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Ming Dynasty Hongwu To Masanori The Imperial Academy And Literature

Posted on:2007-02-03Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115360185477413Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The literature achievment of Hanlinyuan (翰林院) in Ming Dynasty has its own important status in the Ming literary history,especially before the growing-up of Pre-Seven Writers (前七子) , the works of Hanlinyuan writers were worshiped by people and would soon be the rage. Thus, the hanlinyuan literature creating activities were the mainstream in the period from Year Hongwu to Year Zhengde. The organizational system of Ming Hanlinyuan and paths of Hanlinyuan officials offered favourable guarantee to Hanlinyuan writers. During the initial stages in Ming Dynasty, a lot of writers had been researched theories on how to construct Hanlinyuan literature and acquired some common senses,then the so-called TaigeTi (台阁体) came into being. The Parnassus once coexisted several poetic genres gradually accepted TangShiPinHui (《唐诗品汇》) as its tutorial and established its direction to learning poesies of Tang Dynasty. The Hanlinyuan writers run down the origin of Hanlinyuan prose, established the theory to learn prosaic works of Pre-Qin, Hans ,Tang and Song Dynasties and switched to the Eight Masters of Tang and Song Dynasties(唐宋八大家). During the course, Yang Shi-qi made a decisive role. In more than sixties years from Year Yongle to Year Zhengtong, the literary world were dominated by TaigeTi with Three writers surnamed Yang as its leaders and Hanlinyuan writers as its main. Either before the shaping of TaigeTi or its prevailing, there existed some Hanlinyuan writers whose products diferrentiated from TaigeTi writers. Along with the malpratices came into being, TaigeTi products lost their livingness in Years from Jingtai toTianshun, however, Hanlinyuan assembled many writers and they created lots of works. The style of Hanlinyuan writers changed slowly, some wrote foppish works, some created grand and bizarrerie works,some emphasized on literary grace and some according as Confucian sutra, etc. Qiujun early than Li Dongyang advocated writing pratically and payed attention to texual research, his style was severe and clean. The opinion of paying attention to texual research was inherited by Cheng Min-zheng and apply in his writing. During Years Chenghua to Zhengde, Li Dong-yang refreshed the literatue of Hanlinyuan. His friends and pupils constituted an organization named Chaling Shool with a large scale,which presented certain distinctness with TaigeTi. They modeled poesies of Tang Dynasty and they also selected excellent poesies of Song and Yuan Dynasties. They had limpid and clear style and they emphsized much on literary characteristics and weakened the trend of comparision between scenery and morality. Besides the above contents, Confucianism had been hanging over Hanlinyuan literature densely. With the Confucianism at the core, there were some influential writers in Hanlinyuan and they influenced Hanlinyuan literary style till in Years Chenghua and Hongzhi.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hanlinyuan, Literature of Hanlinyuan, Confucianism, TaigeTi, Li Dong-yang
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