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The Cognitive Research Of The Chinese Verbal Classifier

Posted on:2017-04-14Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330485480172Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The research on verbal classifier is weaker than that on noun classifier in the whole research status. Compare with in the verbal classifier, research on semantic and grammatical functions is more than that on cognitive linguistics.This paper based on the investigation of three verbal classifier, using cognitive linguistic theory, on one hand, not only describe the evolution s of the verbal classifiers in detail, but also explain the reason, on the other hand, attempt to explain the deep cognitive mechanism on philosophical basis and Transform of Pattern on Cognitive Processing and so on.Pay attention to the research methods, though this paper is case study, the choose of verbal classifiers is not at will. The three verbal classifiers represent three different dimensions. Owing to different characteristics, different research methods are chose.Firstly, verbal classifier Ci is the most commonly used in Chinese language history, this paper investigate the evolution above all. Owing to the range of application, this paper not only analyse the combination of verbal classifier and verb, but also pay attention to the relationship of them. Secondly, the semantic of verbal classifier Tang is simple, different from the complex semantic-net of Ci. Owing to the limited span of using history, synchronic study is used in it and interpretation on transfer in cognitive between noun and verbal classifier is attempted. At last, Tong has several parts of speech, for example, verb, adverb, adjective and so on.So the research on Tong should not only consider the evolution in classifier Tong, but also consider the relationship between verb and adverb, eds.There are three innovations in this paper. Firstly, many problems have not been so solved in the research of classifier, this paper trying to solve some of them using cognitive linguistic theory. Secondly, founding on the semantic structure of cognitive grammar and cognitive semantics, through invest foundation of semantics and grammar, this paper explain the evolution of them Thirdly, based on the case study,this paper attempt to explain the cognitive mechanism of verbal classifier in theory.The paper is made up of six chapters:Chapter one introduced the research background, research methods and the structure of it.Chapter two introduced the framework and methods in theory. Semantics structure in cognitive grammar and cognitive semantics are combined together in the research of verbal classifier. Other theoretical problems are discussed, for example, spatial experience and spatial measuring, transform of pattern on cognitive processing, metonymy mechanism and conversion of parts of speech, expantion of grammaticalization.Chapter three pay attention to the source and evolution of verbal classifier Ci. Three main problems have been discussed. Firstly, this paper hold the viewpoint that verbal classifier Ci is from the verb with the semantic of pause. The verb Ci used in space express the boundary of space, then through metaphor mechanism, it can used in time to express the boundary of time. Therefore, verbal classifier can calculate the whole dynamic process. The using from space to time is the expansion of metaphor. Secondly, based on the cognitive embodiment, this paper reclassify the usage of classifier Ci. As Lakoff & John(1999:487) have said, conception is formed through body and brain and the experience of the world. Conception could be understood on embodiment, especially on perception and motor. This paper combine behavior and embodiment together, classify five parts which is related with mouth, ears, eyes, the four limbs and the brain. This kind of classify can clearly categorize behavior on the source of cognition. We hold the standpoint that the evolution of verbal classifier Ci is under metaphor mechanism. At last, the relationship between precedence and pause and relationship between "V+Cf" and verbal classifier Ci is discussed.Chapter four invest the source and basic function of verbal classifier Tang. Before research, several related characters has been distinguished. Four main aspects are discussed in this chapter. Firstly, the semantic of verb Tang make the verbal classifier Tang continue to have the similar semantic of verb Tang that verbal classifier Tang generally used with walking behavior. Secondly, verbal classifier Tang came out in Ming dynasty, we pay more attention to the basic function and usage in synchronic. In syntactic structure, it is used in "V+N+C", "N+C" and any other structures. This paper consider the noun classifier Tang came from the verb classifier of it. After analyse the same structure of noun classifier and verbal classifier of Tang, the judgement of distinguish them is established. At last, spatial experience and mental scanning and pattern of metonymy are used in explain the inside and outside evolution of verbal classifier Tang. Seeing from the mental scanning, verbal classifier use the sequential scanning on statics scene and last be reorganized into a gestalt. Seeing from the pattern of metonymy, cognitive domain is express for two patterns.Chapter five invest the source and evolution of verbal classifier Tong. Because of Tong has other parts of speech, the similarity of the semantic and cognition have been studied. This chapter mainly research two questions. Firstly, this paper consider verbal classifier Tong is from the verb. The characteristic of whole is the core semanteme that develop from social space category to logical space category, from linear measure to scope measure, from the objective measure to subjective measure. Secondly, based on the embodiment, verbal classifier can calculate behavior from relating with hand, mouth, and eyes, to relating with heart. At the same time,the cognition domain is from concrete to abstract.Chapter six in a summary for the whole paper mainly making conclusion and discussing the theory. There are three important conclusion.Firstly, this paper consider that spacial experience and embodiment are the philosophy foundation of the forming of verbal classifier, with the cognitive processing of metonymy. Secondly, the evolution of semantic is the main reason of forming verbal classifier with the process of transferred sense, generalized sense and grammatical sense. Thirdly, metonymy mechanism is germinated in classifier category and between parts of speech. Besides conclusion on verbal classifier, this paper make theoretical attempt on experience and spatial measuring,transform of pattern on cognitive processing, metonymy mechanism and conversion of parts of speech, expantion of grammaticalization, eds.
Keywords/Search Tags:verbal classifier, Ci, Tang, Tong, cognition
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