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Contemporary China's Reform And The Cost Of Research

Posted on:2006-07-03Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:D Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360155975073Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Reform and opening-up are the distinct characteristics of modern China. Upon this great social change, people have done a lot of researches from different perspectives. One of the perspectives is to research on the positive effect of reform, namely, the great achievements as a result of reform. Furthermore, we also need to analyze the negative effect of reform, namely, the negative influence of reform. By doing these researches, we can perfect our reforming targets and adjust the reforming modes. Such a perspective is what we called "cost" perspective. This article will study reform from the very perspective.The main motive power of China' s reform is our reflection on the cost that traditional system has given rise to. It is the defects of traditional system and the cost resulting from it that pushed us to reform. However, new cost arises because we have to pay and even sacrifice for the reform, and bear the negative effect brought about by the reform. The history of reform is characterized with both splendid achievements and constant cost. The causes of reforming cost are complicated and varied. Some are rooted in the cognitive relativity and historical limitations; some are rooted in the conflicts and contradicts of different values; some are derived from misconducts in policy selection and decision making. Thus, some costs are not completely avoidable, but some are controllable and some can be reduced.Although the cost of reform is unavoidable, it can be controlled within reasonable limits. Only reform with controllable cost will push the development of our society. Otherwise, if the cost of reform becomes out of control and surpasses a certain limit, it will offset the positive effect brought by reform and lead reform to failure. The former Soviet Union has taught us a good lesson. As to the reform of modern China, the cost within reasonable limit should be less than the benefits of reform; should not "do harm to the nature of socialism" ; should not damage the benefits of the majority; should be beneficial to the construction of harmonious society.In case that the cost of reform breaks through the reasonable limits,we have to adjust and control the cost. This will both meet internal requirement of market economy and support continuous reform. In the course of adjusting and controlling reform cost, we must properly treat the reform, development and stability; coordinate all kinds of interests; insist on the justice of reform. Recently, with the reform moving on, there emerged some complicated conflicts and problems at high level. In order to guard and dissolve all kinds of risks aroused by reform, and take the cost of reform and development under control, the central government has put forward timely the concept of scientific development as guidance to the construction of a well-to-do society. The concept of scientific development is endowed with a bright sense of cost. Within the framework of scientific development, man is the centre and no development at the cost of man is allowed; comprehensive and coordinative development is the goal, and no unbalanced development at the cost of some social element is allowed; sustainable development of economic society is desirable, and no instant development and prosperity at the cost of resources, environment and the descendant' s benefits are allowed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Reform, Development, Cost
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