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Chongqing Rural Road Development Boosting Mechanism And Difficulties Breakthrough Strategy Research

Posted on:2012-05-28Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:K X NieFull Text:PDF
GTID:1119330368990190Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
To enhance construction of rural transportation infrastructure is a significantly basic guarantee to construct new socialist countryside. The development of rural road is used to promote the overall planning of urban and rural,and the same effect to combine production with lifestyles and change values of resident. Accordingly, urban and rural areas will grow up comprehensively and coordinately.To develop the construction of rural road is the requirement to promote the development of modern agriculture,the comprehensively productive capacity of agriculture, strenghen the basic status of agriculture; is the requirement to boom the rural economy, better the productive and living conditions for the farmers, narrow the gap between the urban and rural;is the requirement to widen the employment methods for rural, improve the employment transfer of surplus labor force of rural, increase farmers' income; also the requirement to expand the domestic demand, develop rural market and directly drive rural economic development.It is important for social economy to face up to the development difference of rural road and other road, solve rural road development dilemma, and give full play to the rural road thrusting the mechanism and effect of urban and rural areas. Narrowing the'three big gap'between rich and poor, urban and rural, regional and regional has been written in "The Twelfth Five-Year-Guideline" and development goals in Chongqing. This thesis based on the actual development of Chongqing's rural road, through analysis of the status of rural road development, particularly empirical research of the rural road promoting the overall planning of urban and rural mechanism and effect to discuss the mechanism of the rural road development promoting the coordinated development of urban and rural.This thesis mainly research center is:Chongqing rural road development status and the environment, Chongqing rural road development in comparison with other road development, Chongqing rural road development dilemma,Chongqing rural road development regional differences in comparison, Chongqing rural road promoting the overall planning of urban and rural mechanism and effect, Chongqing rural road development of the basic ideas and policy suggestions.The critical issue which the thesis want to solve is:Analysis Chongqing rural road development dilemma and the restricting factors and the differences between rural road construction with other road construction. Through discuss Chongqing rural road promoting the overall planning of urban and rural mechanism and effect to propose the policy and suggestions of Chongqing's rural road development.This thesis is divided into 8 chapters,according to one research ideas as ask questions,analyze problems and solve problems, the framework as follows:Chapter one:Introduction. Put forward the thesis' research purpose and significance of the study, the main research contents and methods, also discuss the research characteristics and main innovation.Chapter two:Related theories and literature review. Combined with the research content this part mainly elaborated the thesis related theories, including theory of the economic attributes of rural road, theory of public goods in rural areas, market economy theory, the overall planning of urban and rural theory and so on.Chapter three:Chongqing rural road development status and the environment. The main analysis is the development status, the existing problems, the construction system and the environment of Chongqing rural road. The regional differences of Chongqing rural road development. The thesis through sampling statistical analysis to compare the difference regions of Chongqing "a circle two wings" rural highway development in order to better help the government to make Chongqing rural road development policy, alleviate the imbalance local economic development, promote coordinated regional economic development.Chongqing urban and rural differences between road development.This thesis mainly compare Chongqing rural road with other road in the development situation, in order to provide theoretical basis for urban and rural road of equalization developmentChapter four:Rural road promote the overall planning of urban and rural mechanism and effect. This chapter is the focus of this thesis that aimed at analyse the rural road promote the overall planning of urban and rural mechanism and effect. We discusse the power for the rural road promote the overall planning of urban and rural by various methods as integrated mechanism, flow mechanism, and cooperation mechanism, and investigate the effect of Chongqing rural road construction investment.Chapter five:The real diagnosis of rural road promote the overall planning of urban and rural. Mainly show by the massive documents for example:Built BeiJin highway have an effect on JinDaoXia town,built LongFengJiao town have an effect on Long Che village, built WuXian highway have an effect on local economy, built rural road have an positive effect on fanners to improve production and living conditions, adjustment of rural industry structure, farmers' income, the new rural construction and so on.Chapter six:Chongqing rural road development dilemma. Including:institutional defect of rural road supply, the contradiction between supply and demand and the difficulties of rural road maintenance and management.Chapter seven:Chongqing rural road development countermeasure. According to above research the thesis propose the specific measures about rural road promote the overall planning of urban and rural that Including insist on harmonious development of urban and rural road, perfect rural road supply mechanism, develop the rural community as the guidance, built innovative rural road development mode and financing channel, planning rural road scientific and so on.Chapter eight::Research conclusion and policy suggestion. According to finishing the main research conclusion, put forward the policy suggestion of Chongqing rural road development, finally point out the disadvantage of this thesis and the future research directions.The thesis on the basis of theoretical discussion and empirical research shows that: First, Chongqing's rural road construction is insufficient, underdevelopment, and can't meet the basic requirements of social and economic developmentThe existing rural roads are poor quality, lower level and low operational efficiency.Second, compared with the investment of highways, high-grade highways and urban roads, the investment of Chongqing's rural roads has big difference which ratio close to one to seven. Investment in rural roads has been weakened, and the contradiction that the waste of highway construction and the short development of rural roads is outstanding. For a long time in China's dual economic structure, the government has taken the binary supply system in the supply of rural roads which has difference in urban and rural. In this "dual" development model and system, because of implementing the "feeding the industry with agriculture", "Heavy city light agriculture" strategies and policies which give priority to the development of urban tilt-oriented, thus it has formed the imbalance of urban and rural national income and social interests distribution pattern and system, as well as corresponding differences in urban and rural areas there are other supply system of rural roads and basic system. Management system naturally made government take more attention to City Highway supplies. While rural roads, due to their low commodity property and the restriction of the counties financial often neglected.Third, Chongqing rural road supply system defects lead to rural road supply gross inadequacy and the difference between the area. Local government undertook the task of building more roads in rural areas, but not a stable source of revenue, which is the main reason for the imbalance between the supply of rural roads. In rural road construction process, the problem of insufficient funds has seriously hampered the development of the road in rural areas, especially in the underdeveloped rural area highway construction financing dilemma is particularly prominent. Nowadays the rural highway financing is facing a lot of problems, such as financing channel is too narrow, funds shortage, seriously restricting the development of rural road and rural economy.Fourth,There are 40 districts and counties of Chongqing and their internal economic development has large differences. The economic development level of local district determines the rural road construction and management conditions. The circle around Chongqing economy is relatively developed and so the rural roads development is better than that of northeast and southeast rural highways. The southeast needs to speed up rural road construction compared to the relatively backward areas. However, its rural roads development is more backward owing to economic backwardness and lack of financial resources. To resolve this paradox, the Government should adopt declining supporting policies. Fifth,Rural roads play roles of promoting social equity in rural poverty, accelerating economic efficiency of factor mobility and strengthening synergistic cooperation of urban-rural system in urban and rural development. Development of rural roads has the following advantages. It can reduce urban-rural economic dual gap, result GDP growth multiplier effect, speed up the process of integration of urban and rural society, improve the overall status of the rural poor, transfer effectively rural surplus labor force and increase employment, promote effectively two-way flow of resources and open up the urban and rural markets obstruction, improve rural road network system and strengthen the role of the backbone road, enhance towns'gather and spread function and play urban cluster effect. The above advantages of improving "three rural" and urban and rural areas practice effect have been demonstrated by the reality.Sixth,We do not stress that every household in rural has to have access to road in road development. On rural road development, we must first consider the villagers' needs and the rationality and feasibility of socio-economic environment and many aspects. Rural road development should be rural social and economic development-oriented and adhere to the harmonious development of urban and rural roads. And it is also necessary to improve the rural road supply mechanism, create rural road construction management and financing mode, plan scientifically rural road construction, strengthen rural road transport system and interact with regional economic developmentThe thesis's innovative points:(1) The article indicates the great differences between the rural road construction and other road construction in chongqing, and bring forth new strategic point of view the government should be focusing on the development of rural road, increase payments to rural road, on the basis of analysing the insufficiency, undevelepment, unbalance of regional development in rural road construction in chongqing.(2)Through taking example by the related theory and analysing cases, the article expounds mechanism of the effect of the rural road construction on the coordination of rural and urban development. On the basis of the role that rural roads play in urban and rural development in the process of promoting social equity in rural poverty accelerating the economical efficiency of the factor mobility and strengthening urban-rural system interoperability, it is proposed that three mechanisms that rural road development boosts the urban and rural development Integrated mechanism, flow mechanism and coordination mechanism, verifying the above views through cases.(3)Using the management thought of "development pole theory "for reference, put forward that we should take the theory of "give priority to efficiency with due consideration to fairness "as a guidance, firstly choose the county and area which fit the area condition and their economic foundation relatively good, establish the construction of rural highway as a prior development pole, urge the elements and economic activities in areas gather to preponderant location, allocate resources rationally in industrial clusters whose core are leading industry,in order to produce scaling economy and accumulative effect;and then through the function of developing pole,launch the economy of backward area more quickly,to realize the regional economy develops harmonious and fast in a relatively short period of time.Chongqing also made to promote rural road development should be oriented social and economic development in rural areas; adhere to the harmonious development of urban and rural roads; effective mechanism for improving the supply of rural roads; innovation management and financing of the rural road construction; scientific planning of rural road construction; the strengthening of rural road transport system; rural road development should form the interaction mechanism with the regional economic development and other academic point of view.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural road, boosting mechanism, Difficulties breakthrough
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