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The Trends Of Thoughts In Western Anthroplogy Of Arts Since1990s

Posted on:2013-03-12Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F LuoFull Text:PDF
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The anthropology of art has entered an exciting stage in its history. It is in the process of moving from its place as a minority interest that most anthropologists could neglect towards a more central role in the discipline. Anthropologists stress their more concern on art since1990s. A rethinking of the role of art in anthropology had begun in the1960s, but arrive to it’s top since1990s, when Western art and art theory moved more and more in the direction of anthropological thinking while at the same time the research interest of anthropologists in art and art objects was revived. This dissertation reviews the trends of thoughts in western anthropology of art since1990s.The thesis of this dissertation is that "The Trends of Thoughts in Western Anthropology of Arts Since1990s", The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the scholars’theory of anthropology art and to assess their contribution to the contemporary debate in the field of anthropology of art. In this dissertation I focus on the English-World anthropologists on the intertwined today issues in the field of Anthropology of Art Studies.Over the past two decades, anthropology of art has attracted attention not only from the field of art history, but also from areas such as anthropology, history, and archaeology studies etc. Clearly, this picture of the convergence of voices from multiple disciplines has to do with the fact that the anthropology of art is an interdisciplinary study. So the anthropology of art constitutes an ideal site for performing interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary inquiries. In other words, this question enables scholars from different disciplines to consider art from their unique perspectives and converse and contend with each other. As more and more scholars are willing to explore interdisciplinary methodologies, the anthropology of art has witnessed an increasing interest over the past years, a trend that is reflected in quite a number of recently released anthologies. Accordingly, studying art and artists has hardly ever been the sole sphere of art historians, but has become a constructive tool for researchers from other disciplines as well, foremost among which are anthropologists. Overall, Art and Anthropology provides an excellent framework for understanding the various approaches the discipline can take, while demonstrating that there is no single anthropological theory of art. My dissertation addresses this problem by providing a close examination of the development of methodology and approach in anthropology of art, as well as a brief sketch of its subsequent development in history. I choose the key arguments in anthropology of art as the main section. This dissertation is motivated by three key sections. Firstly, The key issues in anthropology of art. Secondly, Western prominent anthropologist’s filed study and texts. Thirdly, Approaches assess ground the scholar’s concept of in their thought.I have divided this dissertation into eight sections, which consist of various texts and field studies by a diverse group of writers. In the first chapter,"Introduction," I introduce the research background in this research. In second chapter,"Space and Time", I define the geographical scope and time range in this research. The third chapter,"History," I take a detour from the discussion of the development of methodology and approach in anthropology in the history.The fourth chapter is entitled "Key Issues," In this section I explores ten current issues in the anthropology of art..In its examination of this body of scholarship, this dissertation pays special attention to the following questions:Art and Agency, Repatriating; The Ownership of Culture; The Chang of’Value; Non-Art and Non-culture; Post-Tribal Art; Authenticity of Aboriginal Art; Art as a kind of’Weapon"; The interpreter of culture; Heritage and Exhibition. After examining the debate, I argue that these current issues show the trends of thoughts in western countries.In chapter fifth, The key anthropologists and their field studies and texts of art will be discussed here. Namely, Robert H. Layton; Alfred Gell; Christopher B. Seiner; Wilfried Van Damme;Paul S.C. Tacon; Howard Morphy; Morgan Perkins; Fred R. Myers; Sally Price; Eric Venbrux; Arnd Schneider; Christopher Wright; Maruska Svasek; Roger Sansi-Roca; David H. Brown; Robert Farris Thompson; Talmon-Chvaicer. In this chapter, I examine the texts of these prominent anthropologists.The sixth part deals with the approaches which today anthropologists took.I examine their texts and divide scholars according to the main methodologies or approaches divided the schlolares according to several main methodology and approach. In this chapter, I explores various texts, including Anna Grimshaw, Jolene Rickard; Nancy D. Munn; Mariet Westermann; Paul Stoller; Suzanne Preston Blier; Jacques Maquet; Russell Leigh Sharman; Francesco Pellizzi; Anthony Shelton; Jeremy Coote; Austin Harrington;Valda Blundell; David M. Guss; Jacquelyn A Lewis-Harris; Kathleen Adams; Evelyn Payne Hatcher; Angela Hobart; Bruce Kapferer; Donna A. Buchanan; David Richard; Robin Osborne; Susan Vogel; Esther Pasztory; Sari Wastell; Martin Holbraad; Sidney L. Kasfir; Shelly Errington; Eric K. Silverman; Alexis Bunten; Aldona Jonaitis; Ruth B.Phillips; Heather N. Lechtman; Steve Bourget; Christina Krep.The arrangement of dissertation transitions from apporaches into Chapter seven, which concentrate on the trends of thoughts since1990s. Finally, to conclude, I conclude the chapter by examining the Chinese Arts studies by western scholars. In today anthropology of art, the anthropologists have taken various approach, namely, social function (treats art objects as passive); agency (treats art objects as active); aesthetics(aesthetics value); semiotic (only looks at meaning in original context);social life of things (history, power and meaning).Art as one aspect of culture; Post-tribal Art." Social function" approach treats art objects as passive. And that "The agency" approach gives much more emphasis to the active role of art objects in social exchange. About the "social life of things" approach, the vital innovation in this approach was the way in which it looks at how the meaning and value of art objects changes when they are taken from their original context-either stolen by colonial powers and placed in a museum, or sold to collectors from another culture, or whatever."Art as culture" is regard art as one section of the social system."Aesthetic" approach is related the aesthetic value of art."Semiotic" approach is looks at meaning in original context.In this dissertation, I will go after the profound scholarship of prominent western anthropologists. While the dissertation also provides a sketch of the history of approaches. I hold that arguments based upon it presents enough detail to support the claim. The issue of "Art and Agency" has received more attention in today theory. As to " Social life of things" and "Art and Agency "are definitely a strong current from the1990s onward.Moreover, I think that Nevertheless, as it has been pointed out, There is no a total theory in this field. Moreover. I think that fact is "a delicate matter" just as Clifford Geertz has saying. Today anthropologists concern on "Meaning-Imagination-Agency" and aims to find the "Meaning" in the arts and human acting.In particular, we can take a kind of saying "Process-History-Structure" approach to focus on the trends of thoughts in anthropology of art since1990s.
Keywords/Search Tags:Since1990s, Western, Anthropology of Art, Theory, Trends of Thoughts
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