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The Notion Of Me-Drod To Analyze Phenomena Of The Basis Of Affliction

Posted on:2014-09-14Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C D J PuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1224330503956634Subject:National Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In Tibetan Medical Physiology, the physiological characteristics of the body have two aspects: g Nod-Bya-khams(the basis of affliction) and g Nod-Byed Nyes-pa(the factors that inflict harm). The g Nod-Bya-khams is of two types: Lus-Zungs(bodily constituents) and Dri-ma(waste products). The former includes nutritional essence, blood, muscle, fat, bone, bone marrow and regenerative fluid. The latter includes feces, urine, perspiration and the minor impurities.The Me-drod is the basis of all digestive process, and it particularly refers to the digestive m Khris-pa. The functional heat associated with the Nad(principal energy), Lus-Zungs and Dri-ma are a part of Me-Drod. Me-Drod helps to maintain health and promotes diligence, a healthy complexion and longevity while enhancing the heat of other bodily constituents. Strong Me-Drod will ensure proper digestion and will allow the waste products to move downwards for normal defecation and urination. A weak Me-Drod will not be able to digest food properly and as such an undigested food is passed loosely. Me-Drod is the main factor responsible for development of subsequent Lus-Zungs, the complexion and physical strength.A diet having any of the six tastes is broken down by the decomposing Bad-Kan after ingestion. Thereafter, the digestive m Khris-pa digests it properly. Finally, the fire-accompany r Lungs separates the chyme into essence and waste. After the food is properly digested and converted into nutritional essence and waste matter, the latter is again separated in the intestine into solids and liquids. The solid part is turned into stool, whereas the liquid part is tuned into urine. The nutritional essence is further matured by the Me-Drod of each bodily constituent. The nutritional essence then passes from the stomach towards the liver through nine intricate networks for the nutritional essence. Which is transformed into blood, and subsequently the refined part of blood is transformed to muscle tissue, the refined part of muscles tissue is transformed into fat, the refined part of the fat is transformed into bone, the refined part of bone is transformed into bone marrow and the refined part of bone marrow is transformed into regenerative fluid. The end product of the chain synthesis of bodily constituents is the regenerative fluid, the final essence, which is called m Dangs(the supreme vitality).This thesis combined traditional Tibetan “Lung” and “Rigs-Pa” research method and modern literature research method “Textual analysis, Structured Focus Group and Semi-Structured In-depth Interviews” to compare all kinds of versions of r Gyud-b Zhi and annotations of explanatory tantra of r Gyud-b Zhi which is talked about this process, find the common explanations and differences explanation between each annotation and describe what are they? Then incorporating ideas from old annotations into a new single theory of the process and basically discuss how does this theory compare to Western Medicine? Go through the notion of Me-Drod to mainly analyze the process and phenomena of seven bodily constituents, three waste products and the supreme vitality of human body.The conclusion of the entire dissertation shows a new theory that all those process and phenomena of the basis of affliction are highly based on blood circulation and connected with the five internal organs and six hollow organs, each different step have their own specialty organs for help and maintain, such as stomach maintain nutritional essences, liver maintain bloods, spleen maintain muscles and fats, kidney maintain bones and bone marrows, b Sam-Se‘u(seminal vesicle or ovary) maintain regenerative fluids, heart maintain the supreme vitalities, large intestine and small intestine maintain feces, kidney and urinary bladder maintain urines, liver and gallbladder maintain perspirations. The three types of Me-Drod directly and mainly affected this whole digestive process and each step has one main Me-Drod to digest. And this thesis also shows the classical Tibetan Medical tantra “r Gyud b Zhi ” academically and systemically concluded this big process in 8 century.
Keywords/Search Tags:Me-Drod, gNod-Bya-Khams, ‘Gyur-Tshul, Zungs-b Dun, Dri-Ma-g Sum
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