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Socialism And Reality

Posted on:2002-01-07Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360032451915Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
All the practices in the public ownership nowadays declare they are of ownership by whole people, which is completely in the form of national ownership. Countless facts and the time as long as more than 80 years have proved that the national ownership is low effective arid is quite different from ideality. Speaking from the angle of the unity of methods and purposes. Socialism means to continuously realize the optimized balance between efficiency and justice through implemplemanation of modem system of public ownership and modem democratic politics, so as to make the creative abilities of the whole people into full play. And all of the people live peacefully looking at from the angle of Modem civilization, the main differences of the Capitalism from socialism are the means or methods, i .e. the form to realize the above-mentioned purposes. The problem of methods herein can be concluded in the problems of the social system. The most basic conflict of the human society lies in the conflict for interest, the ways to solve the conflict for interests are not to deny personal interests but to realize the interests of collective groups and the whole society On the prerequisite to satisfy the personal interests, the better the coordination between personal interests and the social for their relationship will be lower, and the economic efficiency will be higher. Among all the problems of Man, the first is the problem for existence. Any economic systems, no matter how perfectly they are designed, are sure not to be good systems as long as they are unfavorable for improving the economic efficiency~ an economic system should be an encouragement, Encouragement is important because Man is the principal part of the society and the center of the history The interests of Man are the initiative power for actions and a permanent motive force. The public ownership is to issue the means of production to the broad mass of laborers, all the people should take part in labor, and all the laborers should be owners of property. The negation of the public ownership to the private ownership is not a negation to personal interests, but to rebuild a ~personal Ownership Svstem~ on the bases that all the people jointly to occupy the means of production. to work jointly?and to share the labor results together. This is just where the humanism within the socialist public ownership lies. Ownership by the whole people is the system imagined by Marx and Engeles for the senior stage of socialism. The contents of the ownership by the whole people is all the society members occupy all the means of production. which implies inevitably such a personal interests, the ownership b~?the whole people is not the form of public ownership in the primar~ stage of socialism. Ownership by the whole people does not mean national ownership. All the practices of the socialist ownership by the whole people are all under the national ownership. The property right system in the national ownership is a system of administrative style and is impossible to provide reasonable and effective property encouragement or restriction. besides. it lacks necessary economic sense, and political target is superior of profit target. National interests take the place of personal interests and collective interests: planned orders replace prices to instruct the market. The enthusiasm initiatives and creativit~ of the enterprises and the laborers are shrinking daily. The national ownership as a malady for the basic economic system of the so...
Keywords/Search Tags:Socialism
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