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Study On Modern Hui Association

Posted on:2015-02-26Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:A MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1227330434456012Subject:History of Chinese Ethnic Minorities
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Association has been a product of modern society development. Hui Association (HA), undoubtedly, has been a part of modern associations of China. The number of HA was larger than the other ethnic minorities’ associations. It indicated Hui society and Chinese modernization movement was with synchronous development. The phenomenon had deep history reasons. From Yuan dynasty, Hui people lived in central plain of china, and were related closely to Han people in economics, culture and politics. Therefore, Hui society had changed deeply in economical relation and cultural contents. Hui people established associations, innovated organizations, and grasped the pulse of the country. Therefore, they made a greater progress than their ancestors’ point of "Binary Loyalty". Under the history background of ethnic minority, HA not only showed the consistency of Hui society with modern China, but also its particularity. Therefore, the study of HA can reflect the condition of China.HA has been a new social element of modern ethnic minority, and was born out of modernization course of Chinese society. It has been the symbol of Hui’s transition in modern period. HA occurred in Late Qing dynasty, and developed well during1927-1937, and reached the climax after1938. It supported the new cultural movement of Hui, and was the symbol of the development of Hui society. The path of HA development reflected the changes and transitions of society structure, formation, ethos and culture. And that was the progresses in the level of organization and modernity.The dissertation combs and analyzes the background, types, activities, features and effects of HA through categorizing literature, and takes empirical study and theoretical analysis, revealing the history contents of HA; probes historical roles of HA for the transformation of Hui society under the modern China.These adevanced intellectuals’ thoughts have had the meanings nowadyas. Studying the relation between HA and Hui society is an important way to learn the development of Hui society.
Keywords/Search Tags:modern, Hui association, transition of society
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