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Mind And Happiness

Posted on:2016-02-08Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330464973838Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Although the function and role of philosophy is quite controversial in academic circles, but one thing seems to be an exception, that the wise ancient and modern philosophers do not deny the role of philosophy for life. Human always in the pursuit of happiness, which is the relentless goal of mankind. What is happiness? How to pursuit for happiness? which is an issue of common concern to philosophers through the ages.Due to different cultural backgrounds, values, etc,the East and West focusing on different issues on happiness research.Traditional analysis in the West, focusing on speculative happiness theory of the construction in social relations, while the East pay more attention to adaptation of the soul, inner happiness and other issues.In the interpretation of the classics of Marxism, we find that there are a lot of discussion on happiness, these statements constitute the Marxist concept of happiness. To solve various problems of happiness, we need to make clear principles, approaches, mechanisms, conditions and other issues of happiness. In the process of solution problem of happiness,we must not ignore the dimension and perspective on philosophy of mind. The so-called philosophy of mind, which is a branch of philosophy with long history, dedicating to the manifestation of the soul, the inner structure, kinematics, dynamics,heart relationship with the body, mind and matter. When explore the soul,philosophy of mind in the West, influenced by the spirit of science,have paid more attention on the study of "body",which are important aspects of the mind, such as the nature, the structure, the mysteries of the soul,type of problems likewise.The wisdom of the East is more concerned ethics and morality, state of mind, happiness,and even the nner psychological mechanism,principles,conditions,and methods of individual liberation.As an important representative of Eastern civilization, Indian civilization is as old as Chinese civilizations and Western civilization, unless we refuse to learn, otherwise it is hard to envisage that such a brilliant civilization is not even worthy of our nation to learn from. And India is a nation focus on national introspection, and in pursuit of noble spiritual.They nourish and nurture the human mind, concern to mental health of the individual development,who paid far more attention than other civilizations. So tap new resources from the perspective of the Indian philosophy of mind, so as to enrich and develop Marxism concept of happiness is not only necessary, but also feasible.How to pursue a successful life, get seamless happiness, this is the problem which caught sustained attentions of various factions philosophy in India, the answer to this question depends on what was the first values they have. In the perspective of various schools of philosophy,freedom is undoubtedly the most wonderful thing in the pursuit of value. Where is it? How to find? The answer is very simple:,the heart can be heaven, the heart can be hell, heart to Bono, heart can be saints, relieved when the heart line for all beings. Investigating the nature of the mind and practice from the perspective of the philosophy of mind, is no doubt a superior channel to find the answer of happiness.Due to different social background and cultural soil, Marxist concept of happiness and Indian philosophy of happiness inevitably differ on ethnic and regional, so they form different philosophical concepts, philosophical paradigms and research methods.The differences and characteristics, as well as their relative to each other’s advantages, but also in some sense and extent, reflected that they also have spaces for constantly improvement.To learn from each other through dialogue, fill the blank of their own certainly contribute to enriching and development of their own.
Keywords/Search Tags:Concept of happiness, Marxist concept of happiness, Philosophy of mind, Indian philosophy, The theory of value
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