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Research On Cold Acclimation Design Of Architectures In The Cold Region Based On Biological Acclimatization

Posted on:2017-02-09Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:P HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1222330503469839Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objectively speaking,architectures in the cold region suffer a great challenge in the operation and maintenance because of the harsh climatic conditions. In order to resistance the climate pressure, the severe cold pushes the architectures down to a bigger pressure from the environment and much more energy cost will be paid to preserve a comfortable inside environment. Meanwhile, the more climate extremes, the more important features from the architectures shelter. As the envirionment and source problems getting worse, cold acclimation becomes to the main target in the cold region architecture design. And cold acclimation design lacks mature system and targeted strategies in the cold region as well. Therefore, the double questions of reality including resources and environment pressure and lacking of design basis reveal the necessity and urgency of the cold acclimation design research. Starting from the concept of biometeorology, the research formed the logic system and proposed a perfect cold acclimation design theory and strateges by leading in the biological acclimatization.Emphasizing the climate specialty of the architecture in the cold region and unearthing the high unity of the technology and demands, paying attention to the efficient adaption to the climate, the paper expects to solve the eco-design theory and the realistic problem of the practical references. The scientific and objective research achievements are provided after the discussion of the acclimation strategies, and the feasible technologies are provided aiming at the relevant technology problems of the architecture cold acclimation design in the cold region.The paper build up the essential relevance of architecture and creatures based of the similarity between them. Then compares the common climate factors and the main restrict factors of the architecture and creatures give the certain conclusion of the uppermost factors and climate characteristics so that the objects and targets of the cold acclimation are clear. Furthermore, by the way of establishing the cold acclimation design frame which is inspired by the biological acclimatization, further research method and system are established, and specific cold acclimation strategies is proposed. The cold acclimation design frame is established by relevance discussion of biological acclimatization and cold acclimation design as well as the inspiration realization from biological acclimatization. Firstly the relevance establishment of the two realized from the philosophy angle. The philosophy foundation leading in the biological acclimatization comes from the influence of the natural science development and the inspiration from the biological adaption mechanism. The natural science development has a powerful promotion to epistemology and renewed the knowing of human, need and ecology. As the important content of the fundamental science, biological acclimatization show its leading and sample function for cold acclimation design idea and method. Creature and architecture has a highly similarity on the life features, and the two show a convergence threw the climate description. Secondly, the discussion of biological acclimatization inspired cold acclimation architecture design is started from the common relevant cold acclimation objects of creature and architecture. The common relevant cold climate factors are screened including temperature, light and wind and snow as the main climate ecological factors. Meanwhile, low temperature, short-day and wind and snow problems in the winter are determined to be the main acclimation targets. Leading the biological acclimatization mechanism into cold acclimation design by biological acclimatization inspired design frame, three acclimation strategies are established which include isolating and buffering, dynamic photokinetic and aggregating and hiding.The acclimation strategies aimed at low temperature, short-day and wind and snow problems in the winter are based of biological acclimatization mechanism. Firstly, aiming to the low temperature influence to the architecture, the adaption strategy of isolating and buffering is proposed, which discusses the hierarchical design strategies including efficient shield for the steady-state, organization of the gradient space and application of the buffer cavity. Secondly, aiming to the short-day light environment problem and targeted to dynamic accommodation utilizing, the dynamic photokinetic strategy is proposed, by means of drawing lessons of the principles from creatures which using grows, evolution, rhythm and stress to adapt short-day, the three levels of photokinetic system is established including physique grow and evolution, skin rhythmicity response and components stress tracking. At last, aiming to the wind and snow problems, starting from the evading adaption, the strategy of aggregating and hiding is proposed, by means of extracting the evading pattern from the individual and group level, the form to adapt the wind and snow and the organization mode of the group commensalism are discussed. Meanwhile, the protection for the architectures and creatures from the soil is emphasized as well as the ecological significance and design method of the wind and snow evading.The research on cold acclimation design of architectures in the cold region based on biological acclimatization has a double significance on the theory and practice aspects, the research looks forward to promoting and perfecting the establishment of the cold acclimation design theory system for China’s architectures in the cold region. And providing an objective and verifiable reference system and scientific design method is expected. In addition, the realistic meaning of expanding the innovation threshold and establishing a new research frame as well as promoting the efficient, healthy and optimum development of cold acclimation design are also expected.
Keywords/Search Tags:architectures in the cold region, biological acclimatization, cold acclimation design
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