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The Research On Heidegger’s Science And Technology Thoughts In Ontology

Posted on:2013-07-30Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330395475945Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Martin Heidegger is a famous humanistic philosopher in Germany in the twentieth century. He starts to examine closely the significance of Being from the criticism of the loss of Being in the western traditional metaphysics with keen insight, and this close examination has been running through all his academic career and become the only subject in his life. While questioning the significance of Being, he starts from the issue of Being from Aristotle, reforms Husserl’s phenomenology, inherits the context explanation of pre-theory by Dilthey and Soren Aabye Kierkegaard’s analysis of man’s survival emotions, integrating the method of phenomenology and issue of Being. He undertakes thorough analysis on the science and technology of the important phenomenon in modern society, and his analysis and reflection has formed an important component of his examination on Being.Heidegger thinks about the essence of science and technology under the background of Phenomenology, ontology and Dasein.His exploration of the essence of science is mainly conducted in three levels:the scientific cognition activity is not the primary and sole mode of survival, science is the priori project of nature and the essence of modern science has divided into that as the Mathematical, that as research and that as the theory of reality. In the early times, Heidegger has dedicated on analyzing the emergence of scientific cognition activity from the survival structure of Dasein. In his opinion, Dasein has been working with care in the world, which is the premise of the emergence of scientific theories. In the activity with care, other Beings are not objects of cognition primarily, but the foundation as the existence of Dasein in the world. Only when Dasein’s care activity has been broken, the innerworldly Beings shall show up in its pure appearance and the original thing at hand at the non-task status has become the object of cognition. Only after cognition has become pure observation of the present thing will scientific theories be generated. However, the pure observation of a present thing is bound to have advanced understanding for certain object. Therefore science is the advanced planning of nature. In later period, Heidegger still goes after his basic ideas in early period and undertakes deeper discussion about the nature of modern science. The nature of modern science lies primarily in the Mathematical, which is a kind of advanced grasp of the nature of a thing and the provided basic framework of the structure of a thing and its correlations. It’s just through mathematical planning and the guarantee of cognition pattern that science has become research. Meanwhile, modern science is the theory of real things and contraposition is its nature. These several kinds of explanations for modern science are correlated inherently, among which the Mathematical is of the most determined characteristics.In early times, Heidegger’s analysis about technology starts from a useful thing. The characteristics of a useful thing lie in "the what-for of it’s usability","the whereof which it consist"and the reference structure of its existential pattern. Through the reference network, a useful thing finally connects nature and Dasein. In modern technology, nature is no longer the object at hand but the one tortured and challenged by human beings while the researched object by modern science and technology is not the real one but the natural one as presentative. Later on, in order to explain this characteristic of modern technology deeply, Heidegger has quoted "enframing" to illustrate that modern technology has challenged, set up, ordered human beings and put them into global Being history for observation. Modern technology has ruled each aspect of mankind and has become the largest risk faced by modern people, whose basic reason has lie in the fact that modern technology is rooted in the western traditional metaphysics.Thus, the crisis of modern science and technology cannot be eliminated, which is the destiny of modern human beings. In order to help mankind rid the danger, Heidegger resorts to thinking, poetry, language and art. These forms are inherently related to Being as for Heidegger. Being primary, art and technology are eliminated permissively, providing another reference for our seeing the essence of technology. While thinking refers to that of the Being, in modern times, the calculating thinking has evacuated the true nature of mankind, thinking and objects, extracting mankind’s ability of meditation. Therefore, to rid the danger of science and technology, only through thinking can the people’s attention to the neglected Being be awoken. At the same time, people in modern society are no longer the occupier of being. In a world where Being is neglected, only the great poetry are guarding and storing the ability of Being stubbornly, and modern people can only dwell upon the earth poetically by going back to the poetry of contemporary great poets and listening.Finally, the paper discusses the characteristics and influences of science and technology of ontology. The ideas of ontological science and technology are presenting their unique characteristics different from traditional theory of knowledge and epistemology whenever they are seen from the introspective perspective, method, point of view, path and the used concepts. It influences various subsequent kinds of philosophies after modern ecology (Western Marxism, hermeneutics, technology philosophy, postmodernism etc.) so that it opens a post-philosophical time.The conclusion part has made an evaluation on the rationality of ontological science and technology from three aspects. Since overwhelming difficulties appear during the development process of traditional epistemology and cognitive philosophy of science and technology, Heidegger chooses to reflect science and technology in ontology, connecting science, technology, art, poetry, thinking and language etc. with Being and establishing an ontology against science and technology to narrate macroscopically. At the same time, he applies the method of Phenomenology, and from the angle of essence, concludes that the nature of science is the planning of nature in advance and this planning is closely related with human beings’ understanding of the world. The essence of technology is removing cover, which is the method represented by Beings while the removing cover mode of modern technology is formed under the domination of western metaphysics.
Keywords/Search Tags:Heidegger, ontology, science, technology
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