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Decision Economics Research

Posted on:2006-06-13Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Q WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360152983408Subject:Chinese Minority economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of economy and economics, many new economic sciences have formed, such as economics of decision-making. But look back the studies to the issue, you will find that the fact is so poor: first, in America there is only one book named 'Decision making', which issues company's financial decision-making; second, the studies mainly faced about the decision-making procedures, not theories; third, as categorized by "mainly aim to theory or to practical use ", economics consists of two family parts, but this category has invisible imperfection. Fourth, in domestic theory there has been many misunderstanding about decision-making science, management, economics and so on. Naturally , this research aims at conducting an analysis in demonstrative and normative ways on the functional goals and the framework for economics of decision-making.This research is composed of six chapters: chapter 1, basic problems of decision economics theory: as to the conceit of decision-making, the classes of economic decision-making, what is economics of decision-making and it's studies construction; chapter 2, about the resources and improvement of decision economics theory, mainly analyzes the school of social choice, game theory, the school of managerial decision-making; chapter 3, about the relationships amongdecision-making science, management, economics, managerial economics, economics of information, and so on; chapter 4, mainly to public decision-making, such as the distribution effect of public expenditure, the allocation efficiency of public resources, the selfness of public economic agent. There are many misplays in public decision-making and bring out huge loss in public interest. The article defines and categorizes the public policy decision misplay of economics, then analyzes the reasons , at last, points out that the best thing to save the misplay is to develop a genetic public decision-making system; chapter 5, points to company's decision-making, concerned that investment decision-making is the most valuable process; chapter 6, the last , is conclusions about director's decision-making and the out-brains.
Keywords/Search Tags:decision-making, economic decision-making, economics of decision-making
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