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Research On The Relationship Between The Overseas Chinese And The Development Of Sports Of New China Under The Social Change

Posted on:2016-10-19Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1227330473458872Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the founding of new China, the overseas Chinese who have experienced Europe learning have played a very important role of transmission, in different historical stages, in a variety of ways, at different levels; also have a special effect for the development of China’s sports undertakings. This study takes overseas Chinese influence on the development of China’s sports undertakings as the heme, crossing three main stages, study time specific:the first China’s 30 years.20 years of reform and opening up, the founding of the new century three historical periods. The research mainly adopts literature data method, logic analysis, survey method, case analysis and other research methods, combining with the knowledge and theory of history, sociology, anthropology, since the new China overseas Chinese to China’s impact on the development of undertakings of physical culture and sports and its dynamic mechanism to explore. The main research conclusions are as follows:1, the first thirty years of the People’s Republic of China (1949-1979), the development relations of overseas Chinese and Chinese sports mainly reflects in the field of competitive sports. Concrete is divided into two stages. The first stage (1949-1965), under the patriotic spirit, a group of overseas Chinese came home one after another, playing a special role, as an athlete, in the international stage of competitive sports, from "the first world champion" (Guotuan Rong), "the first gold medal in international competition" valiant (Chuanyu Wu), which became the founders or trailblazers of some sports; or being the coach role, generation to generation, trained a large number of reserve of competitive sports for new China. The second phase (1966-1979). as the outburst of Cultural Revolution, the nature of the overseas Chinese was wrong interpretations, returned overseas Chinese talents backflow or stick to competitive sports. The blazers’footprint is the starting point of historical progress. The special time, returned overseas Chinese talents of competitive sports of struggle with the sheer virtue, "endure great hardships in pioneer work, to create a new time", has set an example to the development of competitive sports of the People’s Republic of China, formed a talent effect. In fact, the first 30 years of new China, the development of competitive sports basically zigzagged in the history of political turmoil and change under the background of the curves. A specific time and space coordinates, makes the development of competitive sports of the People’s Republic of China difficult to completely follow the inherent logic and continuity. The history of new China’s competitive sports development steps is being integrated into political orbit, showing the simultaneous development of political, in the era of serving for the of political characteristics. The Country was thirsty for sports talents, as well as a big stage in life for returned overseas Chinese talents of competitive sports offers, its strength and personality, manifesting in the demonstration of a special historical era.2, since the reform and opening up 20 years (1979-1999), taking economic construction as the center had become the era theme. Thanks to the unique advantages, for instance home walked in the forefront of reform and opening up. Overseas Chinese used to going through all the year round between, with multiple system experience and the multiple cultural background, they are familiar with China’s national conditions and the hometown of reality, also understands the world trends and development experience. In this stage, with instance, homeland of overseas Chinese launched multiple interactions which mainly produce sports social effect and economic effect. On the one hand, overseas Chinese endowed sports venues, set up special sports fund, fund folk sports organizations and sports public welfare charity, enriched its people’s cultural and sports life, promote the sports culture of charity, makes up for the lack of funds for the government administration, to promote the development of overseas Chinese public sports service from bottom to top. On the other hand, through the provision of capital and equipment, the introduction of technology and management experience, the modernized management idea, from the material, system to ideas, layer upon layer to include instance, homeland of sports industry development effectively in global sports industry in the process of modernity. At the turn of the century, with the overseas Chinese hometown and motherland’s social and economic development, overseas Chinese for its function and significance of sports development began to shift, the support of material resources and system level improve will gradually weaken, promoting the dissemination of sports economic cooperation with the local traditional culture became the new theme of the interaction.3, entering the new century, the sixth plenary session of the party’s seventeenth specifically, to promote Chinese culture to the world. In the world multi-polarization and economic globalization, under the development trend of overseas Chinese community itself is also quietly changing, and the relationship between the home country and live in countries have also changed. With the sports development of overseas Chinese may seem "the end", "will be broken off at the end of the link, to find the correspondence of reality:" spiral to travel on the new starting point of history ". First of all, the overseas Chinese emigration, hometown of folk sports activities such as the dragon dance lion dance with him, the Chinese martial arts, dragon dance lion dance, dragon boat race Chinese traditional folk sports, in "Chinatown" provided to spread abroad, such as inherit and Renaissance. To the transmission, maintenance and inheritance of traditional culture, also is that they are in different ground for his hometown feelings and identity of a map. Second, the Chinese takes root in Chinese, or cross-border flows of elite sports, as a public figure, has a strong demonstration effect, external present in the image of Chinese sports. In addition, from the Olympic bid to different occasions, such as the Olympic torch relay global overseas Chinese in the Chinese and foreign sports and cultural exchanges, and the role of national relations increasingly distinct, consciously or unconsciously assume the public sports diplomatic mission. Again, the overseas Chinese is familiar with Chinese culture tradition, and familiar with local culture and environment, therefore, naturally become the ferryman of China international sports industry development. In a word, with the strategy of "going out", the overseas Chinese "bridge" for overseas Chinese, promoting international cooperation and exchanges, promote and spread the Chinese traditional sports culture and set up the Chinese and foreign sports communication bridge, in areas such as public sports diplomacy, national sports image, carrying the promote the era of the new mission of Chinese sports soft power.4. as time changes, overseas Chinese and the dynamical mechanism of the development of Chinese sports, under different time and space coordinates, shows the characteristics of dynamic change. Whether a large number of overseas Chinese talents of competitive sports in the early days after foundation of home, or move again after the Cultural Revolution, or the "overseas corps" phenomenon after reform and opening up, look from broad sense, is the pursuit of higher goal and the realization of social value. The international flow of overseas Chinese talents of competitive sports and era background and social environment, policy on overseas Chinese affairs, cultural identity, patriotic love township spirit, demand development space, and many other factors. With the passage of time and social situation change, "push" and "pull" factors, will also change, will produce energy ttenuation and increasing. Since the reform and opening to the outside world, overseas Chinese interact with the instance, homeland of sports development, the main internal motivation as cultural identity, mutual expectations, self expectation, and seeking reputation capital; External motivation mainly comes from government positive image, the "use" of overseas resources, as well as overseas Chinese hometown folk network moral call. In the new period, the overseas Chinese in China’s social economy, culture and sports a new era role in communication and contact. Among them, both the government in the form of cultural promotion, from the national level, from top to bottom are overseas Chinese organizations folk push from bottom to top.5, taking history as a mirror, can better for the future. Based on social change background, the overseas Chinese in different historical development period of new China’s sports and the dynamic mechanism of the influence of the comprehensive carding, can get some enlightenment:what cultural blend of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions and "Chinatown", can still play a role of bridgehead and inheritance of internal and external communication platform; From introduction to walk out of strategic transformation, for competitive sports talent flow and international sports industry development, has important significance; Culture, is the overseas Chinese home and abroad has always been the spirit of the link.
Keywords/Search Tags:social change, overseas Chinese, the new China, the development of sports
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