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On The Commonality Of Knowledge

Posted on:2003-02-10Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W G WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1119360182498245Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Traditional epistemology is a paradigm of thought of subjective philosophy that presupposes the origin of rationality is ego or ego-consciousness. The main problems that traditional epistemology solves are the universal necessity and objectivity of knowledge. Empiricism moves to skepticism and agnosticism at last. Rationalism often asks for God to guarantee the objectivity of knowledge. Both empiricism and rationalism consider the commonality of knowledge as a hidden supposition without paying attention to it. As a model of traditional epistemology, Kant philosophy tries to synthesize the most significant opinions of empiricism and rationalism. It regards universal validity as objective validity. It is quite valuable that the commonality of knowledge is emerged. However, the problem of the objective validity of knowledge has not been solved reasonably because of its stand of transcendental philosophy. Subject and object cannot be truly corresponded and united.20's century western philosophy turns to "rationality of sociality" or "life-world" to overcome the difficulties of traditional epistemology. They probe a philosophical way that bases on the "life-world" where subject connects with object. However, the turn of 20's century western philosophy is not accomplished in one move. There are some metaphysical remains in early analytic philosophy. Husserl phenomenology pursues absolute certainty. So, we can say early analytic philosophy and Husserl phenomenology are only the prelude or preparation of the turn. Later Wittganstein's "world-picture" theory, Heidegger and Gadamer's "fore-structure", Bourdieu's "habitus" all implicate the thought or consciousness. That is they partially accept that the problem of objective validity of knowledge is a complex structure that contains some links. Wittganstein's "form of life", Heidegger's "Mitsein", Gadamer's "Horizonverscheleleung", Habermas's "ideal speech situation" and other philosophers' related opinions implicate the thought or consciousness that partially approve of the aspect of commonality of knowledge. On some point, these thoughts and opinions are all valuable achievements on objective validity of knowledge. However, they deny the complete independence and necessary universality of theoretical rationality or transcendental ego, as a result, they move to pragmatism and relativism at last.As a new pattern of thought or philosophy, Marx modern practical philosophy has established the primary position of life and practical rationality and surpassed...
Keywords/Search Tags:Theoretical philosophy, Practical philosophy, Knowledge, Objective validity, Commonality
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