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The Romanization Of The Province Of Roman-Britain

Posted on:2016-02-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330464453873Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article is researching the Romanization of the province of Roman-Britain.After Caesar’s invading, Britain begun to going on Romanizing. When Britain became one of the provinces of Roman, the Romanization of Britain becoming quickly. The Romanization of the province of Roman-Britain contained many respects, including the policy, the economy, the city and the religion and so on. But the Romanization of the city and the religion is so important because the city supports the materials and the religion supports the sprint. The Romanization of the province of Roman-Britain is the intergration of the Roman civilization and the Britain civilization, and it promoted the convergence of the Roman culture and the Britain culture. It was not only the Roman policy to the provice, but also the native, especially the elites studied initiativelly.Researching the city and the religion are researching the life of the materials and the spirit. The purpose is knowing the policies of the Roman province.The introduce contains that the review of the Romanization researching, the review of the documents related to the Roman Britain, and the review of the research of Roman Britain in China. From those we know, the research of the Roman Britain is so good but there are still many problems waiting to research. In the mean time, there are some papers and articles, especially an article to researching the policy and administration of Roman Britain inspriated us. But there are so many problem to us that needing us to respond.In the first chapter, I research the conquest of Britain from Caesar to Claudia, including the policy of Roman and relationship between Roman and Britain. There are some problems needing to research deeply. First, the purpose of the conquest is consilidating the rule of Roman Gaul and maintaining the whole frontier of the west of Roman Empire. Second, the invading of Caesar began the process of the Romanization of the Britain, which was the basic of the Cladian invasion and domination. Third, the policy of the empire maked Roma keeping peace with Britain from Augustus to Gaius. At last, Claudia conquested Britain, ruled it and Romanized it.In the second chapter, I research the city found, developed and Romanized. Roma founded many cities by reusing and developing the hillforts and the oppidas, founding new cities, reusing the fort and develop the vicus. Then Roma devided the cities in different types, founded the public buildings and developed style of the city lives. All of those promoted the Romanization of Britain, which affected the society deeply. At the mean time, I try to analysis the difference between the high zone and the low zone, and the change of the city from 3 AD.In the third chapter, I research the Romanization of the religion in the province of Roman Britain. Roman empire prohibited the Druids, but fused the Celt cult and the Roman Cult. In the meantime, it expanded the imperial cult so that uniform the spirint of the people. The East cult can expand freely, which promoted the communication of the East and the West. Christianity was the end of the intergration of Roman Religion, and became the starting point of the Middle Age Culture.This article research the Romanization of the cities and religions. We realize that the policy of the Roman provice maked the native culture intergrating with the Roman culture, but keeped the characters of the native city and religion. It maked Britain become one section of Roman Empire.The elite made negotiation with Roman Empire by administating the citie themselves, which promoted the Romanization. Roman empire tolerated the native religion and maked the East cults and the West cults intergration. Undountedly, the Romanization of the cities and the religions became the internal dynamic of Roman empire moving forwad.
Keywords/Search Tags:Roman Britain, Romanization, city, religion
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