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Imperial Commissioners And Political Change In Qing Dynasty(1644—1850)

Posted on:2015-11-28Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330467464442Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Unlike settled officials, imperial commissioners were temporary officials,who were dispatched by emperors and were responsible for emperors.Imperial commissioners were appeared in the early period,and before appeared settled officials.Before the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty, imperial commissioners had another name:Shi. From the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Phrase "imperial commissioners"was widely used in the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty.Like the Ming Dynasty, imperial commissioners were classified into two types:settled and temporary in the Qing Dynasty. Records about imperial commissioners in Qing Faithful Record were nonstandard.Emperors sent imperial commissioners to deal with matters in different regions, not several imperial commissioners but a missionA mission included imperial commissiones、 siyuan and their slaves.The imperial commissioners were appointed by the emperors,and siyuan were selected by the imperial commissioners.Xunbu officials provided many services for the imperial commissioners,who were carefully choosed by zongdu and xunfu.The vast majority of imperial commissioners comed from officials in Beijing. Emperors selected more or less imperial commissioners under certain conditions and frames.Supercisory officials becoming imperial commissioners in Qing dynasty had special meaning.National relationships between Manchu and Chinese also affected the imperial commissioners’s choice。Emperors sent imperial commissioners so as to handle events,which were very important so that Zongdu and Xunfu have no ability to deal with them, or the emperors were no longer believe local officials.In some cases,Zongdu and Xunfu asked the emperors to exclude officials to help them deal with important things.However, there were no need to send imperial commissioners,because the new officers would not shield the old officials.Emperors have not obtained information about major events,so missed the opportunity to sent imperial commissioners.If emperors considered adverse consequences of imperial commissioners, would not send them. Compared with the original position, the power of imperial commissioners grew greater,and the political status of imperial commissioners was improve.Imperial commissioners dealed with matters in different regions, so they inevitably participated in other local affairs.In addition to the mission, imperial commissioners also treated the things which were closely related to mission or had nothing to do with the mission.For example, imperial commissioners reported weather conditions and agricultural harvests to emperors.If imperial commissioners happened to meet emergencies, they can free to decide whether to deal with them according to their own wishes.There were three kinds of partnerships between imperial commissioners and local officials,and there were cooperation and contradiction between imperial commissioners and local officials.In order to Smoothly handle affairs and fully exert influence, Imperial commissioners must comply with many requirements.For example, imperial commissioners should keep secrets, cleanly handling affairs and avoid some relationships.However,some provisions have not been implemented.Each era had its own theme,and each era had its own characteristics. Imperial commissioners had different characteristics in at different times of the Qing Dynasty.Events about cases、famine and river were frequently disposed by imperial commissioners.The Guanfang of the imperial commissioners was founded in Yongzheng Period,and the Guanfang was more used on military activities. The System of imperial commissioners reviewing the army was established in Qianlong Period. The grades of imperial commissioners were gradually improved.The number of people of imperial commissioners who always went on a business trip,was also gradually increased. The number of people of imperial commissioners whose identity were not innocent,was gradually decreased. The kinships hiddening in many ilmperial commissioners were constantly found.Imperial commissioners played an important role in politics in the Qing Dynasty.Imperial commissioners resolved a great deal of problems,and imperial commissioners coming to place,encouraged local officials. Emperors dispatched a lot of imperial commissioners,but imperial commissioners can not prevent the decline of the Qing Dynasty. The political system of the Qing Dynasty and personal limitations, restricted effect of imperial commissioners. In people of Qing dynasty opinion, local administration should be managed by zongdu and xunfu rather than imperial commissioners. Imperial commissioners managing things was necessary to supplement for local administrative.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qing Dynasty, imperial commissioners, Center and Local, administration, change
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