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The Scientific Narrative In Plato’s Timaeus

Posted on:2017-05-23Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X B NiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330485469054Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Timaeus"is the only dialogue in Plato’s works on natural philosophy.maths enthusiasm and political care for Plato exceed together again.This established a mysterious logic connection between science and metaphysics.In Plato’s view all natural beings exist in the purpose or "fate" in the sense of natural order, and this order is bound to "punish" in time; Political order must refer on the natural order, it’s possible to get a better govemance.The teleoiogical view of the universe with skopos theory can finish a unified view of life.To understand Timaeus We need to start from "two unity".Plato’s dialogue as a whole with the Timaeus as the narrative structure of integrity.So at first I study the debate between ancient and modern time and the understanding of the dialogue of deviation in history.Timaeus take the triple narrative structure.1 I begins with Socrates’the best poiitical system in the Republic.2 Critias paraphrased classical Athens and clash of civilisations in old island of historical memory.3 The Sicilian astronomer Timaeus said to the universe with mathematical explanation.Therefore we understand the Timaeus exceed from the viewpoint of the integrity of the "triple" narrative, we can better understand the real intention of Plato. Then I combine the Republic, Critias and The law and other dialogues of Plato, from the overall reading of Plato’s dialogue. I take the beginning of Socrates’Republic and Critias relayed the historical memory of classical Athens to understand the importance of the ideological intention.Finally The astronomers Timaeus exceed the mathematical interpretation of the universe creation;Unlike Genesis of the Bible, the "creation" of Timaeus stratified into "Creator’s work" and "Gods work".Such a cosmic natural order is model in social order.Once again in the Republic under the best city on "The inevitability of geometry" and "The inevitability of lust" Timaeus defence the best polis in mathematical ration cosmic order Timaeus provides the best model for the best city in the Republic.This leads to bridge in the "law" for the "second-best constitutional"Homer’s Epic describes "the world of the Gods disputes," Hesiod tells the world of Olympus’gods and the order of the Gods in "Theogony".Plato rebuild the order on rational theology. Plato was effected by contemporary Pythagoras school both mathematician Philolaus and Achytas.Mathematics in Plato became a best crutch for soul to the purely rational and a key to unlock the mysteries of the universe.So Timaeus’mathematical explanation of the universe and the myth narrative became two channels.To interpret Plato’soul "fate "...
Keywords/Search Tags:Mathematics, Myth, Regime, Integrity
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