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Influence And Guide Mechanism Of Social Psychology Of Group Events

Posted on:2015-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J WenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2266330428976912Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the reform and opening up, with the rapid development of China’s social and economic, the gradual transformation of the socio-economic structure. Gradual transformation of China from a planned economy to a market-oriented socialist country. In the process of socio-economic structure transformation, highlighting the problem of uneven distribution of benefits, causing social contradictions have become increasingly prominent.People in the activist process, due to many causes normal channel blocking rights, damage to the interests of those who can not maintain or achieve their legitimate interests.In the case of normal expression of interest route is blocked, non-legitimate mass incidents has become a public rights of way, and group events, more and more intensified, increasing scale, increasingly serious consequences, causing many adverse effects on the community, even to inject social instability, serious impact on the country to build a harmonious socialist society.This paper analyzes the various stages of the development of group events, mass participation in group events with what kind of social psychology, then put forward in various stages of group events take effective guidance and intervention mechanism, so that the masses have a reasonable, rational social psychology, which effectively solve the mass incidents.The thesis is divided into five chapters:the first chapter, presented the background and significance of the topic, fully clarify the background of the formation of group events.Chinese scholars and research on group events are briefly summarized;The second chapter is to define the core concepts and theoretical foundation, the main definition of the relevant concepts and theories presented in this paper applications;The third chapter is the reason mass incidents, mainly from administrative, social and psychological point of view of the causes of the three groups of the incident;Chapter IV of group events in the development of social psychological analysis, analyzes the public at every stage of mass incidents has psychosocial;The fifth chapter psychosocial group events guide mechanism analysis, analysis of what measures the government should take in various stages of development guided group events and psychosocial interventions masses, so as to effectively resolve group events.
Keywords/Search Tags:Group Events, Psychosocial, Boot mechanism
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