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Zuozhuan, Lu Image Research

Posted on:2014-01-11Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330398458759Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
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The worthies research on "Zuo Zhuan" characters mostly confined to the ZhengZhuanggong and five hegemons and few women, Lu monarches and Lu nobilitiesrarely been portrayed, the image of women in the State of Lu never been concernedabout. Person is the most subtle cultural carrier, person of Lu shared thoughts andfeelings accumulation as a cultural symbol, and depth to the blood and soul of thedescendants, to become the cultural spirit of generations. This article by collectingand studying "Zuo Zhuan", to examine obscure and complex inner world ofcharacters of the State of Lu, to restore the vivid image of them, and expect to refineand deepen push the Lu cultural studies.The text is divided into six chapters. The first chapter discusses the Lu domesticgovernance and diplomacy in "Zuo Zhuan". It experienced monarch’s rightsgradually weaken and nobility became mighty and autocratic process. State of Lulack the energetic wise monarch, Assassination of the monarch, murder inheritor,banish monarch accelerated the decline of national power. In nations competehegemony era, because nobility hereditary system, no progress, no respect for talent,the conservative leaders still followed the old practice, vain attempt maintainpolitical stability, no enterprising spirit, unable to contend with the powers.Moreover, Geographic advantages lead the State of Lu without progress andexpansion, adversity caused supremacy, favoring situation causes conservative anddecline. State of Lu diplomacy can be divided into two aspects of Lu Exchange royaland Lu contact with other nations. The royal status decline and the relative decline ofthe State of Lu, led to the state of Lu just want protect itself and ignore the royalfamily. The diplomacy between Lu and other nations according to QiHuanGongdominance can be divided into two periods, early independence, and late attachmenthegemony. The second chapter discusses the Lu Cultural spirit of "Zuo Zhuan". Spring andAutumn troubled times, the royal family decline ceremony disintegration, Lubecame the largest ceremony Oriental vassal state. Lu etiquette of "Zuo Zhuan",showed the proficient about and maintains etiquette of Lu people. But Lu alsoexperienced Ceremony Disintegration, unauthorized ceremony move intensified. Theceremony of the State of Lu’s Spring and Autumn Period, has lost the ethos ofmaintaining social stability, maintenance of hierarchy level, but rather to formalminutiae. Lu advocating moral thought is reflected in the patriotic, respectfulhumility, the loyalty, filial piety, honest, Benevolence, advocating economizes. Bothfrom the natural environment and cultural origins, or the idea of running the countrydetermines the characteristics of the Lu culture is a farming culture, institutionallevel the Lu culture which has statically determinate, conservative characteristics,for the maintenance of social stability, but in the Spring and Autumn hegemonyPeriod era was untimely, Thus resulting in Lu gradually weaken. Go deeper,Confucianism only adapt in times of peace, and is not suitable for troubled times.But the scale of the country’s political decline can not be used as a cultural merits,the decline of Lu can not be denied ethics of moral, and cultural the etiquette of Lustill an excellent cultural reality, it breeds and nourishes in Confucian culture, impactlater, so Chinese become famous Etiquette country.The third chapter analyzes the image of the "Zuo Zhuan" Lu monarches. The"Zuo Zhuan" totally wrote twelve Lu monarches. Among them, YinGong, HuanGong,ZhuangGong had vivid image, but from XiGong, nobilities gradually rising, JiYou,Zang Wenzhong, Xiangzhong gradually achieved a decisive role in the affairs ofstate, and the image of the monarches gradually blurred, so this text only dissertatedYinGong, HuanGong, ZhuangGong three monarches.Humility the benevolent Lu YinGong: As the first monarch of the history of Luin Spring and Autumn period, his humble and benevolent image gives left a deepimpression. According to his father’s wishes, he was willing to become regent. Andhumble everywhere, he always deliberately avoids arousing suspicion on important occasions, and do not want to appear to the identity of the king’s. Even occasionalmistakes, but also know and can correct, itself a remarkable achievement. But hishumility forbear, not enough fortitude fruit character is innocent killed tragedy of theimportant reasons. In Peace era, nation need tolerant and benevolent monarch,Ceremony Disintegration of troubled times, nation need crusaded decisive monarch,the monarch need crusaded decisive, incentives and penalties in order to administerthe courtiers. It can be said, humility and generosity YinGong unfortunately born inthe wrong era, his tragedy is the tragedy of character.The wicked of Killing monarch Lu HuanGong: YinGong everywhere EnshrinedHuanGong, HuanGong did not return for the feel grateful, but HuanGong and Yufuconspiracy killed the monarch. When the YinGong was assassinated, HuanGong wasonly a teenager, but had shown his cruel and vicious nature. HuanGong was so, tracethe origin of his humanity is distorted due to the misfortune of his childhoodfatherless Misfortune and ten years of long wait Throne. Juvenile orphaned painfulexperience especially lonely fragile HuanGong, implicit public regency situation sothat his rights pinnacle desperate, thinking, his cruel vicious, to seize the Throne, andwilling to defy world opinion regicide kill his brother; in order to keep Throne hehad to repeat the mistakes again, groveling handover reinforcements, even illegalofficiating move gradually numb. The lack of affection made him full of attachmentMrs. Wenjiang, but Wenjiang betrayal to let him out of anger, not size up thesituation, but rather seek temporary gratification, denounced the Wenjiang resultssummoned impending massacre. HuanGong both regicide sinner, at the same timelast come to be murderers of the outcome is a hateful and pathetic tragic figure fullof paradox.The chivalrous Rhenish Lu Zhuanggong: the duke ascended the throne when hewas only thirteen years old, in the face of the country enemies hate him with filthyinsults, Cultivation of virtue, waiting for an opportunity. Throughout the LuZhuanggong life, Although he did not lofty ideals, and sometimes he is also stubborn,For example to Qi watch Ritual, decorated and engraved the palace pillars of HuanGong, improperly let the same surname nobility lady used gem and silk as giftto visit wenjiang, and carefully generosity, indecisive, on in inheritor problems noearly plans that lead to the scourge of the QingFu; big aspest there are many merits:able to win the trust of the people dutifully; courage sin has, Cultivation of virtue,waiting for an opportunity; Respect for subordinates, Trust subordinates, took thelead on the battlefield, is also regarded as a virtuous whom the Lord.The fouth chapter analyzes the Lu nobilities in "Zuo Zhuan". The most famousof them are Zangshi Dongmen and SanHuan. Although DongmenXiangzhong,ShusunQiaoru such as this scum, but it appeared many loyal nobility also.ZangWenzhong, JiWenzi, MengXianzi, ShusunMuzi, ZangWuzhong images are"Zuo Zhuan" efforts to shape.Excellent remarks and behavior ZangWenzhong: ZangWenzhong experiencedZhuang, Min, Xi, Wen four dynasties, Lu Political arena active for more than fiftyyears. He is the state of Lu’s famous Xian Chen, his patriotic and actively runningthe affairs of state, afraid laboring to repair the good-neighborly state, generous andthirst for righteousness, committed to create a peaceful diplomatic environment forthe state of Lu; sober rational, pragmatic and flexible, accessible Contingency goodadvice virtuous and still function, can be described as illustrious exploits; immortalexcellent remarks and behavior brilliantly timeless, implies rational glorious.Loyalty elegant JiWenzi: JiWenzi for nation affairs spared no efforts, respectfulattitude towards work from morning till evening, advocate economize, cautioustreatment of all, he is the very important minister of state of the State of Lu. Internalaffairs loyal and honest dare plain speaking, crusaded decisive, maintain domesticstability. Worked tirelessly in the diplomatic, repeatedly running mixing in powerfulJin, Qi, He helps the gradually decline state of Lu avoid aggression. And his elegantand erudite is very famous in his times; Quote the classics, poeticizing, gentle, andeffortless. Although he occasionally set up Wu Palace unauthorized and the illegalceremony disrespect Monarch Lady, but fundamental, he still is the outstandingpoliticians in the state of Lu in the Spring and Autumn Period. The pillar of the country MengXianzai: MengXianzai is efforts to shape thecharacter s in "Zuo Zhuan", understand the etiquette and comply with etiquette,every effort to exclude the country’s difficulties, defying power of national pillar.Frugal his own thing, Respect for talent, Show great foresight, well aware of thesituation of the nations, the vision, insight into things, he is the very importantstatesman in the state of Lu.The defenders of the country ShusunMuzi: ShusunMuzi is Lu excellentpolitician, times of crisis, the home of their own life and death in the givers, todefend the dignity and interests of the country; thoughts are deep, rich insights;versed in etiquette and good at poetry, moist jade gentleman. Unfortunately, he wasblinded by the villain at last, not hospice, it is regrettable.The wisdom learned ZangWuzhong: ZangWuzhong saints Fitch, refersspecifically to ZangWuzhong cleverness, knowledgeable, He be regarded as a richinsights of the wise men, the bibles of his remarks. Unfortunately, sometimes cleveron the wrong place, So that try to be smart, to recruit people resent, sometimes hisbehavior does no generosity, no justifiability, so that to suffer for his wisdom.The fifth chapter discusses the image of women in the state of Lu of "ZuoZhuan". In "Zuo Zhuan", there are twenty-seven women born in the State of Lu only,vast women just like clouds or dust-like annihilation in the long history. Howeverseriously trace this twenty-seven women slightly deeds, but to truly feel respectedetiquette Lu culture of women’s oppression and bondage, feel amid the grief of thetext of "Zuo Zhuan" hidden Lu woman flowing and a faint sigh. Sadly, the women,compared with other countries, the state of Lu women has been the concept ofgender self-identity, repressed humanity, decency and propriety into their spiritualbeliefs, the extreme to the body martyrdom. Respected etiquette Lu culture doomedthe unfortunate fate of the woman was born in Lu. Lu woman tragedy reflected theintense conflicts in the depressed state of Lu female humanity concept withindividual human freedom, Lu woman vitality under in cultural etiquette heavybound, shall assertive personality spirit shall not free, and the results of its tragedy is inevitable pain or even destruction.The sixth chapter discusses Confucius of "Zuo Zhuan". There are lots ofsimilarities about Confucius’s thoughts, words, and deeds between "Zuo Zhuan" andAnalects, In addition to the Analects outside;"Zuo Zhuan" is the precious historicalmaterials, with the original qualitative characteristics. Confucius as the descendantsof the Shang after the saint, who runs family the humility Saint bloodline, but alsoby the state of Lu ingrained cultural etiquette and father ShuliangHe chivalrousConfucius also deeply affected, so in history there has proficient the etiquette, gentleand wise and brave Confucius. Confucius demonstrated strong enthusiasm ofsalvation, but unfortunately they untimely troubled times was captured unicornprecisely the symbol of that Confucius not be used. In the Spring and Autumn period,Confucius known by the wise and learned."Zuo Zhuan" embodied the ideas ofConfucius, can be divided into advocating the etiquette and moral, attention todiction, emphasis on achievement three. advocating the etiquette and moral,attention to diction thought reflect Confucius was affected by the culture of Lu,while advocating achievement reflect his ethos of the times and beyond culture ofLu.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Zuo Zhuan", Lu Monarches, Lu Nobilities, Lu Females, Confucius
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