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A Study On The Development Of Ideological And Political Education Of Postgraduate Students In University

Posted on:2014-09-22Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ZuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1227330464461460Subject:Ideological and political education
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Nowadays, economic globalization and political multi-polarization is in the process of development, and the technological advancement is rapid. Meanwhile, the more international cooperation, the fiercer international competition. The competition of national power mainly lies in technology and human resources, i.e. talented people. The core of human resources competition is the competition of education. Education, especially higher education, plays an important role in the strategy of "strengthening the country through talented people" and "invigorating the country through science and technology", as well as in the construction of national knowledge innovation system. In national education system, postgraduate education is the highest level of talent cultivation in higher education, and the crucial channel to cultivate innovative talented people for the socialist modernization of our country. As a vital part of postgraduate education, ideological and political education of postgraduate students enjoys a primary and irreplaceable role in comprehensive cultivation of the students and the training of innovative talents. The ideological and political education of postgraduate students directly affects the quality of postgraduate cultivation, the success of-postgraduate education, the fulfillment of the strategy of "strengthening the country through talented people" and "invigorating the country through science and technology", the process of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and the prosperity and development of socialist modernization of our country. Therefore, we should fully grasp the strategic significance of postgraduate ideological and political education from the angle of strategic importance of the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and the best interests of the country and nation. Moreover, we should further study and strengthen the postgraduate ideological and political education.However, facing the drastic changes of the contemporary times and the new situation in the leap-forward development of society and fierce challenge, ideological and political education of the postgraduates manifests many problems, especially in terms of actual effects. Though numerous experts and scholars, as-well as thousands of universities, constantly explore and reform from both theoretical and practical aspects-many theoretical studies are fruitful and practical improvement is encouraging-it is a pity that postgraduate ideological and political education is still the weakest link in the ideological and political education of university students. This passive situation does not change qualitatively. In this new era, there are plenty of new problems we need to investigate and solve. Like many other fields, the ideological and political education of postgraduate students must develop and innovate. If it does not develop properly, it is impossible to genuinely play the leading role of ideological and political education, and to truly strengthen its effect. Furthermore, the development of postgraduate ideological and political education should pay attention to the theoretical innovation on the basis of practice, and its new practice should be guided by the developing theory. It is an active response to our further effort in postgraduate ideological and political education in the new situation.For the above reasons, this dissertation is a thorough study of the development of postgraduate ideological and political education. On the basis of general background of the development of postgraduate ideological and political education, it tries to discuss the theory, history and circumstances of the development of postgraduate ideological and political education, in connection with its contemporary practice. In addition, it further depicts its pragmatic pursuit.In the First Chapter, it discusses the general theory of the development of ideological and political education. It explains the basic concept and connotations of ideological and political education, and further investigates the concept of development of dialectical materialism and historical materialism. On the above basis, this chapter discusses thoroughly the connotation, characteristics and manifestations of ideological and political education, and further clarifies the definition and connotative features of ideological and political education of postgraduate students.The Second Chapter investigates the evolution history of postgraduate ideological and political education. It relies on the historical facts, and after an over-all description of the development process of postgraduate education, it divides the ideological and political education of postgraduate students since the reform and opening up into three stages, namely the recovery, the improvement and the active exploration. The main research contents are the educative policies, documents and significant events in these three stages during the evolution process of ideological and political education of postgraduate students. This research summarizes the experiences of exploration and reform of postgraduate ideological and political education. Relying on the historical background, such as the new situation of reform and opening up, and the characteristics of current development stage of our country in the new century, it briefly depicts the circumstances of ideological and political education of postgraduate students in universities since reform and opening up.In the Third Chapter, it analyzes the contemporary circumstances of the development of ideological and political education of postgraduate students. Globalization, new media technology, the trends of social thoughts, the internationalization of education and the reform of postgraduate education are the inescapable and the most prominent facts of the development of ideological and political education of postgraduate students in China. These facts regulate the environment, process and historical position of the development of postgraduate ideological and political education, and construct the contemporary context of its innovation and development. This chapter begins with the realistic situation of contemporary China and analyzes specifically the current circumstances of the development of postgraduate ideological and political education in order to grasp its most vivid reality.In the Fourth Chapter, it summarizes the contemporary models of the practice of postgraduate ideological and political education and its general effects. This chapter systematically reviews the practical models of the development of postgraduate ideological and political education, and on its basis, thoroughly analyzes some problems which make ideological and political education drop behind currently. These current problems of postgraduate ideological and political education lie in four aspects, namely its concept, mechanism, contents and methods.In the Fifth Chapter, it looks into the future of pragmatic pursuit of postgraduate ideological and political education. It mainly explores the development direction and pragmatic pursuit of postgraduate ideological and political education through educational practice. In terms of the concept of development, we should pay more respect to students, and establish a people-oriented educational concept; in terms of educational system, we should endeavor to build an ideological and political education system which enjoys a cooperative mechanism among all university faculties; in terms of contents, we should enrich the educational contents in order to promote the comprehensive development of postgraduate students; in terms of methods, we should explore multi-media and effective ways to elevate the development of ideological and political education of postgraduate students into a new stage.
Keywords/Search Tags:postgraduate students, ideological and political education, development
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