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Within The Framework Of Economic Innovation Theory, An Exploration Of The Institutional Reform For Financial Institutions Under Particular Competition Conditions

Posted on:2007-08-14Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:B R ChenFull Text:PDF
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The theory of evolvement is one of the ways to view the world. It emphasizes the dimension of time. It considers sense as the relation tool of variance and time. The theory of economic evolvement derives from biology evolvement, but in essence, it derives from cultural evolvement, and this is the characteristic that distinguished from biology evolvement, among of these, the participation of sense is the most important factor. Spontaneous evolvement of economy would not always lead to efficiency, however, evolvement efficiency is the dynamic process of sustainable improvement. System itself is one of the parts of evolvement system. When the market evolves, as well as system. The alteration relationship exists between the market and the system. From the aspects of evolvement, system not only restrict act but also secure it, system not only define opportunities of economy but also provide the opportunities, but all of these need the participation of sense. Under the different conditions, sense would demonstrate different characteristics, and influent the performance of the whole economy by act, decision and expectation. Therefore, the study mechanism of adaptability plays a more important role in economy evolvement. When the economy would not show the state that we have expected before, and the gap between expectation and reality has been observed, reform of oblige mechanism would occur. However, the process of reform in system combines the study and the expand of intellectual model. After taking adaptable study and sense into consideration, the policy design of system reform should follow with the ideas of evolvements, such as, declaration, procedure, and act cultivation etc. It is different from the frame under the model of dealing cost, it regards policy design as the process of oblige study and introduce study under the situation of complicated net. For financial reform of China, ideas of evolvement are very important evolvement of finance has many particularities, and these particularities decide the important significance of the agreement...
Keywords/Search Tags:Economic Evolution, Institutional Reconstruction, Soft Constraint, Rural Financial Reform, Financial Ecology
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