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Han Han Gerund

Posted on:2013-09-19Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330377450779Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The dissertation studies the verbal nouns in Chinese and Korean languages fromthe perspective of language typology, classifies the types of verbal nouns in bothChinese and Korean languages, and then conducts a contrastive study of them. Verbalnouns are words that have the functional part of speeches of both verbs and nouns.Chinese verbal nouns don’t have specific morphological markers whenever used asnouns or verbs, and the part of speech of them are reflected by their syntactic functions.The majority of Korean verbal nouns are written by Chinese characters, the verbal partof speech of which are reflected by morphological markers as “”or “”toexpress verbal meaning.The dissertation defines Chinese and Korean verbal nouns and makescategorizations and statistics according to the realms of their usage. It also studies thesyntactical and semantic functions of verbal nouns in Chinese and Korean languagesand makes a contrastive study of the corresponding forms of verbal nouns in twolanguages. The dissertation is divided into seven chapters.The first chapter makes a brief introduction of the object of research, itssignificance, methodology, theoretical foundations, framework and the resources ofcorpus.The second chapter serves as a review of literature by describing the contrastivestudy of verbal nouns in Chinese and Korean languages in history and its status quo aswell as making a summary of the previous studies and their inadequacies.The third chapter categorizes, defines Chinese and Korean verbal nouns anddiscusses their motivations.The fourth chapter puts verbal nouns into their due categories in light of therealms of their usage, makes statistics of the number of verbal nouns in each group andexplores the similarities and dissimilarities of Chinese verbal nouns and Korean verbalnouns under their respective category. The fifth chapter categorizes Korean verbal nouns according to theirmorphological attributes, makes statistics of the number of their verbal nouns withadditional passive morphological and causative morphological markers and matchesthem with the corresponding ones in Chinese language.The sixth chapter explores the collocation of Korean verbal nouns with othergrammatical elements in sentences and corresponding forms of Chinese and Koreanverbal nouns.The seventh chapter draws a conclusion of chief innovations, inadequacies andproblems that remain unsolved in the dissertation.
Keywords/Search Tags:verbal nouns, grammatical function, meaning, contrastive study of Chineseand Korean languages
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