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Spiritual And Aesthetic Education

Posted on:2012-05-25Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X WangFull Text:PDF
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Spiritual intelligence quotient(SQ), among the three Qs (IQ, EQ and SQ) of humans, is the most significant quotient as it can not only make one obain profound meanings, posses basic values, perceive purposiveness of life, work and amusement, and deeply understand the roles these meanings, values and purposiveness played in the process of living, thinking, decision-making and communicating, but also make him or her examine his or her own innermost heart and seek that "Who am I?""Where am I from and to?""Why should I do this?""For what purpose do I do things indeed?"......SQ, is an intelligence that not only "sets up" rules but as well "breaks" the rules, as one prosses it or to say is high in it, he or she will be naturally and properly able to enter the "Free Kingdom" to actively explore and continually make innovations but not to be confined to the boundaries of organizations, fossilized concepts, conservative ideas and existing models. In a word, SQ, closely related to one’s survival and development, is the essential "original motive" of his or her being and transcending. With the proceeding of Modernity, however, we in present days are undoubtly very much developed in rationality and materal aspects, while obviously much more retrogressed in non-rationality, especially spirituality and spiritual aspects; human, as the intelligent part of the universe, is losing the intelligence feature, and thus modern and contemporary society is full of materialized human, heartless human and psycho-troubled human; beyond all doubt, human’s being low in SQ has already been a frightening but unarguable fact of the time. Therefore, confirming and enhancing SQ is the very task that every one of us should and must face and undertake.There are five chapters included in this dissertation:The first chapter, mainly analysed and discussed basic connotation and scientific evidence of SQ, with an SQ autoritative monograph SQ:CONNECTING with our SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE and other materials in point as referrence. The first section mainly dealed with these questions:what is SQ indeed? How can it be one of the three Qs? How important is it? What is the relationship between SQ and religion? What is the theoretical background of SQ?... The second section explored biological base of the three Qs and their corresponding thinking modes mainly from perspectives of brain science, neuroscience and cognitive science.The second chapter, firstly analysed and discussed the account on "human’s being low in SQ" in SQ:CONNECTING with our SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE, based on it introducing the the expressions and causes of modern people’s being low in SQ, and meanwhile more profoundly discused the expressions and causes with much more other references. The first section firstly analyzed and concluded the expressions of modern people’s being low in SQ accounted in SQ:CONNECTING with our SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE, and then re-divided the expressions into three aspects: human’s being materialized, human’s being heartless and human’s being psycho-troubled, and finally discribed and analyzed them with more references and materials. The second section firstly introduced and analysed the rooted causes of modern people’s being low in SQ, that is the traditional non-rationality-model’s being destructed and modern rationality-model’s being generalized. The third chapter, analysed and commented the "SQ-enhancing theory" proposed in SQ:CONNECTING with our SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE. The first section maily analysed the six paths and seven steps of enhancing SQ proposed by the two writers of SQ:CONNECTING with our SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE. The second section, based on the account of the first section, pointed out and analysed three significant problems lying in the "theory", especially in the six paths of enhancing SQ, that is "representing problem","foundation problems" and "logistic problem"The forth chapter, discussed the possibility of "integrating one’s personality via aesthetic education" and "enhancing one’s SQ via aesthetic education", and based on the confirmation of "enhancing one’s SQ via aesthetic education", reviewed the deficiencies of present aesthetic education in terms of enhancing one’s SQ. The first section explored the presentation and essence of one’s being high in SQ, confirming that one’s being high in SQ is one’s being integrated in personality at first, and then explored the sameness or similarity of one’s being high in SQ and being in aesthetic process. The second section firstly discussed aesthetic education can offer the premisses and practice of being high in SQ, proving that it is one of the key paths to help one enhance his or her SQ; then expounded that being high in SQ means being integrated in personality, and integrating one’s personality wants aesthetic education necessarily, proving that to enhance one’s SQ, aesthetic education is a must. The third section pointed out and analysed the deficiencies of present aesthetic education, such as public awareness being low, curriculum system being scattered, especially anlysing the basic deficiency, that is spiritual directionality’s being absent.The fifth chapter, in view of offseting the present aesthetic education’s deficiency of spiritual directionality’s being absent, attempted to structure the "theory" and "practice" of a "new" kind of aesthetic education which aims at help people enhance SQ. The first section drew the basic definition of SQ-aesthetic education referring the definition of aesthetic education and the features of enhancing SQ; then interpreted two core concepts of SQ-aesthetic education definition, that is spiritual beauty and spiritual aesthetic appreciation; finally expounded the three features of SQ-aesthetic education, that is "transpersonal emotionality","prototypical figurativeness" and "peak experience". The second section firstly with the classification classification targets of aesthetic education, combining the features of spiritual aesthetic appreciation, explored and structured the objectives and ultimate goals of SQ-aesthetic education; then comparing the contents of aesthetic appreciation, structured the main three types of SQ-aesthetic education contents. The third section firstly discussed several principles of SQ-aesthetic education; then with SQ-aesthetic education’s own features structured the main methods of it.We believe that via the SQ-aesthetic education structured in this research, one is very likely to practically see the prototypical beauty, the highest beauty, thus making his or her "the self" integrate into the universal "the Self, making him or her resume the spirituality and making "human being the intelligent part of the universe" true. If it is indeed realized, one is sure to experience the open-mindness, happiness and love of life, tending to the perfect realm of spirituality, and be reborn as an "integrated human".
Keywords/Search Tags:SQ, enhancing SQ, aesthetic education, SQ-aesthetic education
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