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A Study On Jun Ling Bu (Department Of Military Manipulation) Of Republican China In War Time(1938-1945)

Posted on:2014-04-23Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:M YeFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330482952149Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The appearance of staff system played an important role in the military history. As the coming of staff system, the military activities turned a scientific thing instead of the decision made by single commander. Modern China took the concept of staff system from the West as China became modernization.From late Qing Dynesty to The Republican China, under the traditional enviroment and the social situation of that time, the staff did not play an important role in Chinese military history, the effect of which was limited. While the trend will go to establish a staff system, the main step in military reformation of Republican China would be the construction of a staff system. But the republican government failed to make it before Sino-Japan war because of lacking the support and base. We shall point out that the help of Deutch military experts put a solid base of a wartime staff system and the War itself asked all parts of country to unite as one, which would be the social concort to form a united conducting system.The so-called staff system would be a construction with a net-work,which concludes some specilized officers to administrate military commanding making every step of military affairs scientifically and uniformly. To fulfil this system, satff should estabilsh a horizontal diversified and longitudinal hierarchy system, in which the whole system can operate more consortly. Only in this way can a staff construction form a system and have effect on the operation.The staff system in Wartime China will be Jun Ling Bu(The Department of Military Manipulation), which was established in 1938 merging the former staff of Republican government and the First Department of Base Camp of ROC, becoming one of the most important department of wartime. There are many orgnizations in Military Committee, two of which would have some same function as JunLingBu has, the Attendants Room and the Chief of Staff. The wartime Chief of Staff, He Ying qin, who had the name but did not have the power to manipulate military affairs. The Attendants Room, which is the close secretary office of Chiang Kai shek, seems to have great power as the position it stands but actually will not. Only the Jun Ling Bu itself not only has the orgnization but also has the function of a staff system. Jun Ling Bu not only makes the strategy and war-plans during wartime, but also supervises the manipulating and operating of the plans it made. To fulfil the task, Jun Ling Bu first established the construction of departmant itself, then forming a commanding hierarchy chain from department to the strategical unit. The construction will only be the first step, to make the system operate efficiently, Jun Ling Bu starts meeting of department affairs to solve the problems it faced, symposium to discuss the academic problems and review to supervise the annual affairs of department in horizontal diversified orgnization and begins to open meeting of staffs of the shole army to contact the staffs and make them be close to Jun Ling Bu, to dispatch contacting staffs to collect the affairs, documents and performance of every military units, to inspect staffs of the whole army to supervise them in staff affairs. As is known to all, all the works done by Jun Ling Bu is to make the orgnization and commanded units be a system and become specialization, letting Jun Ling Bu operate effciently and scientificly.The second step to construct a staff system will be administrate staff personnel. It is well-known that the staff as whole had a lower status before war and the former chief staff could not grasp the staff personnel. The problem of staff personnel before wartime in Republican China goes to the lack of staff human resources and the misuse of staff human power. To solve these problems, Jun Ling Bu takes three steps, the first step will be the construction of staff educational system, which inclues the Academy of War Affairs to educate the superior staffs, the class of staff to train mid and inferior staffs and the staff education in army units to give basic knowledge of officers in the army. Meanwhile, Jun Ling Bu strengthen its power of staff personnel by asking the commanders to respect their staffs, making an order valid with the signature of staff and promoting a commander from staff, a zigzag promotion between commanding and staff position. In this way, Jun Ling Bu begins to master the personnel of staff system, to promote the status of staffs, thus to make all the members of system work efficiently. Man power is the basic factor to make a system operate, and Jun Ling Bu in wartime makes its way to stir the members.The main function of Jun Ling Bu in wartime will be manipulate the war. With the basic rule of war, we should define the concept of Nation Strategy, Military Strategy and Battle Strategy. The Nation Strategy can be the principle of both Military and Battle Strategy. So, Jun Ling Bu must direct every battle of whole war under the principle of lasting consumption strategy, so did Jun Ling Bu in wartime. Under the orgnization and systematic rule of Jun Ling Bu, it may have the following steps:first, to collect and analyse the information it got, to write a war plan according to the information, the terrain, and the situationof both the enemy and our troops. After making the plan, Jun Ling Bu should direct its troops the fulfil the task under Chiang Kai-shek’s will, which forms the execution of Strategy of Battle and is the Achilles’ heel of Jun Ling Bu.Date back to Jun Ling Bu, we may draw this conclusion that it basicly established the principle of staff system, construct the system of the orgnization and fulfill warfairs both under the principle and through the system. The reason why this construction did not fully make effects will be that the contradiction between the modern and traditional society of China makes the paradox of Jun Ling Bu during wartime.
Keywords/Search Tags:Time(1938-1945)
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