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The Development Effect Of Climate Change

Posted on:2014-02-09Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1221330398487277Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Climate change is one of the fierce challenges that we face inthe21stcentury. It has been the center of the international issues inthe recent years due to its large scale and deep influence. Climatechange is produced by the development, and it will be surelyresolved by the development of the society. The key to resolve theclimate change is to deal with the relationship between the emissionsof the greenhouse gas and the industrial development, embodied bythe difficulties and transition of the development style of the humansociety. Based on the development effect and the transition style ofthe climate change, this article analyzes the dynamic mechanism andthe change route from the technical, system and culture, summarizesthe experiences of the developing mode transition of the majorcountries in the world, put forward the point about coping withclimate change, promoting the transition of the development mode,realizing scientific development and green development. This thesiscomprises six chapters.Chapter one is a lead-in. It states the research background andthe meaning of the research, points out the key problem afterresearching the related studies, explains the research ideas andmethods, concludes the difficult points and the innovation of theresearch.Chapter two is about analysis of the development effect ofclimate change. It focuses on the relationship between climatechange and development mode transition. Climate is always thebasic force in shaping the human history; the progression of humandevelopment mode represents the history of climate change. Afterentering the industrial society, with the characteristic of burning thefossil fuels, human beings have strength the power to change andcontrol the climate, the greenhouse effect caused by the humanactivities will be the most important factor in influencing the climatesystem. Therefore, climate change, as a result of the conflict betweenthe nature and development practice of human being, is influenced by the human development mode, and will affect and confine themode of human development. Climate change challenges theenergy-oriented industrialism, limitless capitalism, consumerism,economic globalization. It also challenges the epistemology andontology of the development conceptions which we regarded as amodel. All these will force us to reconsider the development modetransition.Chapter three analyzes the technologic-economic format ofdevelopment mode transition, the route of development modetransition with the technological analysis of climate change.Technology essentially is the tools intermediary between man andnature, product of human’s practice. It has been the factor ofproduction, deciding the human development mode. In this modernsociety, the fusion of technology and capital represents the internalmechanism of the development mode and the technologicalrevolution and the development long-wave in the external shape.The improvement of technological level and the ability to changenature cannot assure human’s high level of environment quality. Thechange of climate is one of the examples. In order to cope with theclimate change from the technical level, to help the smooth transitionof the development mode and to sustain the sustainable development,it is an important choice to create ecological technology, to developthe high-efficient clean fossil energy and the recycle energy, toexplore the low-carbon technology.Chapter four is the systemic analysis of the development modetransition. The main idea is that system is the outcome of theproduction and communication, a normative intermediary to dealwith the conflict between man and nature or the conflict amongpeople. System adjusts man’s deeds, controls the conflicts, strengthsthe cooperation through its normative mechanism, purposemechanism and dynamic mechanism, in order to regulate the socialrelations, to shape the activity patterns, to integrate the social force.Therefore, it will influence the development style of human beings. Climate change and the decline of the world economy caused by thefinancial crisis in2008had been the two global crisises;neo-liberalism has been heavily destroyed in shaping ideologicalforce and the America-oriented international order. This world is fullof systemic transition. Development mode transformation requiresthe adjustment of the regulation system, which means to strictlycontrol the finance and to change the social system in a large scale(Green New Deal).Chapter five is about the cultural adjustment of thedevelopment mode transformation. Culture, as a conceptualintermediary between man and nature, is the society’s “mental linkobject” and the intermediate link. It maintains the developmentmode, due to its naturalness and the case of human nature. In theindustrial society, culture develops and upgrades as a productiveforce, with the cultural industry as its direct manifestation. Climatechange as the ultimate of the ecological crisis represents thesymptoms of the cultural crisis of the human society. With theclimate change, the role of culture development can be directlyembodied that ecological cultivation may be the direct and purposeof the development mode transformation. We should follow the holyand eternal law of the life cycle; man should live harmoniously withthe world around us.Chapter six states the experience of the development moletransformation from all over the world and the Chinese characteristicroute of development mode. It is the rebuilt of the international orderbased on a macro analysis of the climate change. The thesissummarizes the experiences of the development modetransformation, figuring out the way to response positively to theclimate change, to promote the development mode transformation, torealize scientific development and green development. From theperspective of the world, all sorts of doctrine, systems, mode pathswill receive the test of time and practive. Competition about theconception, way, scale and room for development is more intense. It is a necessary and need to improve development modetransformation and to rebuild the international order. From theperspective of China, our development patterns are formed by ournational conditions. All methods must be based on the nationalcondition. We should have a deep understanding of difficult andcomplicated environmental change at home and abroad. It is a mustto learn from the beneficial experience from the other countries, topaying more attention to the new problems and challenges in ourdevelopment. The positive transformation of the development modeshould start from the sustain of the core interests of the country, topave way to the scientific development, green development andpeaceful development.
Keywords/Search Tags:climate change, development effects, development mode, transformation
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