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The Study On Treating Role Of Yi Qi Yang Yin & Hua Tan Qu Yu Therapy In Midst-Late Gastric Cancer

Posted on:2008-06-02Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y B ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1224360218961810Subject:Traditional Chinese Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Currently Gastric Cancer (GC) is one of the most commonly foundmalignant tumor worldwide, it refers to the malignant tumor arisingfrom gastric epithelial tissue. Among all the diseased death rate,23.02%of death is due to malignant tumors, it also rank top amongall malignant tumors. GC has four distinctive stages depending bythe depth of its transference and infiltration. After radical surgery andright treatment, 50%-60%of patients can survive for another five years.Therefore, seeking an effective treatment has become a priority need.The renowned Professor Liu Shen Lin has made a break throughacademic theory for the GC patients. In his research, he investigatedthe etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of midst-late gastric cancerfrom Tradition Chinese Medicine (TCM) point of view, through clinicalresearch and animal studies, created Shen Yi Jian Zhong Tang (SYJZ)and tested efficaciously for the midst-late gastric cancer patients.According to the ancient TCM gastric cancer, this particular diseaseand syndrome can be divided into four stages:1) Initial Forming PeriodIt evolved around Spring/Autumn Period and Warring States Period tothe late years of the Eastern Han Dynasty.2) Investigation & Development PeriodThis took place in the Jin, Sui and Tang Dynasty.3) The Substantial PeriodIt was officially substantiated during Song Dynasty to the Jin/YuanDynasties.4) The Consummate PeriodDuring the Ming and Qing Dynasties, ancient TCM scholars started tofocus on theoretic study and analyzed the etiology and pathogenesis ofadvanced midst-late gastric cancer, discussed the different treatmentmethods with ancient TCM theories and precise medical prescriptions. With Professor Liu’s excellent academic research and experience oftreating gastrointestinal carcinoma, he successfully created aneffective treatment in accordance to differentiation. After two yearsof intensive learning in his clinic and guidance, I completed thisdoctoral thesis, mainly focused on treatment principle, etiology,formula and prescription.By reviewing his theory and experience simultaneously, my thesiselevated professor Liu’s treating gastrointestinal carcinoma to ahigher lever. Through two years of thorough research, I concludedthat insufficiency of spleen is the intrinsic factor of this disease. Itsbasic pathogenesis is the deficiency of spleen Qi and the obstructionof dampness, poison and stasis.Besides that my experiences in precise tongue diagnosed is alsoincluded in my thesis, through the tongue analysis, it enable me cureproblem differently according to different patients symptoms, whichrange from strengthening the body resistance, invigorating the spleenand warming and inspiring Yang Qi. Also, experiences in selecting thecorrect prescription, etc.All in all, the main therapeutic principle for advanced gastric canceris benefiting vital energy, nourishing Yin, eliminating sputum andremoving blood stasis. Fu Fang Qi Dong Tang is created particularly tosolve the above problems. Not only this prescription has beenclinically tested effective, it has also been manufactured andcirculated to patients. To support my theory, four typical cases areintroduced in detail, problems are also being highlighted and how theyare being solved clinically.
Keywords/Search Tags:midst-late gastric cancer, theory research, clinical research, fu fang qi dong tang, Liu Shen-lin
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