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The Study Of Maozedong’s Democratic Ideology

Posted on:2012-11-19Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1226330368496452Subject:History of development of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the long history of human ideology, there is never such a word like“democracy”that can attract the common people, politician and scholar’s deep concern and thinking. The civilian’s concern on democracy not only interpret the base of“people”and value expectation, but also lead the justice logic of politic development and the road of justice; politician’s love of democracy, illustrate the human nature based on the freedom, at the same time illustrate the forever meaning of politic management; the continuous quest of scholars in different decades, not only decrease the interest and passion brought by democracy, but also motivate more the civilian’s deep longing and long expectation of the democratic society.When it comes to modern history, when the light of enlightenment opened the door of wisdom which was suppressed for a long time, when the eastern and western culture that based on the culture difference realized the great meaning of merge and communication, when the human opened the deep contact by the means of trade,“democracy”spread rapidly in the world as a kind of ideology. Democracy is real and abstract; democracy has social classes and is fair; democracy is open and is controlled. What is“democracy”? Plato said:“render everything to all people under this system, no matter whether they are equal”. Plato’s idea of democracy and Aristotle’s interpretation of ambiguity created the splendid history of western ideology. Because of the universal value of democracy, also as the ideal trend of the idea of democracy, the democratic idea spread rapidly in china. Although the definition of“democracy”was not understood by the scholars-bureaucrat when it was brought by the Boanerges, they don’t know the deep meaning behind the exterior words, but as the concern of“cry of people”,“voice of people”,“need of people”and“power of people”, it facilitate the Chinese democratic revolution in modern history. The present study starts under this background. MaoZeDong’s pursue of democracy formed the practical and historical demonstration of Chinese modern history.“MaoZeDong’s democratic ideology”refers to the summary of his knowing, idea, thinking and interpretation when he leads the new democratic revolution and socialism construction. Of course, the creation of Mao’s ideology also can’t escape the influence the communist like ZhuDe, LiuShaoQi, ZhouEnLai, CaiHeSen,ChenDuSu, LiDaZhao, and also under the influence of democratic patriot like ZhangHongMing, LiangShuMing, ZhangJingSheng. The present paper will focus on the democratic ideology of MaoZeDong, and has a little involvement of the people who had great influence on the formation and development MaoZeDong’s ideology. Based on the knowing, the present will discuss the splendid history of the creation, development and change of Mao’s democratic ideology from the following five aspects.The first chapter discussed some basic theory question related with the definition of democracy, and some academic development questions of Mao’s democratic ideology study. The paper first pointed out the origin of the definition of western democracy and the change of democratic definition in Chinese history, emphasize that the so called democracy is the summation of knowing, idea, mechanism and systems of equality, right, justice in different social period, different social class or individual. In the latter part of this chapter, the present study makes a detailed discussion on the situation of Mao’s democratic ideology in china and abroad, point out the necessity and possibility of study of Mao’s democratic ideology.The second chapter mainly discussed the social conditions of the formation and development of Mao’s democratic ideology. No ideas can appear without any reasons, Mao’s democratic ideology also formed and developed under the total influence of interior conditions and exterior environment. Through the study of various democratic culture tradition and school of democracy, it is found that the Chinese traditional democratic culture, western democratic culture, folk culture, HuXiang culture all had a great influence on the formation and development of Mao’s democratic ideology. Based on this, the paper discussed the practical condition of the formation and development of Mao’s democratic ideology. In the fierce revolution practice, MaoZeDong confirmed to combine the Marxism with the Chinese revolution practice, and found the right way leading to national independence and liberty. Without revolution practice, the best theory can not produce the historical change effect.The third chapter mainly discussed the historical process of Mao’s democratic ideology. It adopts the analytic method of chronicalism , point out the process of the germ of Mao’s democratic ideology in early period to the maturity in the earth revolution and anti Japanese war, to the further development in the later period of anti Japanese war and the civil war, to the further development after the founding of new china. When discussing the mutual logic within the party’s democratic ideas, the paper pointed out the different features of Mao’s democratic ideology within communist party and people democratic ideology in the war and period of social construction.The fourth chapter has mainly proved the scientific system of Mao’s democracy thought. Mao’s democracy thought is an integrated scientific system which is made up of democratic ideas within the party, the people’s democratic ideas and so on. The democratic ideas within the party is the practical basis and the people’s democratic ideas is the natural prolongation. It is quite sure that our comprehension of Mao’s democracy thought should only base on the system theory via social, historic, political, classed and dialectic approach, and be examined in its complete structure. Any static, isolated and impractical examination will lead to incomplete result. This capter generally analyses and explains the class nature, methodology characteristics and historic characters, and at the same time analyses the harm of wrong ideas like sectarianism, selfish departmentalism and decentralism to democratic ideas within the party and the people’s democratic ideas.The fifth chapter has mainly proved Mao’s misunderstanding of democracy. To realise socialist democracy is the natural demand of Marxism and the long-term and unremitting political pursuit of CCP, as the founder of Chinese democratic politics, Mao made indelible contribution to the building of democratic politics but he also made many mistakes. There are three parts in this chapter, the first part is about Mao’s misunderstanding of the democratic ideas within the party; the second part is about Mao’s misunderstanding of people’s democratic ideas and the three part is about the reasons of Mao’s misunderstanding of democracy. We have to say that Mao zedong made great achevements of rerichment and development of the democratic theory of socialism, and made some new breakthroughs in practice, and these positive achevements laid a solid foundation of our democratic politics of socialism andaccumulate precious experiences. The final part of this chapter is about how to learn the lessons and experiences, and make new innovations.The sixth chapter has mainly proved the historical evaluation of Mao’s democratic ideas. Mao’s democratic ideas involves related theory of politics, philosophy, economics, history, sociolism and so on; it includes meaning of democracy, democratic subject, democratic consciousness, democratic means, democratic function, democratic system, division of democratic rights, historical development of democracy, country’s basic condition, party building and so on. Mao’s democratic ideas is a rich and comprehensive theoritical system which regulates and affects the theoritical basis and developing direction of the democratic politics of socialism. It is noted in the essay that Mao’s democratic ideas enriches and develops Marxism, and has significant influence on the building of democratic politics of new China and today’s reform of socialist political system. And the political practice of Mao’s“Big Democracy”not only means the historic limitations if extreme democratism but also implies the arduousness and permanence of the development of Chinese socialist democracy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mao zedong, democracy, Chinese Communist Party
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