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The Origin Analysis On The Theory Of Labor In Marx' Philosophy

Posted on:2013-02-19Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116330371479304Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper is based on the evolution of labor theory in the western politicaleconomics, and focuses on research work of itself in Marx'philosophy, at the sametime to discuss the fate of this thought in the contemporary society.This paper is composed of three parts.The first part is: from Rock to Marx. From the definition and understanding onlabor in ancient and Christian, the paper puts forward the concept of labor theory inorigin meanings. In ancient times, the work is regarded as a reward and punishment ofthe crime for original sin. the human must work for a living. Until the protestant era,labor is viewed as meaningful activities. Labor initially is connect with wealth in thewestern modern ideology in thesis. the discussion of the labor is tightly aroundpeople's material life, the classical political economics theorists completed thedemonstration of labor positive economics. From the perspective of activities to makea living, Locke elaborated the status and function of material life of the labor inhuman society systematically. Smith made the labor concept get ride of the limit ofspecial form, he take the "general labor" concept as the source of wealth. Hegel madethe people's material as the inspection object, analysis the hidden relationship in it. Hestudy labor in the consciousness come true, take it as the necessary means to liberatethe human from natural constrain .Hegel thought that we can embody the socializationof human and nature only through the labor activities. But Hegel's ultimate purpose isnot emphasized the status of individual labor in human history, but the power ofabsolute idea. As a result, Hegel's labor concept is never go beyond the horizon ofclassical political economics theory.The second part of the paper is: the historical evolution of Marx'labor topic.Marx preliminary explore the research object , method and basic content of hispolitical economics studies, through to the analysis of the connotation of alienatedlabor theory, the alienated labor theory is the starting point which founded the theoryof surplus value, in the < outline about Feuerbach>, and the < German ideology>,Marx explicitly expressed the thought of historical materialism with scientific concept,pointed out that the essence of the human is labor activities, and which is the sum totalof social relations. Marx realized the understanding of the relationship betweenelevated to the historical materialist theoretical level in the < philosophy of poverty> ". He establish the basic principle and category of historical materialism though thecriticism to Proudhon. He pointed out that history for people, is the history of thedevelopment of material production, but also physical material production mode ofdevelopment history; In <capital>, Marx relate the social criticism and the criticizingon capitals in together, to reveal the contradiction in the capitalist economicrelationship through the analysis on the labor theory.The third part of the paper is: the fate of Marx'labor theory in the contemporarytime. Marx'labor concept practice troubles which come from theory and reality inmodern consumer society. One is the labor identity face challenges and laborconfirmed is failure for the person ontology foundation. The second is the"labor-production" concept met activists question and critique from postmoderntheorists which focused their criticism on Marx's economic analysis, to interpretationthe basic concept destructively. The dominant of production to consumption ischanged because production condition in contemporary social. People enjoy cheerfulfor the symbol meaning in the f consumer goods than demand for material properties.Therefore, with the special qualitative convert the symbol of the content into thesignificance which the people needs, consumption become the mainstreamrecognition mode in modern society ; At the same time the postmodern theory fiercecriticism the concept of "need" and "use value", "production". They think that Marxlabor argument did not really beyond the capital ideology. Including the analysis tothe capital , the discussion and the ideas to the future society, all of that is in the rangeof rational and asset class enlightenment of political economics theory in 18th century.Postmodern scholars try to complete their critical analysis to the modern society innew theory, this actually reflect the intrinsic connections between the post-modernsociety critical theory and Marx'theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:labor, product, use value, value, contacts
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