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Chai Songyan Teacher Academic Thoughts And Clinical Experience In The Inheritance And Based On The Binary Yang Pathogenic Theory Of Syndrome Differentiation Plasma Cell Mastitis Of The Applied Research

Posted on:2014-02-27Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:F S WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1224330398952833Subject:Gynecology of traditional Chinese medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Professor Yansong Chai, one of national famous doctors, is engaged in gynaecology for60years, who has experiences and traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions accumulation. I had honor to be mentored by Prof. Chai from2008to2012. With traditional methodology, I learned Prof. Chai academic thought and clinical experience. Now, I advanced so much and have some deep thoughts and feelings. This paper collected Prof. Chai’s methodology and experience and attempted to combine the traditional Chinese medicine with the western medicine. The study is divided into four parts.Part1. Origin of Prof. Chai academic thoughtIn this pare, I reviewed the background of Prof. Chai and tried to find out the character of her academic thoughts."The four characters of kidney","nourishing blood" and "Yang-ming Channel Pathogenic Theory" are three important parts of academic thought."Comply with the menstruation cycle","vital energy theory" and "five elements" are the three principles in clinical treatment. In emmeniopathy, pregnancy disease, gynaecology difficulty mixed diseases, we analyze the tongue and pulse condition and basal body temperature, combined with properties and tastes of herb to make our plan. Her academic resource from " Emperor’s Canon of Medicine","Jing Yue Quan Shu","Nv Ke Ji Yao" and "Fu Qing Zhu Nv Ke" and from contemporary masters of traditional Chinese medicine, such as:Shenwu Chen, Fengwu Liu, Pufu Zhou, Zhenhua qi and Zhengping Yao. With many years experience, the Chai academic thought was born.Part2. The academic thoughts and clinical experience of Prof. ChaiIn this part, the Prof. Chai academic thoughts was divided into syndrome differentiation, therapy principle. In diagnosis and therapy principle part is included by three aspects.Academic thoughtsThe four characters of kidney is the important summarization of Prof. Chai academic thoughts, which reflect that the kidney damage is the main pathological mechanism in TCM and tonifying kidney is the core of therapy. She emphasizes that the treatment should be conformed to the natural period of kidney function and adjusted the therapy with the patients age.Nourishing blood is based on "yin blood maintenance". It explain the women’s physiological character:shortage of yin. When diagnosis is yin blood deficiency, this academic thought is used. It describes that we should avoid consuming yin blood."The reservoir theory" is explained the relationship between yin blood and menstruation. Yang-ming Channel Pathogenic TheoryAccording to " Emperor’s Canon of Medicine", Prof. Chai developed her thoughts that heat toxin produce form yang-ming channel which enter into xue-hai point of Chong channel and result in yin blood deficiency and irregular menstruation. In clinical, under this guidance we care about the dysfunction of stomach and intestine, for example fecal incontinence.Diagnosis and therapy principleComply with the menstruation cycle is the specific use of "unity of human and nature", a concept of traditional Chinese medicine. Prof. Chai follow the period of tian kui to maintain the regular menstruation period. Utilizing the modern methods like basal body temperature, ultrasonic inspection and measurement and estrogen hormone, Prof. Chai take advantage of herb therapy. We determine the therapy principle, according to the different stage of the menstruation period and seasons change.Vital energy theory is the other character of Prof. Chai principle. This part explains the definition, meaning, state and environment of vital energy theory. Physiological demand, pathological mechanism development and herb nature are the key factors to adjust the vital energy. Focus on physiology balance is the key to maintian the stability of vital energy.Five elements is the bridge between different organs. Among these relationship, the "nourishing lung to develop kidney" is an important principle. When patients with serious disease and aeipathia, we will use this principle. This principle uses the the relationship between lung and kidney to support these "Losing nourishing liver" explains when the kidney is shortage or damaged, the liver will dysfunction.Clinical experienceDifferentiation of diseaseThe diseases differentiation illustrates the method and thinking way about gynaecology. It takes examples of classic gynaecology diseases like:premature ovarian failure, hyperprolactinemia, Stein-Leventhal syndrome, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, threatened abortion, pelvic inflammation and special disease, such as sexual precocity, hydramnios and breast hypertrophy.Diagnosis skillsReferring tongue condition, Prof. Chai conclude12types of tongue conditions, according to the shape, quality, colour and fur of tongue. Referring pulse condition, the change records of slippery pulse and Chi point of pulse tracking the Prof. Chai’s experience. Referring basal body temperature, this index has several conditions like low baseline, high baseline, uniphasic basal temperature, biphasic basal temperature. Different condition has different meaning for treatment.Therapy principleProf. Chai has rich experience in herb therapy. Her experience reflects her dialectical thinking and diagnosis and therapy Policy. This part illustrate the herb therapy policy on nourishing kidney, invigorating blood circulation, clear Yang-ming channel and pregnancy caution, which take examples of some special herb prescription and some special application.Part3. Theory Recognition of "Yang-ming Channel Pathogenic Theory""Yang-ming Channel Pathogenic Theory" is showned the relationship between Yang-ming Channel and Chong-Ren Channel, which toxic heat from Yang-ming Channel, entered into Chong and Ren Channel to damage Yin-blood."Understanding canon with canon" through "Emperor’s Canon of Medicine", the competition which "Jing" is to "Blood" explains the "Yang-ming Channel Pathogenic Theory". This part explains the theory from aspect of connections of meridians, disease pathology, theory heritage, theory development and theory application.Part4. Research of diagnosis and heal plasma cell mastitis by "Yang-ming Channel Pathogenic Theory"Based on learning Prof. Chai’s academic thoughts and clinical experience, especially "Yang-ming Channel Pathogenic Theory", I made combination with Prof. Chai’s theory and modern thoughts. With the new combination, a prospective clinical experiment is proceeded, which showed better efforts than traditional way in whole efforts, adverse effort, estrogen hormone, shape of breast and recurrences. The prospective clinical controlled trials of "Yang-ming Channel Pathogenic Theory" bring us the new idea and new therapy. Meanwhile the application also deepen the understanding for this theory, which deepen the cognition of Yang-ming channel system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Differentiation
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