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Securities Interest In Research

Posted on:2011-11-21Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1119360305997132Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the reform and opening up, especially since the 90s of last century in the south of Deng Xiaoping made an important speech on the capital market, after China opened the path to financial reform, financial markets sustained, rapid and healthy development of securities market development is particularly eye-catching. However, China's securities market development also faces many problems to be solved.How to adhere to the Marxist method of analysis to solve problems in development of securities markets to be our focus of attention. We benefit from the Marxist theory, interest theory, methods of analysis with the interests of the actors observe the securities market, to learn about stock market nature of the problem, propose solutions to the problem.Researching interests in securities, or studying the securities from the perspective of interest, is an innovative work. This innovation appears in the following points:First, the interests of Marxist theory, interest theory, and construct the analytical framework proposed and effectively defined the interests of the core areas of the securities. Interest in the securities industry more complex analysis of these issues should be difficult to find entry point, from the perspective of interest to study the issue of the securities industry is feasible and realistic, because the securities field of interest of the perpetrator's goal is to maximization. Interest is the nature of reality and the pursuit of the benefits and opportunities for the future, this benefit can be absolute or relative, and both the specific interests, but also the interests of the abstract, both short-term interests, but also long-term benefits. Securities companies pursue a wide range of areas of interest, multiple, conflicts of interest and constitute the basic driving force of securities companies. We not only on the interests of research interests, but clarify the process of securities companies and interests in the operations between related parties, interests, and formed the mechanism of the formation of such a relationship.Second, through a variety of standard classification of the securities proposed and demonstrated the essential attribute of interest. We propose a virtual sexual interest securities, credit and separation benefits, risk of monopoly, pluralism, the gain of the basic properties.Third, the proposed and demonstrated with different resources and strength to prevent the securities into securities interest groups ideas and proposals of interest groups, to prevent the occurrence of the interests of the middle of the process, improve the efficiency of the overall market. At the same time, proposed and demonstrated a shared interest is the fundamental guarantee for the sustainable long-term stability securities market. Stock market as an important part of the financial markets, the market for advancing the process of promoting market economy to build and improve, improve intensification of economic growth and achieve sustainable economic development and reduce financial risks and ensure the country's financial and economic safety, are of great significance. The establishment of large-capacity, high efficiency, with the market economic development needs of the securities market is currently facing China's financial development and reform a major issue.China's securities market in the perfect capital market and even the entire financial market system, promote corporate restructuring, financial intermediation, optimal allocation of resources, promote industrial restructuring and the national economy healthy and stable development of the positive role played by the undeniable, but there's the problem If can not be solved on the stock market is difficult to deeper, broader level of development and with the international market.Shortcomings of this article there are several aspects. First, because we can not collect relevant data and information, not to test in the securities industry stakeholders and coordinating relations between the game; Second, the means exist because of insufficient exhaust all existing benefits associated with the securities industry, the parties between the interests of the relationship, such as securities companies and trust companies, securities companies and investment companies, securities companies and the lease interest between the companies; Third, there because lack of theoretical basis, we can not by theoretical model to analyze the central government, between local government and multi-interest securities market game.Second, through a variety of standard classification of the securities proposed and demonstrated the essential attribute of interest. We propose a virtual sexual interest securities, credit and separation benefits, risk of monopoly, pluralism, the gain of the basic properties.Third, the proposed and demonstrated with different resources and strength to prevent the securities into securities interest groups ideas and proposals of interest groups, to prevent the occurrence of the interests of the middle of the process, improve the efficiency of the overall market. At the same time, proposed and demonstrated a shared interest is the fundamental guarantee for the sustainable long-term stability securities market. Stock market as an important part of the financial markets, the market for advancing the process of promoting market economy to build and improve, improve intensification of economic growth and achieve sustainable economic development and reduce financial risks and ensure the country safety; financial and economic safety, are of great significance. The establishment of large-capacity, high efficiency, with the market economic development needs of the securities market is currently proplems facing China; financial development and reform a major issue.China's securities market in the perfect capital market and even the entire financial market system, promote corporate restructuring, financial intermediation, optimal allocation of resources, promote industrial restructuring and the national economy healthy and stable development of the positive role played by the undeniable, but there is the problem If can not be solved on the stock market is difficult to deeper, broader level of development and with the international market.Shortcomings of this article there are several aspects. First, because we can not collect relevant data and information, not to test in the securities industry stakeholders and coordinating relations between the game; Second, the means exist because of insufficient exhaust all existing benefits associated with the securities industry, the parties between the interests of the relationship, such as securities companies and trust companies, securities companies and investment companies, securities companies and the lease interest between the companies; Third, there because lack of theoretical basis, we can not by theoretical model to analyze the central government, between local government and multi-interest securities market game.
Keywords/Search Tags:Securities, interest relations, Economic analysis, Interestes harmonizing
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