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Art Museum’s Multiple Display Space

Posted on:2013-08-10Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330377453455Subject:Western art history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
We are living in an era of information explosion; information that in the agricultural and industrial era have become more scarce resources, in the information age seems to can be found everywhere. Under this situation, Traditional institutions such as museums, art galleries as one of the carriers preserve and present information’s institution, if continue the traditional attitude, Is bound to be swallowed up by the powerful information storage and dissemination capabilities of the Internet or alternative replaced by other new media, result may disappear in the long history of being, or become only as a treasury awkward information storage. This prospect, certainly not the majority of practitioners and enthusiasts would like to see.Therefore, the Modern Art Museum can continue to exist, how to exist, Has become a major issue, in fact, that we cannot be denied, that in the efficiency of the dissemination of information, traditional art museum really cannot compete with the Internet and other new media, However, as an entity museum exist, a composite of a wide range of exhibition space, the Museum of Modern Art has advantage of carriers many other differ information: It can be an academic space and art space, Also serves as an important part of daily ecology of a city’s cultural complex and contemporary social existence, Museum of Fine Arts in modern society, there is still much space to explore.
Keywords/Search Tags:Museum, Art Gallery, Information era, Modern art, Space
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