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Quxuanying Pu

Posted on:2013-01-14Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J TianFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330395451478Subject:Chinese classical literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Qu Xuanyin(1894-1973),whose another name is Duizhi, got a designation called Tuiyuan in his old age. He was a native of Shanhua county in Hunan province. Qu, the youngest son of Qu Hongji, who was the important minister of Qing Dynasty, was born in a famous family. He was familiar with literature and history, expert in poem and good at calligraphy and painting. He learned about a diversity of fields, especially in history and good at the study of locality. He got a knowledge of social custom, official system, history of Qin and Han Dynasty, anecdotes of every dynasty and the annotation of poem and article of poets of Tang Dynasty, about which he also wrote books. He was respected by people for his talent and wisdom. Qu devoted himself in politics and literature in his lifetime and his footprint covered both southern and northern of China. So he experienced all kinds of historical events of modern society and made friends with persons of virtue of that time. Qu participated in politics with the identity of literati and return to literature field in the end. His experience reflects his special destiny, and also refracts the fate heave of a part of intellectuals in the social change and academic transformation time of20th century. It is actually the typical case to research the history of the modern world academic and literature.Nowadays, people pay little attention to Qu’s life and study, and the resent researches lack further study. We need to start from the basic work for further research. In this thesis, I choose the form of chronicle, mainly study the writings of Qu’s himself, his father and his brother mentorship, supplemented with gazetteers, genealogy, archives, newspapers, letters and other materials, adopting both stakeholders oral historical data, and investigate the open archive materials. Via elaborate arrangement. I finish the essay for the first draft according to ages. The chronicle objectively represents Qu’s life experience, completely outlines his reading, studying, politics performance and socializing activities as the goal. It discovers large amount of original materials to try to reveal the complex orbit of his thinking and characteristic, and expands a new field of researching modern literati.The chronicle records Qu"s life.divided in the following five period:First period, from1894to1911, during which Qu’s age ranges from one to eighteen. Qu travelled extensively with parents before fourteen years old and come back to village after that. He mainly received education from family and teacher.Second period, from1912to1920, during which Qu’s age ranges from nineteen to twenty-seven years old. Qu was study in Shanghai. He studied at St. John’s University and Fudan University and he has been the leader of Shanghai student parade during May Forth Movement.Third period, from1921to1937, during which Qu’s age ranges from twenty-eight to forty-four. Qu take part in politics activities in Beijing and Tianjin, served as the national history of the Northern government codification of the Director, the Secretary-General of the State Council, and after the Northern Expedition, he served as Secretary-General of the Government of Hebei Province. Besides the politics, he taught in Nankai University, Yanjing University, Qinghua university and Beijing normal university. He participated in the activities of Creative association of China, Peking Institute and other academic groups. He carried on both politics and study and had a lot of writings.Forth period, from1938to1945, during which Qu’s age ranges from forty-five and fifty-two years old. During the war, Qu was stranded in Peking. He changed name to Yikai, served as the Secretary-General of the North China Political Affairs Committee,"Peking University" agency oversight, the curator of the National North China Compilation and Translation Office.Fifth period, from1946to1973, during which Qu’s age ranges from fifty-three to eighty years old. Qu left Peking after war, strayed to Shanghai. He returned to school, earned life via writing. Finally, he was persecuted in Cultural Revolution and died in prison.Chronicle is divided into five chapters according to the above, added Pre-chronicle and Post-chronicle to describe his family and the situation after death.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qu Xuanyin, Chronicle, Life, Study, Friends and relationship
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