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Reproduction Of The Min Clan And Its Culture

Posted on:2006-06-23Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J DuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115360152483384Subject:Cultural anthropology theory and methods
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The dissertation gives a thick description of a village lineage in North tries to complete two objects: first of all, focusing on descrpting a lineage for atoning a deficiency, that is to say, there is not a special study of the lineage in Noth China since the 20 century; secondly, devoting a date for discussing the reproduction about the lineage culture.Min lineage enjoys a lot of surface cultural feature with the South lineage, but it is the other kind .Wu-fu is its basic working unit of an organization. For Min people, one the one hand, Wu-fu is a unit with the reality function, on the other hand ,it is a cultural rite unit. The community of Wu-fu and the community of realitve almoust can deal with the subsistting pressure of all kinds in the reality. To sum up. although it had some traits of entity, it is naturally viewed as a symbol beingsTParticularly, it entirely had developed a symbol beings since it had been restrucured.During the process of the modernization,the lineage culture in the tradition time hade been eradicated, but in orde to resolve the life crisis in the present age, and install the filial piety which had been disappered into the mind of the young, Min people had reconstructed their ancestral hall. In fact, the process of reconstruction is the reproduction of lineage members'identity, lineage one ,and the state one , also, it is the process of the reproduction of the relation between the state and the local community. Culture had been expressed with the face of history in the action, meanwhile, culture had been changed and created with the form of history.Chapter 1 introduces the geographical general situation of the fieldwork site, Min people's composition of population and economy, the historical cultural background or the region around the fieldwork site.Chapter 2 portrays the history of village and lineage, reveals that the filial piety is an intrinsic trait, discusses the relation between the state and the lineage.Chapter 3 makes an investigation the organization of lineage and its function, of course, also including other organizations in the village. Through the study of the extrinsic features of lineage, we tentatively reveal that the lineage is not the one, which people usual imagine so. To sum up, although it nad some traits of entity, it is naturally viewed as a symbol beings.Particularly. It is a big lineage whose members live around the ancestralhall and some villages arounathe temple.Chapter 4 at first analyzes the family construction and types, and the continuing and dividingof family:Secondly, shows the kinship system of Min people,; finally, exploes the recognizing scope about the patriarchal relative and the relative through marriage.Chpter 5 through observing and studying procreating, matrimony, funeral arrangements, sacrifical rites, and the daily life and production, indicate that the unit of Wu-fu is the reality basic function uint of Min lineage, not the all lineage as the lineage of the south china. For Min people, one the one hand, Wu-fu is a unit with the reality function, on the other hand ,it is a cultural rite unit. By means of the exchanging and linking of marriage, a community of Wu-fu develops as a community of the relative through marriage, so much so that expand as a local villagers.At last, I talk over the maintaining and disintegrating.Chapter 6 had studyed the history ofcommunity since most of 100years,tries to make a conclusion that natural disaster,bandit and war destroy the village and the lineage. Because the different members of lineage pursue the different social force, so that there has a disunite state in the village and lineage.Chapter 7 talks about some things happehed since the final phase of 1940s. There is only a kind of social sturcture in Chinese. Under the interference of new country power, the divided village for 30 years had been integrated into a whole. New country how to permeate into the countryside , Min people how to catch the opportunity and new power for successful entering the political stage of the village, which is the fo...
Keywords/Search Tags:Min people, lineage, Min lineage, filial piety, Wu-fu, status, community, cultural reproduction, history-constructionism, design of modcrnazional system.
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