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A Research On Marx And Engels’s Ecological Outlook

Posted on:2014-11-12Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1226330425973379Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
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Along with the progress of civilization, human won a glorious victory in the battle with nature. However, we tasted the successful fruit, and also swallowed the bitterness brought with the alienation of the victory. The human fell into the "Double troubles" increasingly. How to get out of the trouble? More and more people focused on the classic works of Marx and Engels. They stood for "Reread Marx"."Reread Marx" is not simply to "return to Marx". An important aspect of upholding and developing Marxism philosophy is to look at and solve new problems with the Marxist viewpoint and method.The purposes of this article are from the practical critical theory, to mining, comb and expound the ecological thoughts of Marx and Engels from the dimensions of historical-generated, critical-constructive and practical-reflective. In order to provide the wisdom for solving global ecological problems, and provide the theory reference for the construction of socialist harmonious society with Marxist ecological concept.This paper is divided into eight parts. The first part is an introduction; the last part is the conclusion.The second part mainly analyzes the theoretical connotation of practical criticism. Criticality is the basical spirit of Marx’s philosophy. Marxist philosophy is the logic of practical critique in essence. Practical criticism is starting from the "real" man and nature and its relationship, making the material production as the object, to criticize the human activities about using and changing the nature. Its value orientation is the reconciliation and comprehensive development of human, nature and the society. For Marx and Engels’s ecological view of "practical criticism", it embodies the logical vein that moving from rational criticism to practical criticism, and moving from criticizing the reality to looking to the future inevitably. Starting from the "real man", starting from the practical activities of human history, Marx and Engels’s established three dimensions of practical criticism. It included metaphysics critical dimension, the capitalist production practice critical dimension and the communist theory construction dimension.The third part mainly analyzes the formation logic of Marx and Engels’s ecological view. Marx and Engels’s ecological view has three development stages, such as emergence, formation and mature. It unifies with the evolution of practical critical theory. It shows the logical evolvement that from rationalism to anti rationalism, from rational criticism to practical criticism, from the realistic criticism to reflection and construction. It shows the practicality, criticalness and constructive nature of the Marxist theoretical system. The practical critical theory and Marx Engels’s ecological view have realized the organic combination. The practical critical theory provides the research direction and theoretical support for Marx and Engels’s ecological view. Marx and Engels’s ecological view is a specific path to understand the Marxist practical critical theory deeply. Actually, the formation of Marx and Engels’s ecological view is the process of that form accepted Hegel, to go beyond Hegel to Feuerbach, to go beyond Feuerbach, and eventually become a "real" Marx. Therefore, a comprehensive study of the historical development and the thought approach of Marx and Engels’s ecological view will help us to understand the ideological essence of classic Marxist better.It also will help us to carry out the practice of building a socialist ecological civilization with Chinese characteristics better. Marx and Engels’s ecological thought mainly germinated in the "doctoral dissertation" period,"Rhine daily" period,"Hegel law philosophy critique" and "German Law Yearbook" period. The formation of Marx and Engels’s ecology, mainly concentrated in the "economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of1844","the Holy Family","theses on Feuerbach","German Ideology" and other works."Das Kapital" contained rich ecological thoughts, marked the maturity of Marx and Engels’s ecological view.The fourth section of the paper from the dimension of metaphysics criticism, through to criticize Hegel’s conceptualized nature view and Feuerbach’s visualized nature view, reveals that Marx and Engels’s ecological concept transcended the metaphysics of nature and achieved innovation. Being different from Hegel’s conceptualized nature view and Feuerbach’s visualized nature view, Marx and Engels analyzed human, nature and its relationship in the dimension of "realistic","practical" and "social-historical". From the dimension of "realistic","practical" and "social-historical" to look at people, nature and its relationship, is an important characteristic of Marx and Engels’s ecological concept. It also is Marx and Engels’s unique contribution to solve ecological problems.The fifth part starts from the critical dimension of capitalist production practice, explains the concept of Marx Engels’s ecological criticism of "The increasingly corrupt nature". Marx and Engels mainly aimed at capitalist production practice in the natural alienation, alienation of material transformation, capital logic and natural logic contradiction, the actual environmental problems, etc. Natural alienation criticism mainly includes the criticism of human nature alienation, nature’s own natural alienation, alienation between man and the nature, person and person relation alienation, etc.; The material transformation alienation criticism mainly reveals the material transform faults between man and land; It also reveals the overall alienation of the capitalist society expressed by the material transformation alienation; The criticism of capital logic mainly reveals that the "capital logic" and metaphysics have formed a conspiracy which making people under the abstract identity rule. There is a fundamental contradiction between the "capital logic" and the natural logic. This contradiction will make the relationship of man and nature be alienation for the exchange relation, thus accelerates the pace of people destroy the nature; In addition, Marx and Engels also focused on exposing the ecological problems in the process of capitalist production practice, mainly concentrated in two areas of natural ecology and social ecology.The sixth part starts from the theory of communism construction dimensions, explains the path exploration and theory building of Marx and Engels’s ecological view for "double reconciliation". It reveals the "periscopical-constructed" and "affirmative-constructive" function of Marx and Engels’s ecological view. The purpose of Marxism practical critical theory is not only to critique the reality, not just to deal with the crisis of capitalism. More importantly, it aims to prospect and regulate the changes of future society. It means that, on the basis of "broken", we can really realize "establishment"; in the new communist cause, we can realize the comprehensive development and liberation finally; ultimately, the "broken"-"establishment" combinative mission of practical criticism is achieved. In this respect, the outstanding contribution of Marx and Engels’s ecological view is to rely on historical materialism to complete the construction of communism theory. It focuses on three aspects that including to beyond the capitalist, to realize sustainable development, and to achieve the workers united society.The seventh part mainly reveals that Marx and Engels’s ecological view based on practical criticism is still have great significance to us in this day and age. Actually, the most valuable point of Marx and Engels’s ecological view based on practical criticism lays in:based on the practical criticism of the metaphysics of nature in the classical German philosophy, the relation between man and nature will be back to the earth from the sky, the relationship between man and nature will be reset from the abstract to the concrete; based on eco-criticism of modern capitalism, the source of "human-natural-social" overall alienation will be revealed; based on the construction of communism, including socialism, the relationship between human and nature, between human and human, between nature and society will be in the "reconciliation" track, and the practice of Chinese ecological civilization construction will get more inspiration and guidance. In the practice of Chinese ecological civilization construction, there is the paradox of the "ecology" and "civilization". Ecological civilization fundamental refers to overcome the paradox and combine ecology "civilized" with civilization "ecological". Socialist ecological civilization with Chinese characteristics is the realistic choice of our party. How to deal with the contradiction between human and ecology, science&technology and ecology, industrialization and ecology, how to harmonize economic development and ecological protection, is an urgent task. To this, Marx and Engels’s concept of ecology can give us enlightenment and guidance.The above analysis helps us to understand the inner source of the intensified ecological crisis, and helps us to understand the social reality and the contemporary human overall survival situation, and also shows the fundamental change of Marxist philosophy and its contemporary significance from the ecological view.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, Engels, Ecological outlook, Pratical criticism, Ecological civilization
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