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Study On The Ability Of Communist Party’s Leading Advanced Culture

Posted on:2013-07-17Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330395470235Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Culture is the nation’s blood, the people’s spiritual home. From the date of the establishment on, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has been the positive advocate and developer of the Chinese advanced culture. Since the Sixth Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Party Central Committee was held in November2011, promoting socialist cultural greater development and prosperity, enhancing the soft power of Chinese culture, building a powerful socialist culture country have become the overall goal of the CPC and risen to the constructing level of the national strategy. Historical experience also tells us, both at home and abroad, or ancient and modern, the country that has been able to become a world power is always a cultural power, which has a close relationship with the cultural ability of the ruling party. Historical experience and lessons have proved that whether the ruling party can lead the advanced culture determines the success or failure of it. Therefore, studying the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture, evaluating the present situation of the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture and exploring the path of enhancing the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture are of great significance.The thesis aims to form a systematic understanding of studying the CPC’s ability to lead advanced culture by exploring the connotation formation, forming background, historical process, status quo examination and strategic position of the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture. So it can provide reference for China’s national strategy choice and domestic policy. The content of this paper mainly includes the following five aspects:First, the connotation and composition of the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture.Second, the strategic position of the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture. Third, the objective conditions for the formation of the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture. Fourth, the situation assessment of the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture. Fifth, the path choice for enhancing the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture.The exploration and research for the connotation and composition of the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture is organized around the leading, advanced culture and the definition of ability. The paper tries to clarify three issues:First, leading is different from construction."Construction" has three meanings, one is to establish and set, two is the display and layout, three is to create a new career or add new facilities. To understand from a cultural perspective,"construction" refers to enrich a new spirit."Leading" has two most basic meanings:one is to guide, two is to lead. From these senses, the connotation of leading is much richer than that of construction. Second, so the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture is far more complex in structure, much richer in content than the ability to construct the advanced culture. The CPC’s ability to construct the advanced culture is a part of the CPC’s ability to lead it. Third, specifically, the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture mainly includes the selection ability, innovation ability, decision-making ability, communication ability, security and defense ability and the ability of cultural leadership construction.The research on the strategic position of the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture is based on the following three levels:the ruling ability strategy, the cultural soft power strategy and the cultural power ability of the CPC. This paper argues that, first, the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture is the "soft core" of its ruling ability. Second, promoting the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture is the strategic choice of the reality of the Chinese culture soft power. Third, enhancing the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture is the fulcrum to achieve the socialist culture power strategy.The research on the objective conditions of the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture is around two levels of reality and history. This paper holds that, first, the CPC is able to respond and make countermeasures timely by exploring the challenge of the globalization trend to the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture, which plays an important role in promoting the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture; second, through the analysis of the realistic condition for the formation of the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture it can be realized that the enhancing of the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture is the requirement of the times, as well as the inevitable result of learning the lessons of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union’s construction of leading the advanced culture; third, through the historical process combing for the formation of the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture and the case study of the CPC’s outstanding figures’ability to lead the advanced culture, we can realize much clearer that the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture is formed basis of a certain historical accumulation.The situation assessment about the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture is based on the "five forces’ instead of the "six forces" to start. Originally the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture includes the selection ability, innovation ability, decision-making ability, communication ability, security and defense ability and the ability of cultural leadership construction.The CPC has selected the Marxist Culture, the most advanced culture of the world, since its birth and has been dedicated to the Marxist Culture of China, which proves the CPC has a strong ability to select the advanced culture evidently. So this paper is not intended to do consideration for the status quo of the selection ability of the CPC’s advanced culture, but to analyze the status quo of it from five aspects. And then draw the conclusion that the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture is in a "sword without front" state.The path selection research of enhancing the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture corresponds with the situation assessment of the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture, which is also centered on the"five forces". This paper argues that we should build and enhance the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture from five aspects according to the analysis of the status quo that the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture is in a "sword without front" state:First, solve the lack of Chinese cultural originality around three aspects; one is to dig Chinese culture creation will and ability, enhance the cultural self consciousness and self-confidence of the Chinese culture; two is to reform the rigid culture system and mechanism, encourage the creation and accommodate a plural, free and open cultural atmosphere; three is to purify the social environment, make the originality become a public consciousness. Second, enhance the decision-making ability of the CPC’s advanced culture from three aspects:one is to pay attention to the integrity of the cultural policy in the culture decision-making process; two is to improve the prediction ability and forward-looking ability, enhance the timeliness of the cultural policy; three is to deepen the reform of cultural system, improve the ability to abolish the institutional barriers restricting the culture development. Third, enhance the CPC’s cultural communication ability from four aspects:one is to enhance the economic strength and technological level, narrow the gap with the dissemination force of the western media; two is to update the concept of culture communication, reform the culture communication system to establish an effective and reasonable communication mechanism; three is to study the culture communication rules, create new communication mode, means and methods. Four is to study the characteristics of the audience, select the content according to the audience. Fourth, enhance the security and defense ability of the CPC’s advanced culture from four aspects:one is to strengthen the security and defense ability of the Marxist ideology; two is to improve the security and defense ability of traditional Chinese culture; three is to strengthen the security and defense ability of the intangible cultural heritage; four is to enhance the security and defense ability of Chinese discourse power. Fifth, improve the construction ability of the CPC’s advanced cultural leadership:one is to pay attention to the construction of ideological leadership; two is to pay attention to the role of intellectuals; three is to enhance the ability to lead the social trend with the socialist core value system; four is to create new ideological and political education.The thesis includes seven chapters in addition to the introduction and the epilogue. The internal logic and frame of its keynote are as follow:Chapterl analyzes the connotation and composition of the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture, which is the logical starting point of the research on it. Chapter2analyzes the strategic position of the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture, which is the important practical significance of the research on it. Chapter3explores the opportunities and chances of the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture, which is the realistic dimension of the research on it. Chapter4assesses the status quo of the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture to have a correct understanding of it. Chapter5observes the formation history of the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture, by which people can understand the historical condition of it. Chapter5 considers the realistic formation basis of the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture so as to realize that enhancing the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture is not only the time’s requirement of the domestic reality development in China, but also the inevitable result of learning form the practical experience of the former Soviet Union and Eastern European Communist Party’s leading advanced culture. Chapter6selects the right path to enhance the CPC’s ability to lead the advanced culture, which is the stay point of the paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:culture, advanced culture, leading ability
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