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Study On Ethical Problems Of High-level Talents Management

Posted on:2014-01-11Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W L JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330398958769Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ethical problems on the management of high-level talents constitutes a focal point ofresearch in recent times. Based on the new understanding of high-level talents in thepresent-day world, this study aims to discuss problems regarding the management of talentsfrom the ethical and moral perspective and to straighten theories from various schools onthis subject. Additionally, in accordance with management principles and regulations, thestudy endeavors to provide some solutions and suggestions concerning the building ofhigh-level personnel team on the basis of management practices. This study is pioneering inthe following five aspects: One, the integration of high-level talents management is theexpansion of theories and practices of personnel management; Two, contemporary ethicaltheories of high-level talents management put people first, give emphasis to application,standards and sustainable development and spur talents on through competition; Three,social responsibility, moral in scientific research and scientific spirit are the new ethicaldemands for high-level talents; Four, fairness, efficiency, respect and service are the newemphasis of ethical aspect of talents management; Five, ethics management involves theselection, allocation, employment and evaluation of high-level talents, a new direction inhigh-level talents management. The above gives a picture of ethics study in high-leveltalents management.The introduction and the first chapter, through analyzing the newest developmentsfrom domestic and abroad scholars in this field, put forward methods of study and set thefocus and creative point of this paper. It clarifies some major concepts of management oftalents. It, proposes the fundamental method and way of thinking, and points out thepriority and innovations. The study clarifies the ethical features in management ofhigh-level talents, focusing close on this theme and embodying people-centered valueorientation and self-discipline. The ethical values of managing top-level talents aremanifested in five aspects: moral orientation; moral motivation; moral cohesiveness; moralintegration; moral implementation. Therefore, elaborating on the ethical values of top-notchpersonnel paves the way for the whole study. The second chapter talks about the theoretical basis of high-level talents management.The study is multi-dimensional, covering time and space. It includes Western managementthoughts in modern times, Marxist theories on ethical management, as well as reflections ofChinese leaders since the founding of P.R. China. It traces the path back to the origin ofmanagement to its heritage and development trajectory.The third chapter concerns the ethical demand on the management of high-leveltalents. For those intellectuals who bring scientific and philosophical ideas into fruition,they are contributing enormously to our wealth, thus shouldering greater responsibilitiesand expectations from their fellows. The criteria for ethical management lie in three parts:embracing responsibilities on advancing scientific development bestowed by the historicaltrend, upholding academic morality, defending science and truth. In order to satisfy thesecriteria, the following management practices must be observed. First, adhere to principlesof putting people first, respecting the needs of individuals, standardizing regulations,focusing on sustainable development, and fostering competition and incentives.Correspondingly, the managers should give priority to fairness, efficiency, respect,cooperation, service, etc. These requirements are reflected in their initiatives andcreativeness, their discretion of “proper” and “improper”, their sense of responsibility andethic, the interaction among peers, colleagues and so on. No matter how excellent thepolicies and institutions are or how widely the ethical principles are accepted, if thethoughts and actions of the managers are inappropriate and unethical, the prospect ofexcising these policies and institutions would be nothing but a vain Utopia dream. Hencethe ethic and morality of managers hold the key to the fulfillment of this goal. Only do theyactively elevate their sense of responsibility and service-oriented awareness, can theygradually internalize these outward demands into inward requirements, which willremarkably enhance the management and be conducive to the achievement of theobjectives.The fourth chapter analyzes the ethical practice of high-level talents management.Ethical management exists in the promotion, allocation, communication, use and evaluationof high-level talents. With the purpose of achieving justice, fairness, openness andexcellence, managers must take into consideration three principles: striking a proper balance between morality and capacity, abiding by justice and fairness, putting personnel topositions that best utilize their attributes. What’s more, managers must give thoughts totwo questions: what extent of importance should be attached to morality and capacityrespectively; how to place high-level talents in a suitable position. The utilization oftop-level talents should be guided under the ethical method of “putting people first”.Harnessing the potential of talents will yield vast amounts of benefits for their futuregrowth, such as further improvement, increasing quality and all-round development, etc.This will be instrumental in bringing about their self-actualization, and simultaneouslyproviding impetus to economic and social development. Managers should approach theutilization of talents in three perspectives: building cutting-edge scientific andtechnological platform to attract talents and offering sound living and working conditionsto retain them. In other words, keep high-level personnel through sincerity, promisingcareer prospect and emotional bonds, following the natural law of personal growth, raisingthe efficiency of talents by optimizing the team structure, accelerating the pace of scientificcommercialization and fostering an atmosphere that is beneficial for the development oftalents. An inclusive, practical and ethic-oriented assessment must be established topromote scientific innovations, sustainable development, motivation and incentives.Meanwhile, a fine line should be drawn between quantitative and qualitative assessment toavoid dogmatic appraisals. Therefore, a healthy academic atmosphere could be cultivatedto contribute to the emergence and growth of high-level talents. Ethical problems exist inthe management of high-level talents, such as ignorance of the rule of growth of high-leveltalents, haste towards success, inability in adjusting objectives, reluctance to act, shortageof motivation, creativity and pioneering spirit, which hinders the development of high-leveltalents and realization of managerial goals. To solve this, managers shall lift their ethicallevels, have a holistic view and a sense of commitment and responsibility, strengtheninnovation capabilities and problem solving abilities. Establish an objectives accountabilitysystem and high-level talents management mechanism.The last chapter, through evidence-based research, explores the establishment ofethical goals, the application of ethical methods and the evaluation of ethics. Workconcerning the professional title in education in Shandong Province has undergone thirty years’ reform and development and can be divided into four historical period, namely,restoration, rebuilding, standardization and adjustment. Despite phenomenal success, thereare unavoidable problems pertaining to the system and operation: professional title linkedto salary, the level of professional title unmatched with contribution, overemphasis onquantity rather than quality in evaluation, administration interference with academics. Thisrepresses young talents and gives rise to the impetuous style of study. The ethicalmanagement of professional title for college teachers should be approached as follows: One,with a caring spirit, decision-making mechanism shall comply with the rules of teachers’development and their professional properties and promote teachers’ development in allaspects; Two, put ethics first while doing research and curb plagiarism through educationand technical means; Third, for high-level talents establish an evaluation mechanismfeaturing detailed evaluation, overall evaluation and online evaluation to promote theirprofessional development; Fourth, adhere to justice and raise public trust in evaluation.Methods concerned include talks with expert, disclosure of information and problemsolving. Besides, attach great importance to the building of ethical systems and makedecision-making more ethical. Furthermore, managers should strengthen the ethics andresponsibilities of administrations and foster an operating mechanism in accordance withethical requirements.
Keywords/Search Tags:High-level talents, management of high-level talents, ethic
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