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Social Security:an Effective Mechanism To Avoid Group Events

Posted on:2014-02-01Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W W HuaFull Text:PDF
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Social transformation is usually a period of high social contradiction. This isbecause the changes between traditional and modern society, the existing interests isbound to collapse, and the new pattern is forming. As Marx said, the social relationship isthe essence of interest, to live, people is indispensable to the development of thenecessity support. Therefore, in this sense, people is a kind of social animal to seek itsown interests as the goal, the rational animal through the various social relations rewardsand punishment mechanism social organizations and other carriers. to realize theirinterests. Therefore, China social transformation will reshuffle, and interest distributionunfairness and losses is the key. In addition, with deepening and opening-up of thereform, China unit of society ended, the structure of society has begun to shift fromrelatively closed to relatively open. Meanwhile, traditional and foreign culturecontinuously form into the pluralistic cultures in the conflict and fusion process, the riseof the network society promotes the deepening of the democratic process, the citizen’sdemocratic consciousness gradually popular, rights consciousness gradually awakening,subject consciousness strengthens gradually, the conflict between different interestsubjects become more prominent.According to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences published "social bluebook" shows that in2013we are facing severe challenges about employment, laborrelations, income distribution and social management. In recent years, due to varioussocial contradictions, tens of thousands of even more than10million group events occur.Therefore, how to recognize and resolve group events is critical.An important problem ishow to realize the group events, that is to understand the significance of socialmanagement of group events. Generally group events are seen as factors that undermining social stability. However, as Zheng Yongnian said, group events as socialresistance can shape the formulation of government policy, but also resist the boundaryexpansion. since the transformation of Chinese society, group events is not against thegovernment, against the people, although its form is destructive,but the motivation is toprotect its interests are not infringed, such as occurred in the reform of state-ownedenterprises and various labor disputes due to labor rights violations.Secondly, the question is how to resolve group events, some local governmentofficials are pressing and hiding the causes of group events in order to good performance,while we should seek for the root and resolve it. Obviously, we should solve the problemaccording to the latter. Because this solution strategy is central government insist on. Inthe last century, during the process of state-owned enterprise reform, the Chinesegovernment established the social security system that suitable for new situation, in orderto avoid the unemployment leading to social instability. After the founding of new China,the China Communist Party established a unit of the society, which makes the politicalcontrol, economic development and social management of the Trinity, a comprehensivesecurity from birth to death for unit members, which is also burden of the country.Therefore, with the collapse of the society and security system, the government has tointroduce social security system to achieve a smooth transition. From then on, ourgovernment intensified social security, especially after the Sixteen Party, they put thesocial construction and social management on the government agenda, and graduallyfocus on the livelihood of the people during the social construction and socialmanagement. In reports of the Eighteen Party, it pointed out again the main task of socialmanagement are the people’s livelihood and social construction. And focus on thelivelihood of the people is the continuous improvement of the social security system,improve the level of social security, promoting the equalization of public products andservices constantly, realize the sharing of social wealth, alleviating the contradiction, theconflict between rich and poor, conflicts between officials and people.In recent years, due to the occurrence of various contradictions, tens of thousandsof even more than tens of thousands group events occur in China each year.According tothe National Federation of trade unions statistics, during January to August in2012, the national collective labor disputes occurred more than120, in19provinces, over30people in more than270. The causes of group events, mainly in land expropriationconflicts, environmental pollution and labor disputes, specifically speaking, group eventscaused half mainly by land expropriation conflicts, environmental pollution and labordisputes accounted for30%and20%.And the social members due to land expropriationconflicts and labor disputes felt their social security benefits damaged. Thus thenumber of group events related to the social security benefits damaged accounted for70%of the group events.According to the social security system of the international experience, socialsecurity benefits is rigid, that is to say, social security benefits cannot be reversible,gradually increase social security benefits under social members of the psychologicalexpectations, while from a high social security benefits to low level, it will lead tosocial riots. In the first two years, most European countries with social riots is originatedfrom social security benefits reduced, caused widespread dissatisfaction with themembers of the society. While this situation did not happen in China since in the initialstage of the transformation of economic system, the government introduced socialsecurity system timely and fully worked as social stabilizer of the system. With thedeepening of social transformation, the enlargement of market forces, the people’sawareness enhancement, and imperfect and implementation barriers of social securitysystem, group events have been increasing.Social security is an important approach to build social identity. In theredistribution process, perfect social security system can reduce the income gap, andimprove the material foundation of social identity. No matter the social aid, socialinsurance and social welfare, can increase income for a protected person, and providechannels for all the people share the fruits of reform and development. The socialsecurity as the core, coordinate the economic efficiency and social fairness, provideconditions for eliminating the system of social vulnerable groups, further strengthen thesocial identity of the weakness, reduce the differences between groups for segmentationand confrontation, change the vulnerable groups who deprived of psychological,inferiority and mentality pessimism, so as to resolve social contradictions and social risk. Social security is a system of public rights expression and appeal mechanism. Socialsecurity right as a basic right, originate from human justified its survival and dignity inthe socialized production and market economy condition. With the formation of largescale market economy and industrialization, city development, unemployment,bankruptcy, diseases, accidental death and survival risk could happen to anyone at anytime, so we must depend on the government and social security forces, to ensure thehuman beings continuation and labor reproduction.Social security is not only an expression of rights, is also the realization of theright. Social security right differ from others are not only a kind of expression and theprocess to realize the rights. Social insurance, social aid, social welfare are three socialsecurity and service system, both to protect the people’s right to subsistence, but also toprotect the people’s right of development. As the institutional public rights expressionchannels, social security unity the rights of expression and rights achievement, focus onthe people to appeal the weakness, so as to effectively resolve group events.With China economic grew, the emergence of interest distribution gapwiden,especially some groups through the benefit damage because of reform,institutional change, benefit pattern adjustment, which need the government t to regulatethe distribution of income. Social security is one of the important ways to offer thecompensation by distributing.The redistribution is one feature of social security, alsobecome the most fundamental compensation method, and provide “life insurance”,“employment, old-age security “and” more development opportunities and capacitybuilding and other benefits for the vulnerable groups, enable them to enjoy the fruits ofreform and opening up policy, so as to provide the material basis to change socialposition. Compared with the monetary compensation, compensation benefits that socialsecurity brought fully pay attention to employment, medical, pension and other factorsrelated to the development and social security of vulnerable groups, which is moredurable and developing. So this system can make up for the lack of monetarycompensation, solve some problems in the job opportunities and basic security, reflectthe government respect and satisfaction for the weakness in the long run. Great changeshave taken place in the social class structure in the transition from traditional to modern society, which not only changed the social structure and the pattern of interests, but alsolead to imbalance in human psychology, especially in vulnerable group mental state.These make an injustice on the polarization between the rich and the poor, caused thegreat dissatisfaction, further to trig group events. And the social security as an importantforce in promoting social harmony, it has the function of adjusting income distribution, abasic standard of living for vulnerable groups, and to a certain extent, maintain fairnessbetween vulnerable groups and other social members, promote social equity, justice andachieve them sharing the fruits of development. In addition, it realized social harmonythrough the redistribution, and focus on the weakest link, so as to effectively resolvegroup eventsSocial security is to improve people’s livelihood, promote economic growth, butalso an important way to reconcile the interests’ contradiction, resolve group conflict.But we also need to identify and pay attention to practical problems in the social securitypolicy, which under the implicit, potential and negative function of social security. Thepremise to improve social security system gradually at the current reform stage, securitylevel, we cannot neglect the constraints by the level of economic development andsocial security capacity, the scope of social security and standard, a huge difference exitin the different classes and groups. There may be damage to other groups of interests,thereby affecting social harmony if pay more attention to certain groups ‘interests.Therefore, we should fully recognize the problems in the implementation process, a clearjudgment on negative function, and try to take measures. In conclusion, given theinherent requirement of China’s economic and social development, we need to improvethe social security system, and gradually eliminate existing shortcomings in socialsecurity system, fully play the positive role in resolving social conflicts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social security, group events, effective mechanism
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