations of foreign direct investment in the logistics industry. The motivation of Foreign Direct Investment in the logistics industry is Profit maximization. Analysis of the Background of foreign direct investment in logistics industry, The motivations of Foreign Direct Investment based on characteristics of the logistics industry are:inseparability of production and consumption of logistics service products; non-trade of logistics service products makes the Foreign direct investment in the logistics industry to become the inevitable choice for international business; logistics industry derivative lead the foreign direct investment in logistics industry. Specific motivations manifested in four aspects:First, market seeking, including the direct investment of following types,the direct investment for the development of new markets, and direct investment for stimulating the demands of logistics services; Second, factor-seeking; Third, Potential advantages to play; Fourth, global development strategy. Analyze the research conclusions by establishing model.Fourth, analyze the ways of foreign direct investment in logistics industry. The choice of the ways of foreign direct investment in the logistics industry is objectively influenced by the factors of the host country, home and foreign companies. Impact of the ways of foreign direct investment based on the logistics industry characteristics are:First, the information asymmetry in the transaction process of logistics products.It can lead the internal tendency.The foreign direct investment tend to select wholly owned enterprises. Second, a larger proportion of processing and circulation activities make foreign direct investment that has some characteristics of the manufacturing sector. So the merger approach is a shortcut to enter the host country. Third, a certain degree of separation of logistics services’production and consumption that lead foreign direct investment to tend to prefer wholly owned enterprises. According to statistical data analysis, foreign direct investment in the logistics industry shift to the sole has become a trend. Analyze the research conclusions by establishing a model.Fifth, analyze the location of foreign direct investment in logistics industry. The character of regional distribution of foreign direct investment in our logistics industry was mainly caused by China’s economic development imbalance. Foreign direct investment into China logistics enterprises initially based on the economically developed coastal cities. With China’s economic development and the gradual liberalization of the logistics market, and gradually increase its development efforts. After the formation of three major cities network layout of the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta, Bohai, and then investment start from the coastal port city to extend to the mainland. The external factors that impact on the location choice of foreign direct investment include market size, infrastructure, and foreign direct investment policies. And the major influences of the characteristics of the logistics industry impacted on location choice are that the level of human capital, industrial concentration, the logistics node location and other factors. Analyze the research conclusions by establishing a model.Sixth, analyze the foreign direct investment effects in logistics industry. This paper mainly from the five aspects to study:first, the economic growth effects of the foreign direct investment. Foreign direct investment in logistics industry impacted on the National economic growth that has a positive effect by the regression analysis foreign direct investment and GDP; second, the industry structure effect of foreign direct investment in the logistics. Foreign direct investment in logistics industry on the impact of China’s industrial structure mainly in two aspects, namely, optimizing the industrial structure effect and the effect of market concentration; third, the employment effects of foreign direct investment in logistics industry. The direct employment effects are increasingly weakened, while the indirect effects are increasingly strengthened; fourth, the spillover effects of foreign direct investment in logistics industry. It has threshold requirements; fifth, the environmental effects of foreign direct investment in the logistics. According to the analysis of the formation mechanism of environmental effects and the impacts of environmental regulation on foreign direct investment in the logistics industry, that the trend of foreign direct investment in Chinese logistics enterprises is the investors will shift to be multinational corporations that come from developed countries in the future. The philosophy of environmental protection and standards is higher than that of domestic capital logistics. The improvement of Environmental regulation is conducive to foreign direct investment in the logistics business competitive play.Seventh, solve the problems of the foreign direct investment in our logistics. Foreign direct investment in China’s logistics industry is almost three decades. And it is China’s first service area that opening round of the WTO. Foreign Direct Investment in logistics enterprises have become one of major components of China’s logistics market. According to the study of the analysis of investment mechanism, in view of the problems of foreign direct investment in our logistics, which proposes reasonable use of the foreign direct investment and promote the combined effect of the foreign direct investment in logistics industry, and so on.Innovation of this research is mainly the special laws of analysis of the investment motivation, investment ways, and investment position of foreign direct investment.This paper uses representative of third-party logistics data.It is a proof of typical and trend. This study based on the industry theory and analyzed the issue of foreign direct investment in the logistics. It derived conclusions about the issue of foreign direct investment that based on characteristics of the logistics industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:logistics industry, foreign direct investment, mechanism, effect, solution
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