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Research Of Deng Xiaoping’s Thought And Practice Of Learning

Posted on:2016-09-01Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J C BoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1226330461992833Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a basic activity of human existence and development,learning is a important way for a country, nation, political party or individuals to obtain competitive advantage and grow. The learning I study in the article is a particular action process that the Chinese Communist Party keeps continuous progress, achieves the national independence, the national revival rich, strong and prosperous, people’s prosperity and happiness through gaining information and experience, forming knowledge and skill and developing Ideological and political quality.Since a young student, Deng Xiaoping constantly cultivated his humanistic spirit and scientific spirit,gradually set up the lofty patriotic sentiment, firmed communist ideal and socialist belief, established the lifelong objectives of pursuing and exploring the socialism. He also lucubrated the relevant research of what the socialism is and how to establish, build socialism in the long-term revolution, construction and reform.The course of Deng Xiaoping’ learning thought and practice can be divided into two period and four stages. The first period is before the founding of the PRC and the second period is after the founding of the PRC.The first stage is embryonic stage study thought from 1909 to 1926. Deng Xiaoping majored in the essential basic learning of life, cultivated the patriotic emotion, established the socialist ideals, exercised the party spirit training and firmed the communist belief during the junior school and youth stage. The second stage is during the formation of learning thoughts from 1927 to September.1949. In the stage of democratic revolution, Deng Xiaoping mainly focused on how to make revolution and gain the victory of the war, laid the establishment of socialist foundation. The third stage is deepening stage study thought from Dcember.1949 to 1976. In the stage of socialist revolution and socialist construction,Deng Xiaoping mainly explored how to restore the national economy, realized the socialist transformation, established the socialist system and constructed the socialist in a all-round way under the ruling condition. The fourth stage is the perfection period of the study thought from 1977 to 1997. In the new stage of reform and opening up, Deng Xiaoping focused on the theme of implementing and promoting the reform and opening up, studied and answered the series of basic questions such as "what is socialism, how to build socialism".They showed the logic and historical unity of from the preliminary to deeply, from perceptual to rational, from brewing to mature.Deng Xiaoping’ learning thought is formed on his influence and edification to the Chinese and foreign culture, on the inheritance and development of the Marx doctrine about the learning ideas, on the profound summary of domestic and international proletariat political party of the positive and negative experience about the revolution, construction and Reform in two aspects, on the accurate judgment and the scientific analysis of the international and domestic situation and characteristics of the times.Deng Xiaoping’ learning thought is a complete and scientific system include the learning status, learning subject, the learning to reason, learning object, learning objectives, learning methods and learning principles.Deng Xiaoping thought of learning provides a rich historical experience: to emancipate the mind is the prerequisite to carry out the study, theory with practice is the basis to innovative learning, sturdy and good faith is the power of learning progress,learning from the masses modestly are the source of obtaining knowledge, the system construction is the basic learning continues, adhere to the "the key essence" and "work" is to ensure that the effect of studying. The important significance of Deng Xiaoping’s thought of learning is to promote the process of the Marx doctrine in China, to speed up the learning process of the Communist Party of China, to provide some enlightenment for the construction of learning type party under the new situation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Deng Xiaoping, learning thought, learning practice, study
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