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The Northern In The Tang Dynasty Poetry

Posted on:2014-02-21Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhongFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330398954447Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Account of his outstanding achievements in poetry and the special coordinate in the history of poetry development, the acceptance of Yu Xin has been throughout the development process of Tang poem nearly three hundred years. Even since the Northern Zhou and Sui Dynasty, the direct affection has beginning.The princes of Northern Zhou Dynasty, especially the Zhao and Teng and the king Suiiti imitated the "Yu Xin style"and the rhetoric poems. The local Northern Zhou Dynasty and the writers came from Qi and Chen Dynasty meditate his subjects, such as reclusive,homesick.All of this not only lead to the most important three-aspects of the acceptance of YuXin in Tang Dynasty, but also laid the foundation for the future.The very beginning of early Tang Dynasty is the continuation of Zhou Sui poetry, and the encyclopaedia of literature’yiwenleiju’comprehensively collected his works. Under the cultural policy of appreation on Confucianism which advocated by Taizong, the historians pay harsh criticism onYu Xin, called him "the sinner of literature". However, because of the withering of poetry, the great draggle of the rhyme and skills on the new poetry style, Tang Taizong and his minister have to emulate the poetry style of YuXin. With the progress of Gaozong period, the poetry style of YuXin was replaced by "Shangguan style", but it was still popular in the middle and lower intelligentsia group and private pleasures. It was until the late peiod, as the great foreward of the poetry rhyme and skills, especially the establishment of "Shen Song style", YuXin style was no longer appeared.On the otherside, the poetries likes"the famous four ", Shen Song and Chen Zi’ang inherited from the genre, theme and structure layer, which contains some new tendency.The early period of Xuan Zong times, the poetry still continued the tradition of Qi Liang.The collection of Yu Xin’s poems by "chu xue ji" and the palace poetry’s acception were the continuing of the early Tang Dynasty. Meanwhile, the poetry of this period is good at learning from the Six Dynasties poetics tradition.The acceptance of YuXin appeared new visions, such as Zhang Yue who claimed the"bone" and stength of Yu Xin’s pomes. The most famous poetry Wang Wei gave a further development of the style and expression technique of YuXin, which leading to his great status. Li Bai and Yu Xin showed remarkably similar in the theme atmosphere. He learned a lot on the scenery creation art from YuXin but still remained his own speaciality.At the same time, he acontinued the acception of Chen Zi’ang to YuXin, and finally completed the restore to the ancient potery of the Tang Dynasty.From the eary time to late years, the acception of Du Fu to Yu Xin experienced a gradual process. This process not only related with the poetry development background, life experience, but alos with the poetry creative situation, his own poetry concept and pursuing.According to Shen Song,Wang Wei, Du Fu comprehensively aherited the syntax, structure and artistry of Yu Xin’s five-character poetry. Besides the graceful and gorgeous style, Du Yu Fu also inherited the vigorous, plain style of YuXin’s poem which has great influence to the poetry of late Tang Dynasty. Meanwhile, Du Fu also absorbed the realistic spirit of YuXin’s Fu and show great sympathy to him, then moled a sorrow image of him.In the late Tang poetry, the acception of Yu Xin showed much more complex state, the spirit of the times, poetic tradition and individuality are intertwined. Han Meng continued the critical tone of the early historian, issued"critical dust Xu Yu word". At the same time, the Qi and Liang poetry revival has revived,"Yu Xin style" was imitated again.The famous Critics Jiao Ran’s acception of Yu Xin’s poetry embodies the definition and evaluation of Tang poetry to the poems of Qi and Liang Dynasty. Among them, Li He and Li Shangyin showed profounding and unique understangding to YuXin’s "Palace" poetry. Along with Du Fu, the harsh mosphere of the late Tang Dynasty made a great compassion to Yu Xin’s surferrin and remolded a sorrow, reclusive image of Yu Xin.In a word, the intrinsic motivation and the pattern behind the acception of Tang Dynasty which continued nearly three hundred years, hided complex poetic connotation. Realizing it not only can better understand Yu Xin’s poetry artistic value and status in the history of poetry, but also helpful to grasp the development process of Tang poetry itself in the past three hundred years and its’origin relationship with Six Dynasties Poetry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yu Xin, the poetry of Tang Dynasty, style, acception
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